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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:02 pm
by Harri-chan
Cat smiled and nodded to Mimi, "If it feels easier... I don't mind you calling me that, but it's up to you", she said, gently patting the older girl on the shoulder. Looking back at the mature woman in the smart clothes, she blushed, "Oh right... yeah, it's me, Mark... ". Falling silent, she nodded to Mimi's response after Mark had asked where they were, although there seemed to be a somewhat jealous glint in her eyes, casting envious glances towards the former teenage boy.

"Well, Mimi, sounds like you know more than I do".

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:09 pm
by Danarth
As the layers of metal and machinery rushed by as the small group Horo was with phased through the machine rushed by, the pain was starting to flood in, the adrenaline finally wearing off as the fight began to die down. Biting her lip to prevent a noise coming out as they passed through the final layer of metal and out into the open air. From her position, she looked upwards into the clear night sky for a moment so the glowing white beauty of the moon for the last few seconds she was able to keep full aware and awake, her mind drifting as the pain. She became dimly aware of shouting and clashing from somewhere nearby just on the edge of her still hyper aware sense but she could not really make out much detail as her mind continued to drift away. The next thing she was aware of was a bright flash of light before a voice sounded nearby, it seemed rather familiar but there was little time for her to understand what happened as she passed out finally.

In what only felt like moments later, her eyes flickered open again as she awoke in a strange room. She flexed her arms a moment, noticing the pain had all gone though she still felt a little tender. Touching her ribs, she found they too had been healed. Breathing out slowly before pushing herself up into a sitting position and looking about the room slowly, examining it. It seemed to be a rather well equipped, which she guessed was why the pain was all gone. She began to look around again, but she was not able to locate her sword. She remember that she must have left it behind in that reactor room in the machine. Part of her felt a little bare without the sword, as it had seemed to have been bonded to her. Looking down she also found something else rather peculiar had happened. Her body seemed to have become male again, she could tell by the shape of her body had change. Getting up and looking around for a moment, she located a mirror. The reflection looking back was certainly that of her own face, but more masculine at the moment, although the hair was still long and white, like a mane, as well as the ears and wolf tail being present still.

Horo had an image in her mind of what the other person occupying the same body looked like, Daniel, and she could tell that at the moment, she was stuck in a analgamation of Horo and Daniel's body. Her clothing seemed to have changed too, become somewhat more modest version of what she had been wearing previously, now it had become more like a brown, sleeved robe . it seemed remarkably like a shinto priest robe .instead of the rather short outfit she had wore in the fight. Sighing for a moment and shaking her head, this day was rather confusing still, but at least now she wasn't being shot at, battered or thrown around by monsters or machines. The projection that spoke to them had caught her eye too as it seemed to be the precise person who gave her these powers, after touching her in a way she had not found particular amusing. Food was on offer though and that made her feel forgiving for the moment.

Strolling away down the hallway towards the side room she would enter and spend a few moments wolfing down some food, it seemed that the use of the excessive strength had made her famish. The wolf part forget any semblence of human manners for a moment as she eat, though she regained her composure after a few moments and finished stuffing her face, brushing her mouth off before head out of the room and making towards the observatory where the person who had apparently brought them here was located. As she walked, she found that images of two different lives were flashing through her mind. That of the male part of the mind, the one known as Daniel and the female, who seemed to be the orginal occupant of the body. The path of both lives up until this point was clear in their shared mind, making it a rather confusing situation as it was no longer clear who really belonged where. Shaking her head for a moment. Perhaps the person in the observatory would have some answers to that question, as well as how to locate the sword.

Entering the Observatory and looking about for a moment, noting that she was not only the only one here. She didn't not immediately recognize any of them, since they seemed different to those who she had been around during the fight, though they did seem similiar. She smiled as she approached the small group, she wanted to acquaint herself with. As she approached she caught the tail end of the brief exchange between the others in regard to the who the identity of their mysterious rescuer was.

"Dr.Dues Ex? This one does seem like I've seen her before...Just before I got those powers...I'm not entirely sure if it was neccesary for her cop a feel as she did..." Anyone who might know anything about british accents and idioms could recognize that she was speaking one a northen english accent. She shot the Dr.Dues Ex a slightly hostile glance for a moment, one part of the mind, either Horo or Daniel seemed to have a slight aversion to being touched before looking back to the group
"Anything else you can tell us of her?" she said again as she looked at the one who had spoken, Micheal, thought she had not gotten their names yet.
"Ah, forgive me, I haven't told you my name yet...I'm not sure which it is at the moment you can either call me Daniel or Horo." She smiled at them again, if any of the others payed attention enough to notice, Horo's eyes would occasionally shift colours, changing from the wolf like eyes to a set of blue human eyes.

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:35 am
by ZeroForever
Issue 8

MIA/Removed players
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
(unless I hear otherwise soon I’ll assume there permanently out.)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

As the next group of four entered the observatory they could see Dr. Dues Ex sitting regally on a chair far above them the screens of the dome like room giving an impressive sight as the very cosmos were displayed in all their glory.

Dr. Dues Ex however was actively busy talking to another person “Very well if that is your choice” she said the person would be familiar to them, their face similar to someone that they had met in one life or the other. (a person that hasn’t responded or quit goes here, being open as I haven’t gotten any official quits but silence qualifies.)
Dr. Dues Ex snapped her fingers as suddenly the person was wrapped in a glowing sphere of energy before seemingly being teleported out in instantaneous flash of light.

That done her chair pivoted towards them, allowing them clear view of the Doctor, while she was not quite as busty as they remember her being her last time she still had an unearthly uh… regality in her aura.
“I’m sure you’re all quite curious why I called you here and who that was among your various other questions.” Dr. Deus Ex said
Dr. Deus Ex would spend several minutes explaining the situation to them as the observatory displayed images of the scenes as well. She started from the top on the original universe and how the reality wave had stuck them re-writing not only the earth but the history of the entire universe. Remodeling events so that the people such as them ‘superheroes’ never came into existence, while variations would exist they were clearly not the same thing. She would continue by explaining what their actions enabled her to do in this universe, mainly whoever had triggered the original alteration had succeeded by trapping the Doctor outside the universe inside an anti-space. The cosmic cubes containing pure cosmic power were one of the few things unaffected by the change, while Cat due to her unique body in the new universe had links to the old one. Using that combination of the 2 the Doctor was able to create a link through cat to the cube opening up the anti-space that she was trapped in.
Once out using the power of the Eternal Cores she was able to restore reality recreating the existence of ‘Superheroes’ but the alteration was to deep so while some things were back to normal others could never be the same. As such the world below was one where superheroes existed but things such as the XX virus still occurred. The general population would have no memory of either of the previous universes, there reality complete rewritten when the fix was implemented, they however being instilled with her energy as a result were excluded with the soul portion of the merge as such still retained memories of the previous realms.

While she let that sink in however, she continued explaining how the energy spread not only in this universe but across the multi-verse itself infecting not only this earth across countless other variations as well which could cause the multi-verse to collapse if not fixed. These other universes however were outside her jurisdiction as such she couldn’t intervene directly but she could still have ‘representatives’.
In the end her proposition ended up being ‘Work for her in restoring the multi-verse’ though she gave the option in just living in the current universe as she had no interest in recruiting those not willing, the previous person was one such that had no such interest the change having messed with their mind to much.

“I’m sure this is much to think about so if you need time to think or additional questions do not hesitate to ask.” Dr. Deus said as she finished up her explanation looking almost tired despite her ageless features.

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:29 pm
by Harri-chan
Cat frowned slightly as Horo introduced herself, something nagging at the back of her mind, but before she could spend too much time thinking about it, the regal-looking woman in the chair above began to speak.

The teen listened in silence as the Doctor explained the situation, and how the world below was a combination of the two realities they had experienced. With her personality closer to the adult Katherine, the thought of now being stuck in Cat's life was a little embarrassing, but those memories of growing up as the spoiled rich girl had left her with genuine feelings towards Cat's parents and servants, even if those people might not exactly share the same emotions for her.

"I have a question... ", she spoke up once the woman was finished. She glanced at her friends for a moment, and then stepped forward. "You said Superheroes have been returned to the world... does that mean with the powers you gave us to fight that White Skull guy, or do you mean people here got their original powers restored? Because... I never had any before... does that mean I can't help you?".

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:03 am
by Zoey
Mark couldn't help, but feel very awkward standing in front of Dr. Deus especially in this form and around others. She shifted as she kept talking about what had come to her world and quickly she had a question, but would rather let the person who saved their lives finish first. When she was finished though, Mark raised her hand. "What about our friends and loved ones?" she asked again shifting a bit uncomfortably as she heard her new voice. "How or would they be affected by this?" she asked thinking about her parents mostly both Mings and her own.

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:36 pm
by Maiden Miki
"So...Let me see if I understand.." said Miki as she was trying to figure out the information that she had just gained. "You are saying that the world that we know it where we originally came from is no more but instead is a fusion of the two. And in order to continue on we either have to be employed by you to return the other universes back to normal or return back to the new world and integrate into it. Is that correct?"

Miki thought about this a bit more. She wasn't sure what she wanted. A part of her wanted to go with whatever Cat decided. Micheal was never much for being on the front lines due to the nature of his power. He always was in the background providing information to others and that was the most of his interaction with others. Now she isn't sure what was tugging at her but the experience she been though was nothing that either he nor she had ever expected.

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:11 pm
by Danarth
Horo's attention was turned towards the person who had summoned them here. She seemed to look a bit different now but this person did seem to be the one who had given Horo the strange powers. She looked down to her right arm, Horo was right handed so it had become her sword arm. flexing the fingers on the hand a moment, it was still sensitive but other than that completely healed, which was an impressive feat. Turning her attention back to the Doctor and listened intently to the explaination of their cause and state of their current situation. As she listened in, she crossed her arms, hiding both hands with the confines of the wide sleeves of her robe. The situation made her mind boggle for a moment, the scale of the power involved in it was beyond imagining, and she cast a side glance to Cat for a moment, the girl seemingly had been touched in so manner by such reality breaking powers. The girl also seemed familiar to both minds. Once again paying attention to the Doctor, as it was explained what had happened to their worlds and their existence, causing Horo to react with a gasp. This seemed to be a rather troubling situation, because it could effectively have left them no place in the new reality that had been created.

Shaking her head for a moment "Madness...Why on earth were such things like these cosmic cubes or eternal cores ever created? That's far too much power for anyone..and how did the man from before get his hands on such a thing?" Looking around at the other who had gathered, then back to the Doctor "And no-one remembers? All the work we all did, fighting out there..just to be forgotten. heh." shaking her head again, the long white hair tussled around for a moment before she looked to the Doctor once more, listening to the questions the others were asking of the Doctor, thinking of her own questions as she looked at the various screens the doctor had on behind them, wondering at the multitude of alternative universes out there for a few moments, wondering if there were others like Horo and Daniel on those words, the alternative reality counterparts.

Looking to Dr.Dues, after carefully considering the words of the Doctor. Horo nor Daniel particularly regarded themselves as Heros by nature but they could both see the importance of fixing reality so what happened on the world below, even if it was a new world in many ways could not happen again, either to this world or another. "I believe I would like to help you in restoring order to the multiverse as you call it, I have seen first hand the power and damage one with the sort of cosmic powers can do, so there does need to be something done about that. but I do have some of my own questions, much like the others" she motioned with one hand to the the others in the small gathering "My primary question is one of identity...If that world we just left is a combination of two realities, as I understand your meaning. Who exactly am I now? I have the memories and life experiences of two people, Horo Gleason and the other Daniel Horatio Blaidd. I cannot truely be two people can I?"

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:14 pm
by ZeroForever
(guess it's down to 4 people, which is fine for now. I might hold signups again but not a huge rush with all the other things floating around)
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

“’Super Heroes’ as in the metaphorical concept of paragons of light, in previous times they would simply be regarded as heroes this generation decided to add the super pretext.” Dr. Dues Ex responded to Cat’s question, pausing to note some of the confused glances she was getting.
“In short it’s not the powered super humans rather the idealistic concept of goodness that was restored to the universe. After all you can easily agree there were plenty of super humans in the previous world; it just that the moral compass was just stripped away in such a way that people couldn’t truly hope.”

Turning to Mark she paused briefly before continuing to speak, understanding in her eyes
“That I would not know, while powerful I am not omnipotent as such details like how people standard lives were rearranged are not things I would generally view as there are far too many lives in this universe for me to comprehend.”

Turning to Miki next she gave a once over with her eyes “There are still various universes I cannot interact with or even view directly, therefore I would need some people to act as my agents in my stead. If you do not wish to help I will simply send you back to your new lives, while I would not mind letting you retain knowledge of your previous lives I currently cannot spare the power given the circumstances to those who are not willing. As such if you refuse I will need to reclaim the spark of cosmic I granted you earlier.”

Dr. Deus smirked at Horo’s annoyance “I think some things are best forgotten, I don’t think many people would enjoy memories of being turned into mind slaves and chopped up by lasers, bullets, and swords. Trust me there are many other things you should be glad humanity doesn’t remember.” She paused looking upwards deep in thought of memories past, Dr. Dues Ex was known to fight cosmic events on a weekly basis so who knew how many countless eon’s of memories he/she had actually wiped from the universe in her attempts to save it.
At Horo’s acceptance she smiled in a genuine manner before her hand sparked and a bracelet appeared floating down to Horo.
“Thank you, as I told your friend however I do not know the details of your new life, they are far too numerous for me check. You will likely need to investigate that yourself if you wish to return to the earth below. The bracelet will allow you to teleport down to earth and back up to your chambers here as well as act as a communicator for when I need you. I still have a bit before I can narrow down viable jump coordinates in the next universe after all jumping you into the void of space would likely be very bad.” She said.
Turning back towards the others “Have you made a decision yet? If you wish to think you still have time but I’ll need to know before I finish my calculations” with she turned her attention back toward to ceiling as the room filled with projection screens filled with countless magical ruins and mathematical calculations that would fill any geeks appreciation.

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:31 pm
by Maiden Miki
"Okay, excuse me for asking another question but I want to make a decision as soon as I believe I have all the information I need as well," said Mimi as she felt a bit of her Micheal the information broker appearing. She place her hand to her chin and was thinking, "So if you remove this spark from us, we will lose all memories of our original life? The life where Cat was known as the Fox and such."

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:37 pm
by ZeroForever
"Most likely yes, there are rare occasions where people manifest there own sparks or have powers of there own that will maintain the previous dimensional flow but I can't predict that without invading your innermost soul which is something I have no intention of doing." Dr. Dues Ex said without looking away from her post.
Her hand waving towards Horo's bracelet "If you wish you can leave the Fortress to assess your personal situation before deciding, Horo should be able to teleport down to earth with you if need though you could likely just fly down if I'm not mistaken."

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:05 pm
by Harri-chan
Cat was silent as Dr. Deus Ex answered all their questions in turned. Despite her vast intelligence, she looked oddly confused. Her blue eyes glanced up at Mimi when the maid enquired further about turning down the offer, but once the female Doctor made the suggestion of going back down to explore the current reality, she nodded her head.

"I... think I'm going to accept, but I'd like the chance to go back down there first, to maybe clear my head", spoke the schoolgirl. Remembering what a brat she'd been as Cat, she really didn't want to risk losing the more mature, balancing personality of Katherine and go back to being a spoiled brat, but her confidence was still shaken by what the White Skull had done to her.

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:20 pm
by Maiden Miki
Harri-chan wrote:Cat was silent as Dr. Deus Ex answered all their questions in turned. Despite her vast intelligence, she looked oddly confused. Her blue eyes glanced up at Mimi when the maid enquired further about turning down the offer, but once the female Doctor made the suggestion of going back down to explore the current reality, she nodded her head.

"I... think I'm going to accept, but I'd like the chance to go back down there first, to maybe clear my head", spoke the schoolgirl. Remembering what a brat she'd been as Cat, she really didn't want to risk losing the more mature, balancing personality of Katherine and go back to being a spoiled brat, but her confidence was still shaken by what the White Skull had done to her.

Mimi listen to what Cat had said and thought about it for a moment. She knew that information was king, or that was a motto that Micheal always followed, but she wasn't sure what she could do. One half wanted to help but after the events of the latest reality, Micheal nor Mimi knew if they would be of good use.

"I think more information is needed," said Mimi as she nodded. "I too would like the chance to go to the reality below in order to gather information to come to a better decision. Currently I am strongly leaning towards accepting but I need a bit more information."

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:08 pm
by Danarth
Horo sighed a moment then nodded in response to Doctor's reply "Yes, I suppose you are right there, that fight wasn't pleasent, it was noisy, smelly..and all those strangely coloured robots" she shook her head a moment "So many of those pink....things...I'll be glad if I never have to see anything like that again....I think i'd be glad if I never saw the colour pink again for that matter"

Horo watched the motion of the Doctor's hand, blinking when it sparked then looked at the braclet floating and bobbing up and down slowly in mid-air as it approached her. Examining it for a moment before moving her arms out of the expansive sleeves of her robe before reaching out and plucking the floating braclet from midair, brushing a finger along it's surface for a moment before raising her arm and placing it around her wrist. For a moment she felt a sense of disquiet inside her mind, a small hint of disapproval coming from one of the personalities, whom still had some dislike of technology like this but it passed a moment later. Looking about at the the others for a moment, wondering if they would chose to assist the Doctor in mending the multiverse. Listening to the others quietly for a moment, she nodded in agreement with their immediate goal, Horo too wanted to know who she, they, were now. Without that knowledge she could not even have piece of mind and would lack any centre or focus to make her useful in a fight again. Rubbing her left arm a moment, holding up the braclet now closed around the wrist to the light, examining it a little more closely, neither part of her mind where particularly accustomed to technology, but hopefully it would not be too difficult to use.

Brushing her sleeve back down over her arm, she looked about again and nodded " Seems we all agree that we need to know more about what is going down there, who and what we are, so it seems like a good way to kill time while you find out what details you need for what you are planning, Doc" looking towards the other three she smiled "I am ready to go whenever you guys are ready to head down there...though we will need some idea of where to start looking for any answers, it might be a combination of two existing realities, but there is no telling how it's really changed down there so I doubt we can rely on our memories of either world too much" after speaking, Horo went quiet for a moment "First thing Daniel remembers when he came to this new world was some odd school with a large clock tower, so that might be a good starting place as any"

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:47 pm
by Zoey
Mark sighed and brushed some of her hair behind her ear. "I think it's a fact we will all like to help restoring balance. We did become heroes to do good and help others. To that extent what you need of us would be under our goals, however... We just finished a great battle and well..." she says looking down at her new body. "I think we all need some time to adjust to these bodies... Also we would like to see what has become of our world" she says turning to motion to their planet through the windows. "I think I would fight better knowing what has become of my lifes..." she adds including herself and Mings. "So with your permission I would like you give us some time to sort things through" she said turning to the doctor and giving her a slight bow. "Afterwards we can get to business..."

Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:13 am
by Harri-chan
"That's my school", said Cat with a nod as Horo described the clock tower. "Stepford College. It existed in both realities, I remember it from when I was Katherine too", she added. "Maybe that's the best place to look since we all seemed to have ties to it. You three were all there as maids, and I was a student...", she explained, glancing down at the uniform she wore.

"I'm not sure how much we'll really learn there though. This is probably selfish... but I'd kind of like to go home. You know, just get back to something familiar and see my parents...". She blushed a little at the strong feelings she had toward Mr. and Mrs. Essex, even though her Father was often too busy to spend time with her and his trophy wife didn't seem to have a maternal instinct in her body.

"You're all welcome to join me if you don't have anywhere you'd rather look first", she said. "I'm ready to go now".