[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:11 am

"I think that maybe best as well," said Mimi as she nodded slowly. She was always up for gaining more information because it was part of her personality as Micheal. Still, for some reason she would like to do what Cat was saying. This was already proving to be troublesome but it was a good idea nonetheless. Mimi was actually wanted to suggest this as well.

"I would suggest that you take those off for now," said Mimi as she looked at Mark's feet and then held a hand out. "If you want, I can hold those heels for you as we walk on the grass. It is inevitable that we may walk on more grass for the moment."

Mimi didn't know where that last part came from but she then turned away and just stay by Cat's side. She then sighed and said, "Still, we need to find a way to get there unless you want to take that person's suggestion and ride on her."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:18 am

"I'm not riding on anyone... Horo is a person, not a mode of transport. We'll just have to find her on foot", she said, starting to walk toward one of the pathways that snaked through the park. "I should be able to figure out where she'd be...", she muttered in a troubled tone, glancing down at the uniform again. "Unless my intelligence levels are more... normal in this reality. It would explain the school uniform... the genius kids never had to wear that", she said.

"Wait... ". She spun suddenly, her skirt, red tie and loose blonde hair swishing about. "Do we really need to find McCoy? Because it looks to me like we already have a teacher right here...". A smile spread across her lips as she looked up to Mark. "You're an adult now... and if you work at the school, you can probably afford a car. You checked those clothes for keys?".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Zoey » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:15 am

Mark smiled at Mimi's offer but she followed Cat. "Umm... thanks, but I don't know if this will be my only set of clothes for a while and Id like to keep it all on for now" she replied until they stopped on the pathway. She was listening to Cat contemplate options when the girl suddenly spun quite fast and looked up at her!

"Wait what?! Cat, I don't know that!" replies Mark blushing as Cat stared her down. "Just because I'm dressed like this doesn't make me a teacher you know..." she adds brushing some hair behind her ear. "But if i'll calm you down, I'll check..." she says with a sigh as she looks down at her body and clothes. "Ummm where in the world would I put car keys anyways?... and for that matter, how do I even know what car would be mine?" she says as she pats herself down in public.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Danarth » Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:35 pm

Horo's proximity to Cat and the phone allowed her to hear the entire conversation that Cat had with the person on the other end of the phone, part of that conversation made her grimace then her lips would twist into a slight snarl at the suggestion the woman on the other end of Cat's phone makes of using her as a method of transport. It was not a pleasent experience for her to be used like that, remembering the times that it had happened. She wasn't quite sure why it made her that angry, putting it simply down to a great deal of pride in being a wolf and not wishing to be looked at like some sort of transportation

"Hey, I'm not a sodding horse!" she snapped towards the phone, then coughed slightly and looked away "Sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything like that" she sighed a little, as she doubted that outburst proved much of anything. She resolved in the back of her mind that if they came across this person whom Cat had been speaking too, that she would confront her or at least give the person some type of talking to about Horo 'not' being some type of horse or other mode of transportation. Her feelings of pride were on the line at the moment, and that particular 'insult' as she felt it was, wasn't going to be let go of easily.

"Seems like it might be best to go find this Dr.Mccoy person, we can probably find transport and get a bit more information out of whoever this Doctor is, plus it might arouse less suspicion than other ways, with all this issue with Super heros and what not having to be in uniform, a bunch of people riding a giant wolf might even raise some eyebrows, and we want to get as little attention on us as possible for the time being....not that I helped with that, but it was only tackling one little purse snatcher so it shouldn't be so bad"

She payed a casual bit of notice to the police officers whom appeared to be nearby, her previous sentence trailing off as she listen to the officers talking about an explosion, and an oddly named group of people who seemed to be in the vicinity of this explosion before following the others away from the grass towards the path "It's not so bad walking bare foot you know, so much easier to balance and run when you can feel the ground properly underneath your feet" she grinned as she spoke to Mark "Especially compared to those kinda shoes...how does anyone do anything in those..things?" she shook her head for a moment as they stepped onto the solid pavement.

Turning her attention to Cat as she seemed to come up with an idea, looking between Cat and Mark a few times, watching Mark pat himself down in public looking for any potential car keys "Well...if you do have car keys...they might have one of those...er...remote control devices that can unlock your car at a distance, and they always make a beeping noise so you can find where you car is" she suggest as she looked about again before turning her attention back to the others.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:43 am

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

Mark/Ming would find various keys likely house or apartment alongside what was an older 2000ish Toyota style key, alongside a small purse wallet that she had on her, like in case she needed to travel lightly. Still the park was quite large (if it wasn’t clear this is like central park in NY big about 3.5 square km) and they were near the middle of it, the nearest parking lots were scattered in the various directions as such pressing the car alarm would do nothing, then again that was assuming they had even taken her car. Still it had various other identification information such as drivers license as well as credit cards and a sever lack of hard cash.

Meanwhile the older police man rode off to the north on horseback while the other one escorted the criminal to towards one of the park entrances to the west where some EMT officers examined him before taking him away. No sooner than they had left some explosions could be heard coming from the north some distance away, as Horo would smell smoke coming at least a dozen blocks away before it soon became visible to the others. Suddenly near the top of some of the smaller building various figures could be seen duking it out at high speeds, due to the distance there human eyes barely made out anything other than the costumes color schemes and multi colored energy beams being shot out. Whoever’s fight it was like headed in there general direction given the increasingly loud shouts and impact sounds that could be heard and seen.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:47 am

Cat smiled slightly when she saw the various keys Mark had found. "Great... so now we just need to...", she started, but trailed off after glancing to the edges of the park, so very far away. She looked worried, but it wasn't the impossibility of finding the car that concerned her. "I should have known that wouldn't work...", she muttered in a crestfallen tone. Before she could feel too sorry for herself, the sound of explosions reached them, and eventually the sight of smoke.

Adjusting her glasses, she squinted and the tiny, colourful figures. "Great...", she sighed. As if she didn't already feel weak and helpless enough, now there were super heroes heading their way, showing off to the whole city how awesome they were. Cat knew it was wrong, but a very childish temper tantrum was bubbling away beneath the surface, and no matter how much she told herself she was really an adult, she knew she couldn't control her teenage emotions.

"Can we just get out of here?", she huffed, her jealousy toward the superheroes becoming unbareable. Without really waiting for a response, she continued on down the path toward one of the park exits, her short skirt swishing loosely around her skinny thighs. In her memories, she was so used to her ridiculously high intelligence presenting solutions to problems with minimal effort, and now it was apparrently gone, along with getting whatever she wanted from Mommy and Daddy.

Racking her brains for clues as to where McCoy could be, all she could come up with was a memory from the old reality of sometimes being taken to a particular coffee shop, frequented by the more sophisticated university students, by the ridiculously busty teacher to discuss genetics outside of class. It was a long shot. Her uniform suggested she might not be at that level of education anymore... but what of McCoy? The voice on the phone had talked as if she and Cat were still in contact, and even close enough for her to catch a ride with the woman.

Her legs ached as she walked, from the park, through the busy streets of the city. It was a daunting place. In her two sets of memories, the last time she'd been here, she was either an adult, or riding in a limousine. This was different. Her immature emotions were proving to be far more of a concern than her young body. How much longer would her new friends have patience with her if she kept acting like a spoiled brat? Several times she mentally chastised herself for leaving behind the group, and even thought she was lost a couple of times, before eventually finding the little coffee shop. After straightening out her uniform and fixing her hair, she drew a deep breath, pushed the door open and went inside...
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Danarth » Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:16 pm

Horo watched for the moment as Mark searched for the keys, smiling as there seemed to be keys among Mark's collection of belongings, but noticing Cat's expression and sharing those sentiments. Even if they did have a key for a car, there were numerous car parks around them and even with her sharp hearing, it was unlikely that she would be able to pick up the car unlock alarm going off. Sighing and shaking her head for a second, seemed like this Dr.Mccoy character was their only recourse for getting around and getting information about who they were in this world.

"Well, seems like the Doctor is our only real hope at the moment, so the sooner we find her the better...." She trailed off her sentence as she looked where Cat had turned her attention too. Loud noises, flashes of light and people in costumes though Horo was unable to tell the colour as she was effectively colour-blind but for a slight tint of blue. Super Heros and Villians battling it out in the rather usual, over dramatic, noisy fashion that Horo and the others had been doing themselves not so long ago. Part of her realized that she had found all of that manic action rather enjoyable, but right now, being caught up in it might cause no end of problems, especially since they had no idea who they were in this world.

"Hrm, you know, I was just thinking about something...We don't know who or what we are in this world and our memories are from two worlds that no longer exist. What if we aren't Heros in this world? What if it turns out we are some of the villians...or at least an unpopular group of people? I think that could turn out rather badly for us, so I think we might be best leaving quickly" she mentioned almost casually as she watch the Super fight going on in the distance, then she noticed Cat seemed to be wandering off. Shrugging her shoulder slightly, Horo walked off after Cat, too see where this might led them.

"I hope you know where you are going there, Cat" speaking as she jogged up quickly to keep up with Cat, following her as the younger girl seemed to walk around in a daze or lost in thought, she couldn't really tell but at the moment, Cat seemed a good a person as any to follow, even if she did seem to get lost a few times. Gazing at the small coffee shop Cat had led them to, Horo leant her head to oneside slightly as she examined it. Daniel had gone to coffee shops on occasion on the way too or from work and Horo had only really visited them when her owner had decided to go there and had taken her along. Shaking some dust off one of the sleeves of her robe before wandering after Cat, into the coffee shop, wondering what might Cat find in there.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Zoey » Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:58 am

Mark looked around as she finally got the car keys, but the realization that finding it would take a very long time wasn't something she looked forward to. As she contemplated what to do, Cat just took off somewhere!

"Hey! Stop! Where are you going?" she said grabbing the keys tight before trying to catch up to the girl as best as she can. "Cat, listen to me!" she said, trailing behind the couple before she had to catch her breath. "We... shouldn't go off wondering..." she mumbled, but the two had long taken a lead. "Damn it" she murmered. "This isn't the time to go off wondering and not telling others" she thought before she recomposed herself and went off to follow after Cat and Horo. It didnt help that she found herself running like one of those princesses in movies with her hands up and taking small steps, but it was what she could do to not fall over... the beasts jiggling didn't help either. "Cat! Horo!" she called out.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:44 pm

Mimi just followed after Cat and the others. She felt unsure on what to do because of the lack of information she had. It was bad enough she was in this current situation with her mind clouded for more then one reason. She then looked at Cat and asked, "Is there anything I can help with?"

Mimi's mind then lit up when she thought of something. She stopped for a minute and then looked at Mark. She then spoke in a polite voice, "Does your key chain has a remote to it? If so, then maybe I can talk to it and see if it will tell me where the car is."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Zoey » Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:43 pm

Mark stoped as Mimi addressed her and looked to her hands where she was clasping the car keys. "Umm... Im not sure" she says offering them to Mimi. "How are you going to talk to them anyways?" she asks as she glances back to Horo and Cat. "Come on, we can talk on the way" she adds as she tries to pick up the pace, but not so fast so she would fall. >//<
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:19 pm

Zoey wrote:Mark stoped as Mimi addressed her and looked to her hands where she was clasping the car keys. "Umm... Im not sure" she says offering them to Mimi. "How are you going to talk to them anyways?" she asks as she glances back to Horo and Cat. "Come on, we can talk on the way" she adds as she tries to pick up the pace, but not so fast so she would fall. >//<

"I can talk to anything electronic..." said Mimi as she takes the keys and inspects them. She tries to see if there were anything electronic about them. She then tries to read them and listen. "I am a technopath. At least I hope I still am."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:13 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

As the group lead by Harri and Horo headed into the coffee shop at corner of what was 8th avenue and 48th street, it was a Sun bucks a fairly standard company brand as they were literally located on every street in the city. In the distance the superhero fight seemed to wind down as there were less flashing lights until suddenly a meteor no wait that was a person slammed into the ground near the intersection. A groaning and unconscious female with what looked like a cross between leather BSDM and a vulture outfit lay tied up in what look like really tied spider webs. The impact startled some of the locals who upon seeing that she was subdued went back to their daily lives reading the paper, chatting, and drinking coffee.
Inside Sun bucks it looked like a red and orange variety of a star bucks, with the standard baristas and mini tables situated about. On the TV in the corner the news was going talking about the recent supervillian arrests and the weather. The people inside looked mostly like standard hipster college students, though a few business people likely on break were about as well.
Mimi’s power while useful was meeting what felt like static interference of sorts, the wrongness of powers affecting her once more. While the powers still worked in the end the variation of responder was fairly dumb to say the least, while she had met dumb appliances before so it shouldn’t have been that big of a surprise as the device had zero sense of direction having been in the purse most of the time responding with what amounted to circular directions.
After a few minutes the one of the hero’s arrived to check on the villain the fight pretty much over if the lack of explosions was any indication. It was one of the Fabulous Four if all the chatting people were correct, Heavenly Hotty to be exact. The flaming woman landing on the ground before seemingly turning back to flesh and blood, her blond hair complemented her skin tight pink and white uniform which was fairly standard, well it would have been if it wasn’t for her perfect dimensions that could make people drool and turn heads.
As several of the people started fangirling (even the dudes) and went out to get signatures. The police arriving with what looked like an advanced prison truck moments later… delayed by the crowd of fans that had formed like what you would see for a movie star. Heavenly Hotty pausing to take pictures and sign some autographs seemingly noticed the group as they walked inside seemingly giving them a wink.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:17 am

"Urg...." said Mimi as she was struggling once again to use her powers. It was never a problem before to use because she had used it many times before. The problem was that it felt off. If she had to say, it felt as if it was disconnected to her which was strange to her. Still, she was able to speak with the device and it didn't make her feel any better.

"Well," said Mimi as she followed the group into the Sunbucks. She stayed close to Cat the whole time and even notice what had fallen close by. She then spoke, "The device isn't very smart. It doesn't seem to have much of an idea on where the car is. All I got is that the car is in a parking lot close by to a few trees and a fountain."

Mimi didn't say that she wasn't sure about the fountain. She could only guess that it was based on what it was said. If anything, she was unsure on the 'dialect' of the device.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:44 am

Cat had wanted to get away from the battle between supervillain and superhero, so it's arrival on the street outside the coffee shop was the last thing she'd wanted to see. Her nostrils flared as she stood in the window, her hands clenched at her side as her blue eyes enviously studied the ridiculous blonde beauty that was blowing kisses to them. The teen huffed, watching the crowds flock around the Heavenly Hotty, who clearly had everything that she had craved when she herself was the Fox.

"I can't believe people think she's so great. Is a good figure and a tight outfit really all you need to be popular these days?", she muttered, every syllable dripping with the jealousy of a skinny teenage girl. Her short skirt swished about as she turned and scanned those drinking coffee, before her shoulders slumped, "I don't see McCoy in here... she could be anywhere!", she continued, to nobody in particular, frustrated by how hard everything had suddenly become when you didn't have access to limousines and helicopters at the end of a phone call.

She stared glumly at the TV report, and then peered through the window to see those odd prison trucks pulling up in the street outside. "Does anyone have any money? I guess we're catching the bus to school... ", she sighed, one hand already searching through her bag as she headed back out onto the street, her nose wrinkling as she got caught up in the crowd of fangirls. "Hey, quit pushing!", she yelled, but her voice was drowned out by the many others. A couple of minutes later she was squeezed out from the crowd, and almost stumbled right into the blonde super heroine!
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Danarth » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:32 pm

Horo looked towards the sight of the person falling from the sky. She blinked once and shook her head a little as she noticed how the person who had just hit the ground was dressed. She never quite understood why people would dress like that, trying to make themselves look more like an animal of some variety. She knew she had a certain advantage over all the people who dressed like animals as some form of identity, she could really turn into a wolf. Shaking her head again as she looked back towards the shop that Cat had lead them too. Looking about at the rather gaudy décor of the place, although her ability to see the colours were extremely limited as the only colours she had ever been able to see is slight shades of blue. Although the smells of a coffee shop were all very evident and prominent, the mixture of the smells of milk, sugar, coffee as well as the various sandwich and baked goods that shops like that one tended to offer. Certain smells in particular attracted, she could pick up scent of meat used in some of the sandwiches inside the shop which rather appealed to her carnivorous nature. Licking her lips for a moment as she looked about the shop, briefly showing her longer than average canine teeth.

“Hrmph...I'm starting to feel a little famished”

Looking around the shop once more before a commotion from nearby drew her attention to another oddly dressed person had arrived at the scene. The appearance of the newcomer had clearly caused quite the stir and as Horo listened she picked up that this person was part of a group and she was named Heavenly Hotty, for several rather obvious reasons. Idly toying with a lock of her grey and white hair before brushing it back over her shoulder before focusing on the newcomer for a moment and the commotion her appearance was causing, then she looked over to Cat who seemed to taken something of a dislike to the scandalously dressed newcomer.

“She certainly does draw a crowd, doesn't she?” Horo remarked to Cat.

As she watched the crowd f, the fan girlish behaviour of both the male and female members of the crowd became quite amusing for Horo to watch, neither of the the personalities locked up inside Horo's mind had ever understood the obsession with celebrities that some people seemed to suffer from. Shaking her head again and began to check the various folds and pockets that the robe she was wearing had, after Cat made the comment about money and taking the bus, but she found that the robes pockets were all empty. She even checked the inside of her left sleeve where she had originally found her sword, but she could not find anything that might seem like money nor could she find the sword. She had half hoped that it had returned to whatever strange storage place had been hidden inside that sleeve. As she looked up, she noticed that Heavenly Hotty seemed to be looking at them, even winking, as If she was familiar with them.

“Hrmm....I wonder if she knows us...” she looked to Mimi a moment after she described what she had found out from the device she had been messing around with while the crowd had been gathering “Seems we'll have to go to this school Cat mentioned then” she commented before looking back to Cat who seemed to have vanished from sight. Eyes darting back and forth to see what happened to the younger looking girl, before picking up traces of her voice trying to make itself heard of the noise and clamour of the crowd around Heavenly Hotty.

“Poor kid...must be horrible to be small like that..” she laughed a little.

She took a few steps forward before looking at Mimi and Mark “Let's see if we can recover her” before stretched her hands out and began to push her way through the crowd towards the source of Cat's voice. She applied a little bit of her unusually high strength to push people aside enough that she could squeeze through the crowd towards the front, pushing her way out, locating Cat and the one named Heavenly Hotty.

“Are you alright, Cat?” she asked as she stepped over to the girl, smiling at the one know as Heavenly Hotty for a moment, wondering for a moment if the wink she had seen was really directed at them or she had mistaken them for another group of fans.
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