[SRP] Lost Senshi rp


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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Sasha » Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:07 pm

Natsuki nods. " Ya i dont have one."
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kumi-chan » Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:06 pm

"That's why Josephus will take you to go get some for you all." Karei shakes her head. "I just told you he could."
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Sasha » Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:16 pm

Natsuki nods. " Ok." She says hoping nothing will go wrong.
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby AshK » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:39 pm

"I guess we better get some then. So lead the way Karei." Erika says.
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:17 pm

Meanwhile, Lin was in the mini-mart, trying too find someone to give directions to an eye doctor for Rina, and a place to eat. "We should also find a place to get some new clothes and a place to stay. Maybe get some jobs so we can pay for food and stuff."
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:15 am

"True, we do need some type of income in this world, and somewhere to crash." Rina said staying very close to Lin after getting up from that guy who ran her over. "Also who was that guy?"
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:43 am

Lin looks around to see where that rude guy that ran over Rina ran off to. "Yeah, that guy was really rude. At least he could have said 'excuse me' or something." She sighs, "That would be nice to get some cell phones to communicate with each other...to let the others know we are okay, but need food, shelter, and you, a pair of glasses."
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kumi-chan » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:43 pm

"Are you not paying attention?" Hitomi asks Erika and Natsuki. "She already said that she cannot take us. Is asking her to lead us there going to change that? Give her a moment to go get Josephus. And pay attention to what is being said to you." She glares at them seeming annoyed, gasp she does have a few emotions besides pissed and pisser.

Karei gives Hitomi a look that a mother might give a child that said something wrong. Of course the girl isn't phased by it. "Can one of you go put the dishes in the sink in the kitchen while I go fetch Josephus then?" She heads back into the dining room most of her questions having been ignored.
(and now I need Haylie to post. If she doesn't post soon I might just have to say she went off for a catnap.)

An older women in her late 40's walks over to Rina and Lin. She is dressed in a t-shirt with the store logo on the front of it with the name Stop-N-Shop, with blue jeans on. "Excuse my grandson. He was late for school again. It's my fault though. Now what can I get for you young ladies?" She smiles they noticing her grey hair even though it is clearly dyed blonde putting a hand near Rina's eyes, which can barely be made out. "My husband used to be and eye doctor. I could have him take a look at your eyes if you'd like."

"Well, you could come with me instead of just waiting. I mean what kind of guy keeps someone like you waiting?" He guys notice someone hurrying out of the mini-mart but he runs off down the street muttering something about little kids needing to watch where they are going. The leader of the group moves towards Shiki with a smirk on his face. "Well? What do you say babe?"
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Ookalf » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:49 pm

Kumi-chan wrote:"Well, you could come with me instead of just waiting. I mean what kind of guy keeps someone like you waiting?" He guys notice someone hurrying out of the mini-mart but he runs off down the street muttering something about little kids needing to watch where they are going. The leader of the group moves towards Shiki with a smirk on his face. "Well? What do you say babe?"

Thanks, but no thanks. And it's not a guy that I'm waiting for.
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby AshK » Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:07 pm

Kumi-chan wrote:"Are you not paying attention?" Hitomi asks Erika and Natsuki. "She already said that she cannot take us. Is asking her to lead us there going to change that? Give her a moment to go get Josephus. And pay attention to what is being said to you." She glares at them seeming annoyed, gasp she does have a few emotions besides pissed and pisser.

Karei gives Hitomi a look that a mother might give a child that said something wrong. Of course the girl isn't phased by it. "Can one of you go put the dishes in the sink in the kitchen while I go fetch Josephus then?" She heads back into the dining room most of her questions having been ignored.
(and now I need Haylie to post. If she doesn't post soon I might just have to say she went off for a catnap.)

"I'll do it." Erika said as she went to put the dishes in the sink in the kitchen like she was asked to do.
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Sasha » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:53 pm

I blink. " Why yell at me that was Erika asking for her to take us i didn't ask so don't yell at me." I snap back. " Plus i didn't hear here over the noise." (just soemthign to say since i missed her sayi8ng and making her repeat)
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:35 pm

Lin nods, "Yes, Rina is having problems with her vision, and she needs glasses. She's been staying around me so she doesn't get lost in this place. I am Lin Akuno, and this is Rina. we are with that girl over there, Shiki, I believe her name is."
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Haylie » Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:01 am

Khan, who had been looking around the room with glazed-over eyes, finally looks back at the group. "I'm sorry, what?"
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:44 am

"I'd appreciate it." Rina said to the woman.
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Re: [SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kumi-chan » Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:23 pm

Erika finds the kitchen down the main hall, the kitchen connecting to the dining room and main hall directly. She finds the sink but does notice another couple doors there. One leads to the back yard, one to the pantry but she cannot see in there, then the one back to the main hall and dining room. There is a stove/oven and of course a fridge. Pretty much a typical kitchen. She should regroup with the others in the main hall unless she wants to waste time exploring.

"Are you alright?" Josephus asks Khan, he was asking her questions about herself but she must have missed them.
Just then Karei walks back into the room. "Josephus, can you do me a favor? Just take them to get registered for PSO's. Khan you should go with him."
Josephus gives her a nod and gets up. "Sure. I have to go that way anyways." He leads Khan back too the main hall by the front door, where Hitomi and Natsuki are waiting. "We all ready?"

The women takes Rina's hand, from the shop she cannot see Shiki though. "Just wait here then Lin. Feel free to browse, we have a good deal of things the bigger shops don't carry." She leads Rina to a back room where an older man is sitting in a chair just watching tv.
"Leave me alone I said." The man grunts out, he clearly seems upset by something but who knows really. Could just be a grumpy old man.
The women raises her tone. "Get off your butt and get over here. Now!" He gets up not being in the mood to argue with his wife giving her and Rina a curious look. "This young lady needs some glasses. I know you can help her." She pushes Rina towards the grumpy sounding man and turns around walking back out to the front of the store.
"hmpf women... Well now lets see what we can do then. Take a seat." He motions Rina over to the chair he was sitting in.

As soon as Shiki shoots down the guy's offer the other guys move around her to surround her. "Okay. Done being nice. You will be coming with me babe."


"Yeah. Whatever." Hitomi shrugs not caring to hear Natsuki's excuses. "You probably had something else on your mind and just didn't feel like paying attention." She looks over at Josephus and Khan join them in the front hall, waiting a moment before asking. "Where are the others then?"
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