[FFRP] A Woman's Point of View


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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:33 am

Emily blushed in return and started into her food as well. Not only did his suggestion sound more and more date-like, but multiple date-like meetings? That would be like... seeing him, romantically. She knew that the way he made her feel would make it quite nice to see him regularly, but she just couldn't let herself date a man. She had never, ever liked men before. It seemed wrong, like she was giving up something. But on the other hand, it would make her very happy, and she knew it. Susan's little plan to punish her and teach her a lesson wouldn't succeed if she could be happy. She smiled wide at the thought of getting back at Susan while being held by Jeff at the same time. "Well then, it sounds like you've landed yourself a girlfriend." She kept smiling and gave him a wink.

Katie nodded. "I know. Mom says it's because I eat my greens." She flexed her arms in a mock bodybuilder pose. "They help you get big and strong." She stopped and dipped a chicken nugget in the ketchup before looking at Kathy. "You probably just need to eat more greens, then you'll be as big as me." She pointed to the beans on Kathy's plate. "You should eat all of them first, to help you grow."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:47 am

Jeff watched Emily's expression changing as he ate, and even he blushed a little at the use of the word 'girlfriend', but his smile did grow a little. "I've never had a... girlfriend before", he admitted, sounding rather embarrassed by that. He sipped from his wine glass. "I promise I'll do everything I can to make you happy, Emily... ".

Kathy listened to Katie, and then looked down at her plate of food, starting with the green beans, blushing a little as she chewed and swallowed them. Here she was, eating her greens so she could be as big as a ten year old... after a few mouthfuls of beans, she went to dip a nugget into the tomato ketchup.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:57 am

"This steak seems to be doing a fine job of that." She picked up a napkin and patted away some juice that escaped her mouth. "I find it hard to believe you've never had a girlfriend though. I would think the girls would line up for a chance with a man like you." That was something that had bothered Richard before as well. She wondered what could have kept Jeff from dating at all, what with the girls that she knew liked him.

Katie frowned and put her hands on her hip as she turned in her seat to stare at Kathy. "You haven't finished your greens yet, missy. You need to finish them until they're all gone. Only then will you get big and strong."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:07 am

Jeff shook his head, looking down at his plate. "It's never felt like this before. I never know how to start talking to a woman... ". Soon he was done with his food, and wiped his mouth with the napkin. "I'll load these up into the dishwasher so we can forget about them", he said. "What kind of things do you normally do in the evenings to keep yourself amused?".

Kathy went bright red at being told off by a little girl... but she puts the nugget back down, "Sorry, Katie.. ". It was almost like playing a game where Katie had taken the role of the Mom, and Kathy had been left as the kid. She goes back to the greens, not stopping until they were all gone...
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:19 am

Emily looked down at her plate and surprisingly found it spotless. She hadn't even noticed herself eating, let alone that much. And the oddest part to her was that she didn't even feel full. "Well, I enjoy keeping up with sports, current events and things. If there's a game on I might watch it, but I've been meaning to pick up my drawing again so that might cut into my TV time." She tilted her head, genuinely curious. "How about you?"

Katie nodded her head in satisfaction when the girl had finished her greens. "There, now you may have whatever you like." Katie dipped one end of a nugget in the ketchup, and one end in her mashed potatoes before popping it in her mouth whole. She made a face with her full cheeks before she started chewing.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:13 pm

Jeff rose from his chair, picking up his plate and then sliding Emily's on top of it as he listened. "Similar things... I enjoy listening to a lot of music too", he said with a smile, going to put the empty plates into the dishwasher, and then returned, offering his hand to Emily. "What kind of things do you draw?", he asked.

Kathy waited until Katie nodded before picking up the nugget again and eating it. She giggled at the silly face the other blonde girl made while they ate. While eating, she began to ponder everything that must have changed with her loss of age, her head tilting to one side. "Do you go to the school I'll be going to?".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:37 pm

Emily eagerly took his hand and pulled herself up and out of her seat. "Well, it's been a long time, so I think I'll be doing a lot of still life to help me get back into the swing of things. But my favorite thing to draw has always been animals." She found that after she had gotten to her feet, her hand kept itself wrapped in his larger hand. It felt nice, but it just reminded her of when he had held her.

Katie nodded. "We should. We're the same age, and we live right next to each other. We'll even ride the same bus!" She kicked her legs as she picked up another nugget. "I'm so excited!"
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:49 pm

Jeff looked down into her eyes, still holding her hand, his other arm come around her small waist to gently hold her, pulling her a little closer to his chest. He began to lean down, his lips brushing her nose, and then so softly pressing to her mouth, his eyes closing as he kissed her... and -those- feelings returned. It was hard to think straight, a euphoric wave rushing through her, and the tiny little bit that remained of Richard tingled...

School didn't seem anywhere near as frightening now that she wasn't chubby anymore, and she'd even have a friend along with her. She blushed as she realised she was feeling excited about it, just as Katie said. She guessed her uniforms had probably already changed in the closet upstairs. "I'd like that a lot... ".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:02 pm

Emily was petrified in fear at Jeff's sudden advance, but as soon as he was holding her and touching her... Those feelings made everything better, eased her fears. Her body wanted this, and badly. She closed her eyes and grudgingly admitted that she wanted it too, if only to feel the rush and to have his arm around her longer. All thought was banished from her mind as she pressed herself closer and returned the kiss.

"I just hope we're in the same class. Mrs. Lehrer is kind of boring, but it might not be as bad if you're there." Katie kept eating. It was apparent that she hadn't even touched her greens yet.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:18 pm

Beneath her clothes, she could feel it changing, shrinking until it was so small, it could shrink no more, and then started to pull inside. She found herself needing to lean on him as her knees went weak, rippling sensations going through her genitals as they reformed, wiping out the last physical evidence of Richard while she kissed Jeff. It only took seconds, but probably felt longer, and Emily, was one hundred percent woman.... Jeff slowly pulled back and smiled at her, "Everything okay?".

Kathy's gaze switched to Katie's green beans as she dunked her nuggets, and copied the other girl, scooping them through the mashed potato before pushing them into her mouth. After a while, when her plate was almost clear, she pointed at Katie's plate, "You didn't eat your greens.. ".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:29 pm

Emily's eyes went wide with realization, but rather than lean into Jeff she bolted away from him. Her new anatomy pulsed the wonderful feelings through her, and she couldn't help but collapse onto the couch. She closed her eyes and held back a moan as she felt the need on her insides finally connect to the outside. "I...I...I don't know."

Katie nodded. "That's right. You need all the greens you can get to help you grow and catch up with me." She pushed her plate over to Kathy. "You should eat them, to help you grow faster."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:36 pm

Jeff looked concern as he followed her to the couch, and settled down beside her, a hand brushing up and down her thigh through the black velvet dress, to try and comfort her. "Was that too soon? I'm sorry... you just looked so beautiful... ". The hand rose from her thigh, brushing loose strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her cute little ears.

Kathy's eyes narrowed in suspicion of her new friend as the greens were pushed over to her. She bites her lip and sighs, sliding her plate with nuggets on over in return, and then she began to eat the greens all over again. She knew this wasn't going to make her grow like Katie claimed, but.. she liked having a friend, and didn't want Katie getting mad at her.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:50 pm

Emily almost purred at his hand as it went up and down her thigh. She almost let out a gasp, but the pressure eased when he moved his hand to fiddle with her hair. She slowly nodded and opened her eyes. She reached up and took a hold of his hand. "You have no idea how good this feels, but I..." She squeezed her thighs together, feeling the vacuum between them. "I think we should take things slow. I'm just...not that kind of girl."

Katie smiled and finished off Kathy's mashed potatoes by the time she was done with Katie's greens. "See, now we'll be the same height, and we can say we're twin sisters! Wouldn't that be cool?" She bit off part of one of Kathy's nuggets. "Course, we wouldn't be real sisters, but we could say we were just to keep people on their toes."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:00 pm

Jeff nodded his head, and pulled his hand back from Emily's grasp. "I'm sorry.. I feel the same about rushing. I just thought you'd want the kiss... I thought maybe I should have done it when you said you'd be my... girlfriend, but I didn't want to interrupt the meal, so I waited... ". He rubbed her head and sighed. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... ".

Kathy forced the greens down. It was weird, she'd always eaten greens as her adult self, but now they tasted really bad. She blushed as she swallowed the last of them, and nodded to Katie, "Yeah, that would be good... I didn't have any friends at my old school... ".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:09 pm

Emily smiled. He truly was an understanding man. She had known it before, but to be on the receiving end like this...it just made her feel so appreciated. Special. "Just because I want to go slow..." She squirmed closer to him and leaned on him. "Doesn't mean I want you to stop altogether." She let her head rest on his shoulder again and wriggled close, hoping that he would wrap his arms around her again. "The kiss was wonderful, but I think I need to wait a bit before I'm ready for another."

"Well, you have a friend now!" She grinned and pushed the plate away from her. "So, you wanna watch a movie? We can watch my favorite, the Littlest Mer-girl!"
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're living...in a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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