Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Sasha wrote:Natsuki pales a bit. " where did that come from."
Erika Aizawa wrote:"That was unexpected." Erika said. "I think we may need to get Hitomi-Chan to the hospital if there is one around here."
Kumi-chan wrote:As Shiki charges the boy standing over Hitomi, Josephus shouts to them. "Don't let him hit you! Or you could end up infected too!" He looks at Hitomi thinking she is crazy, stepping back seeing Rina coming out of the store. He takes her by the arm dragging her away from the scene.
The man hesitates, stepping back, feeling the healing light of Sailor Vera now. He is hit by the now topless Shiki from behind in this moment, as he turns his head to look at her. Swiftly on the spikes that impaled Hitomi comes out from his back and goes at Shiki's stomach.
Hitomi sees the man falling forward with Shiki knocking him over with her rushing attack. She takes that chance to slam her foot upward into his face. Hoping to knock him out at least.
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