[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:20 pm

Mimi tried to keep pushing herself. She was coming close to feeling numb and felt that maybe she should embrace it. There was nothing that she could do. The constant repeating of 'Apple is right' kept on going in her mind. The girl then looked over to Cat and saw that she was sucking her thumb. She figure that if now was the time then she was might as well. Still something warm was felt within her as she watched Cat. Somehow she felt the need to protect the girl or at least try. Mimi wasn't sure why but it just felt natural.

The girl with her new vigor decided that she should fight against the pressing thoughts and keep her up technopath attack. If she was going to lose then she was going to be fighting till the end. She then spoke to herself but it could be taken as if she was talking to White Skull, "So what are you going to do now?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:42 pm

Horo had almost reached the strange looking man with her sword, before she crashed bodily into the energy field that guarded both the man and the core of the machine. The force of impact sent her flying backwards, loosing her grip on her sword as she flew backwards, rolling a few times along the ground before coming to a halt. Quickly she would pull herself to her feet and looked back towards the man and the machine core, looking at the blue-green shield that now surronded their target, shaking her head for a moment as things seemed to be getting even more complicated. She looked around as she listened to the strange looking man boast about the strength and power of his shield.

“Well, I don't know much about forcefields, radiation, or technology in general....but I have read enough comics to know that any time someone talks about Gamma and Monsters, we are talkng Hulk like in strength” she spoke out loud as she spotted her sword and leapt over to pick it up, sweeping it up into her hands as she looked back towards the Zola “So, I hope you guys have some ideas what to do, because right now all I know how to do is hit things” She kept looking around to see if there was anything she could use against the man and his forcefield, a weakness or a weapon, but there was little she could recognize.

As she looked around for a weakness, she spotted Zola's strange green minions twisting and merging into the another form, morphing into a hulk like form before her eyes and very soon after it rushed them. She barely avoided it's charge, shockingly fast for how large it had become. She had leapt to a side, tumbling to oneside before recovering quickly, looking to see what her companions were doing, put before she could spot them, there were several loud bangs which caused a loud ringing in both her ears. She had to cover them for a moment before she looked up to see Stella taking on the large green hulk monster, while Ming seemed to charge the core again, so Horo decided to follow suit.

Springing forward, ducking past the large green monster as Stella kept it's attention, watching Ming's actions as she approached the core, watching her aim a dropkick at the core, though Horo imagined that it might simply trigger the shield again, so she devised her own plan of attack. She watched Ming's attack, moving quickly so she could time her own attack. After Ming's attack finished, she would rush forward, bending her knees as she leapt high , her sword held in both hands above as she aimed a downward stroke of the sword at the same area Ming had been going for, timing the attack so the concussive force would be released at the last possible moment, almost as the blade would come into contact with the shield, so it had as much of her strength and momentum behind it as she could manage, hoping combine with Ming's attack and short intervals between attacks might damage or collapse the shield, but there would be a price to pay. At this range, the concussive force would effect her too, sending her flying backwards away from Zola and the core.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:33 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Cat broke quite easily to the white skulls amusement, the magical girl reduced to a sniveling cry baby after only a handful of swats from his magical hand. The hand gripping cat by the head for all to see her broken spirit within her empty eyes “Those who resist will end up like her” he decreed to the fear of all, I mean who knows what a cosmically powered lolicon would do to them.
MUHAHAHA he laughed in victory as suddenly Mimi quipped something towards him. Turning his head towards her “Ohh… still resisting are you?” he said gesturing towards her as Mimi found herself floating towards him “Simple little toy, this was just a stepping stone next is those so called gods and those incompetent alien races. You however don’t need to worry about that.” upon those last words the energy field surrounding her began to glow a deeper red as pure pain and lust filled her senses along with the words to the point that she could hear screaming along with 'follow apple' for a short bit, only to realize that was her own voice. “Let’s see how many you can manage before you become like her.” White skull snickered as the aura began to glow red once more the pain and pleasure increasing across her flesh suddenly hundred of bolts of energy lanced towards the white skull to his surprise. Still it was futile as the energy attacks seemingly faded in power before being drawn into pillar of energy emitting from the cube on the machine.
Still it was enough to draw his attention away from Mimi and Cat as the white skull turned his blood chilling glaze to Sandra “Oh there’s still one more out there? I must say you heroes are as resilient as roaches… I guess I’ll just have to step extra hard this time.” Tossing the cat and Mimi to the side he smirked before floating in the air to greet his attacker.
“I must say I am impressed that you can even move whoever you are” he said mockingly as suddenly he glowed the cosmic cube’s energy funneling into him as suddenly the air seemingly sparkled as millions of energy balls filled the air around him and the machine “Still you must learn your place.” his smile turning into a blood thirsty grin as the energy balls came to life. Sandra sensors would identify the balls as being made of pure cosmic energy… which meant essentially terrible terrible things if even one hit her.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stella’s attacks were successful in distracting the monstrosity but not much more as her bullets and grenades seemed to annoy it at most, the damage they were doing almost superficial as it began to regenerate from those attacks with increasing speed if it even broke the skin at all still annoying it caused it to focus its attacks on her as the pure concussive force from just a missed blow was enough to shred there cloths once again from just the wind pressure. Still it gave Ming/Mark an opening to run through and make another attack, the monster however not pleased she ran past him again however chased her ignoring Stella’s additional attacks. Ming’s attack like Horo predicted failed as Ming bounced off the force field once again with spectacular results like rebounding off both the floor the ceiling from the kinetic kick back. However as she flew away, Horo attacked in a deafening explosion the air/magic crashed upon the spot where Ming had just struck the shield flickering for a moment before holding…
PAWWCHHHH as heard or at least that’s what she thought she heard as Horo was grazed by the abominations punch, her explosion enough to blow her off course so she wasn’t stuck fully. Still it was like getting grazed by a bullet train as bones shatter along her arms and ribs “STOP YOU MORON!!” Arim shouted as the monstrosity punch kept going however, as it hit the force field as monster met force field the green energy field seemingly shatter into a pure energy stream. “YOU FOOL!!!!” Arim shouted in horror as he seemingly melted into a pile of goo from the broken radiation beams, as another one of the pure radiation beam cut across the room it melted through the abomination like a hot knife through butter before striking Stella in a weird act of fate… Stella was saved however as it luckily struck her boobs bouncing off like anything else…. Still it melted the clothes in the way so they were free from confines once again.
(so the energy shield broke but now it’s just a pure gamma radiation stream that melts things in its way into horrible gooey deaths…)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:44 pm

This is it. Sandra thought. I've got his attention, and now it's up to me.

As the massive cosmic energy blasts streamed toward her, Sandra concentrated on some of her new abilities. Her eyes glowed green for a moment, and she split into two perfect copies of herself. Each twin simultaneously dashed away from the other, leaving the cosmic balls to choose which they were going to chase.

Each of the twins' eyes glowed the same irridescent green, and suddenly, there were four Sandras, shooting off in different directions. Then eight. Then sixteen.

Soon, there weren't enough cosmic energy blasts to chase after each of her clones. As the blast nearly caught one of her, the clone seemed to dissolve, it's particles snapping quickly to another Sandra. One-by-one, the Sandras dissolved, regrouping into one, as each of the cosmic blasts lost their target and missed.

Sandra cracked a smile. "I think it's time to knock you off your high horse. Apple will never be able to compete with true processing power like mine."

A thin, strong blade slipped out of her right wrist, and she blasted towards the skull with a cold metallic gleam in her eye. She pushed the fight in closer, hoping to distract the Skull for her comrades to break free.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:53 am

Even though it added to her humiliation, the thumb-sucking kept Cat from becoming hysterical, although that could have been down to the fact she felt utterly drained of strength and energy from The White Skull's last attack. She made a timid little moan sound as she felt the magical hand pulling on her loose blonde hair, forcing her to gaze helplessly into the camera that was broadcasting to the world. Her nose wrinkled as she saw it shift down to look at the wet patch on her pale yellow cotton dress, and she reached out weakly, trying to press her hand over the lens, when she was tossed aside like a rag doll.

Luckily it wasn't too far to fall before hitting the hard surface of the mecha, her outstretched arms breaking her fall as she tumbled over with her momentum, before coming to a stop against another warm body. Turning her head, she blushed brightly, She tried to twist her body to hide her accident from the older teenager, while reaching one hand out to grasp lightly at Mimi's arm, "I.. I'm sorry... ", she said, with tears still rolling down her red cheeks. Pressing closer, she buried her face against the other girl, before realising someone was attacking the White Skull.

"Sandra!", she gasped as she lifted her head and looked up to see clones of her cyborg best friend all around them. "No!", she cried, as the first cosmic bolt struck... but her eyes widened as one by one, the clones reformed into just one Sandra. She could see Sandra had created a distraction... but her self-confidence was shattered. The things the White Skull had called her rang through her head, 'snivelling cry baby', 'just a little girl who wets herself'. She had been broken, mentally, and was in no state to fight. Squeezing her thighs together, one hand brushed her sore bottom through the dress... and she felt like a child that had been punished, in no rush to repeat what it was that she'd done to earn herself the spanking.

"Please help her, Mesume... ", she pleaded, holding the pink wand out to her. "You have to stab this through the cube... ".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:18 pm

Mimi moan in pain as the sphere around her had become red. She was unsure on what to do. Pain filled her body as pleasure was being felt all over. The chanting in her head was also becoming louder as she could hear the very voice sounding a bit like her own. Mimi was going to fall into it but she couldn't let herself. Hearing the talk about gods and such from the White Skull only fueled her only a bit more. She couldn't let herself fall here. Not after getting this far. Mimi tried to focus on the pain and lust as she moans loudly in an attempted to drown out the voices in her head.

It wasn't until Mimi was thrown to the ground that she was able to see what was happening. She opened her eyes abit to see clones of one of their comrades out there fighting against the White Skull. Mimi tried to pull out what she knows from the mess that was her mind and faintly remembered that this girl, Sandra, was hit earlier by the White Skull. She shouldn't be able to fight but there she was.

Mimi then felt a hint of pleasure as she looked down to see that Cat had planted her face into her bust. She moan loudly as Cat's skin touched her own. She place her arms around her and tried to get as much pleasure as she could not caring how she was. It was then that she heard Cat's words.

Mimi stared at the wand for the longest moment. She tried to move but found it hard. Her hand slowly reached out for it and then grabbed it. Mimi tried to fight the urge and chants within her mind. She then began to sing in a song-like voice that only she and Cat were able to hear. The song sounded as one filled with lust and pleasure, "Together we need to do this. Please get up.....If she can fight then we.....should too......Feel the power...."

The girl wasn't sure if she could do this but she could feel her power returning to her and hopefully the song will be able to do the same and more to Cat.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:56 am

Mark hits the floor and bounces off, turning on the floor before finally coming to a stop. She heard all the commotion and knew they had done good as she heard the baddy complain like the whimp he was, but at this point she was tired and being bounced back and crash on the floor was not nice. "Ugh... my back..." she murmered as she turned over and tried to stand up. "D-Did we win?" she says trying to get to her feet and look around the area noticing the weird smog of stuff that came out the machine. "That's... not good..." she said to herself trying getting to her feet, having to use her power once again to make herself really light. "Guys... Whats going on?".
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:58 pm

Stella flies back from the blow of the blob... her clothes shredding from the pressure of the miss. She lands on her rear, skidding a good few feet. Standing up with a groan, she shields her eyes as the blob bashes into the shield... which begins irradiating everything near it as it breaks.

".... great..." She mutters... but the shield was down at least! She takes her pistols, firing into the inner workings of the bot! Hoping something breaks before it gets too hot in here...
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:48 am

As the backlash from such a close range release of energy and force sent Horo hurtling backwards away from the shield. Out of her field of vision, the monster Stella had been fighting had aimed a punch towards her, only sensing it a few moment, the immensity of the pressure that flowed from the fist before it struck her. She seemed to be lucky though, her body was still in motion as it struck but it seemed even clipping her with the punch was more than enough. Her flightpath was dynamically altered because of the punch, sending her in another direction, while the sheer shocking force of the punch could be felt throughout her body. As she finally came to a halt, skidding along the floor, she tried to pick herself up with her hands, but found they were not responding properly, each time she tried to move them, the pain spiked. From what she could tell and feel, both arms seemed to have broken in various places. She then tried to move her body and the same feeling of pain shot through her ribs, feeling as if those were broken as well.

She managed to look around, towards the monster and the shield. Both seemed to have vanished, along with the television-chested man who had been taunting them, replaced with a bright green beam of irradiated light lancing a path across the room. At least until she watched it strike Stella, one of her allies, and rather unbeliveably, bounced right off the woman's breasts though leaving the outfit she was wearing in tatters.

“I'm not sure if I should even be surprised at things like this anymore” She spoke out loud, gritting her teeth a little as she did “I think I'm more surprised that so little of that outfit you are wearing was destroyed....Seems someone out there has a perverted sense of humour” She said outloud again, this time looking in Stella's direction as she spoke to the gun armed and exposed woman. She tried again to move her body but it was still not properly responding after the impact of the creatures punch, meaning all she could do was lay there, her sword was close to hand but it was otherwise useless without the ability to use her arms. In such a state, even if she were able to hold the sword, she imagined attempting to use her strength to swing the blade would just damage her arms further. She wondered for a moment if she could shapeshift back into one of her feral forms, but even she knew that she would still end up having broken limbs and ribs even in that form.

She looked around to see if there was anything she could to help the destroy the AI core, but with her movement limited, there was little she could add at the moment. She then spotted Ming whom once again appeared to be floating, then looked at her sword before an idea came to mind. Looking towards Ming again and called out as much as she was able to the floating girl

“Hey, floating girl...I need you to do something for me, should help destory the AI core now that the crazy shield is down” she motioned as much as she could with her hand to her sword “My sword is dense and heavy enough to break through the core, I think....I can't lift it right now, but if you can make it lighter like you did yourself, you could probably throw it into the core over there as do some damage”
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:34 pm

(admittedly I do feel some irony on Job’s dying and this rp… while I disliked the guy as he more or less symbolized corporate douchebaggary, manipulation, and greed, I do also respect him as being a tech visionary… anyways that wasn’t the reason I haven’t posted, I’ve just been busy so I hadn’t gotten around to it.)
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Mimi’s song buffered the pair a bit before the continuous absorption from the mecha drained it away once again; still it was enough to make the pair feel slightly better before feeling like crap again. After all being stuck on the hull of a mechanical colossuses hundreds of feet in the cold night air as explosions raged around them wasn’t exactly a feel good situation.
The white skull smirked after all he was having fun, I mean what else could crushing heroes be called he savored the sensation of breaking them more so then victory itself. While Stella evasion tricks were neat they were nothing truly worry some to someone like him. After completing the bounded field between all the apple products on the earth it provided him a fields which he could freely use the power cosmic form the cube itself, which meant that within the field he also had cosmic awareness. As she charged intent on impaling him with a crude weapon he felt like he was going to what did those kids call it ah yes ‘ROFL’ at her useless attempt. “Is that it Hero? Dodging me” he said mockingly said as her clones faded, humoring her he let her dash approach him waiting the last second as she was no more than a millimeter away before catching her at inhuman speeds that even she couldn’t react to and seemingly judo tossing like a rag doll her right back into the cosmic energy balls that she had just escaped from.
Maria no Apocalypse looked on from her vantage point, being familiar with celestial technology in her previous… no true form she had spotted what the white skull was doing and had moved herself to somewhere outside his influence , after all a bounded field that applied to earth only applied to earth.
As she looking down from the moon’s surface towards the earth she waited patiently for the right moment having had spent the last several minutes preparing her technorganic weapons with the magical effects she had been imbued with while wondering if the white skull had always been a pedo in the true universe or if it was just a side effect of his current body.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
As radiation leaked out of the broken shield generator it began to flood into the room like a greenish mist that was anything but good, not only that but the radiation beam was cutting wildly back and forth across the chamber slicing the walls and doors apart into melted goo as the machines heart system tried to compensate for the broken shield by pumping even more energy into it. More than a few times in the next few seconds did it come dangerously close to each of them. As Stella fired her bullets at the heart they weren’t any more immune to the radiation beam then the Arim or the fake hulk as they melted and then disintegrated from it. In fact anything that the beam hit seemingly turned to slag so far the only exception to the rule being Stella’s boobs and Horo’s sword which looked no worse for wear despite how much it had already been abused.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:41 am

Cat pressed herself into Mimi's hug, sniffing as tears kept rolling down her cheeks. She didn't even seem to care her face was pressed against another girl's breasts, because it was making her feel a tiny bit better. She still blushed brightly, her wet panties and dress a constant reminder of her shame. A shiver ran down her spine as Mimi's slip arms held her close, before the teenager started to sing to her. However, even with the brief raising of spirits, the girl had been broken by her humiliation, and she was in no condition to return to battle. Sitting up a little, she wiped a hand across her eyes and then shook her head, meeting Mimi's gaze, "I can't do it... I'm not good enough... ", she sobbed, unable to stop herself from crying like a real little girl. Her shoulders slumped in defeat, and she lowered her head, bringing her thumb back into her mouth, sucking on it shamefully.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:43 pm

Mark eyes bug out as she say how all the ordnance that went into the reactor started to melt! "Umm.... Sorry, but there's no way Im staying here! Let's get out of here!" exclaimed Mark as she turned around and make a run for it trying to back from where they came. As she tried to make her escape she would glance back to see if the others were following. This mist of radiation could very well end their lives! "We'll deal with the thing later, Lets go!".
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:32 pm

Horo tried to sit up to see what was going on around her, but with her arms broken from the hit from the hulk-beast that had not long ago been destroyed by the energy unleashed by the shattered shield, she was unable to get any leverage to sit up. She also imagined that right now, she was running on adrenaline which was blocking out most of the pain from the broken bones, but she could certainly feel them, the broken ribs making her breath painfully laboured so she was able to do little more than lay on the floor of the machine's core, feeling rather helpless which was a feeling she found rather uncomfortale and unpleasent. She could see a few things from her laying position on the floor, she noticed various bits of machinery that had been cut apart and melted by the radiation beam that had been released from the shield. So far, it hadn't come near her, she thought she was lucky that she was laying on the floor at the moment, but she didn't know how long it would be before the energy beam cut far to close to her.

Her nose twitched a moment as she noticed a new, unfamiliar and rather unpleasent scent, so she moved as much as she could to look towards the core as she noticed the flowing green mist which seemed to be appearing from where the shield had disappeared. This situation was becoming ever more dangerous and complicated, this time she could not identify an enemy to strike or attack with her strength or her sword. Energy and gas was not something she could affect, and after seeing the damage the radiation and energy had done even to the one who had created it, it suddenly seemed like Mark's idea of escaping seemed far more prudent than she first thought.

"You have a point, it is too dangerous for us in here now" She looked towards Mark for a moment and tried to move her arms again to see if she was able to stand up under her own power though her arms still refused to cooperate enough for her to get up. and the effort sent a surge of pain along her ribs "But I am going to need some help here....I can't move my arms, so I can't get up..."she shuffled a little on her back, but she wasn't able to do much else but wait for one of her two companions to help her to her feet so she could escape with them. The only other thing she could do for the moment was to reseal her sword. She looked at it, closing her eyes and imagining the sword's orginal form, the katana state and in a moment, the large zweihander had shrunk and reformed into the katana was left in it's place, so it would be easier for whoever might help her to pick it up, as in this form it was light weight and easy to handle.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:35 pm

Stella looks to Mark, nods... then looks to Horo. "... y-yeah... hold on a second!" She leaps over to the downed woman, frowning as she looks over her. "This will probably hurt..." She says as she holsters her pistols... gathering up Horo as gently as she can manage before dashing out to follow Mark!
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:41 pm

"No! You must be the one....You were the chosen one," said Mimi as she felt her power raising within her. It wasn't much but it was something. She looked at the girl and then slapped the thumb out of Cat's mouth.

Mimi knew that things looked grim but she couldn't help but want to do something more. She couldn't just leave Cat here. There was a reason why she was chosen to put everything into motion. Then looking out to see the other girl still fighting hard just made Mimi want to fight as well. She spent too long being on the side and for some reason now she wants to fight.

The now large chested girl at once grabbed the rod and held on to Cat with all her might. She then began to push herself up while carrying Cat and was quietly trying to make a break for the cube. She knew her chances were low but it was something. If anything then it would just make them even closer to being useful.

"We are...doing this together," said Mimi as she held Cat closer to her chest. She then began to whisper a song. It wasn't meant to be magical in anyway. Mimi just wanted to hum it to help raise their spirits and keep pushing herself along with Cat. Mimi notice it help brought comfort to Cat and she wanted to at least provide that for the young girl.
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