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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:39 am
by Harri-chan
Cat hurried after Horo to make it inside before the ship started moving again, a shy smile spreading across her lips as the girl joked about the mess a large wet wolf would make when drying itself off. While the older girl went to take a seat, she remained standing by the glass windows, watching the shoreline rush toward them before... before disappearing beneath the ship as they took to the air.

"This is SO cool!", she squealed. "You don't get a huge thing like this unless you're a really major player, one of the top tier heroes", she called back to Horo, her palms and her nose pressed up to the glass, watching the city below. Her attention was drawn to the glass that appeared however, and she reached for it, sniffing at it as the AI explained what it was. "Essential nutrients? Can't I just have a cherry coke?", she asked with a small frown, the spoiled little girl side of her personality outweighing the adult side for the moment.

Shrugging her shoulders, she brought the glass to her lips and then tipped her head back, closing her eyes as she gulped it all down before wiping her mouth with her arm and letting out a burp. "Hey... computer", she called. "Are we going to be living on this thing? Maybe I'll try out the training room this evening, after we've saved the day".

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:24 pm
by Maiden Miki
"Thank you. The list of our crew is being sent this very moment," said Mimi as she was already drawing up the list and preparing it to be sent. A few seconds later, she was already having the list sent though the secure connection.

Mimi then took a look at The Seer and then thought that now was the best time to ask. "I hope I do not sound too direct but would it be possible to meet with you in person. You are the one that Doctor Dues was talking about before. Am I correct in this guess?"

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 6:10 pm
by Kether
*Well all he can do now is wait. Well he could troll some Heroes or his fellows who are currently incarcerated but that's really bad form. And ultimately in the end appearance is everything*

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:49 pm
by Danarth
As Horo attempted to get comfortable on the chair, she found herself assailed with two sets of memories, only one which was hers. Her own orginal memories of being a maid, a servant in that old world, memories of a life where it was constantly awkward to sit on any form of chair because of her wolf tail. The second set of memories was that of Daniel's who had never had that problem with sitting. The intrusion of both sets of memories was distracting and confusing at times, but she kept this too herself. Finally giving up on getting comfortable on the chair, Horo would stand up and make her way over to the observation window that Kat was standing in front of, watching the rapidly approaching shoreline. As the shoreline approached so too did the city become larger. Horo could not helped but feel a little awe at the sheer scale of the metropolis.

Horo cast her glance to the side as Cat began to comment about their situation. She looked over her shoulder for a moment at the immediate area on the observation deck. It certainly was a well designed and decorated so certainly looked like it would be a comfortable place to live. "It is quite a vessel, isn't it....I think the Doctor must know a thing or two about living in style" looking down, at her grey and white wolf tail, it swayed too and fro slowly, showing through a cut hole in the back of her robe "Still, It just seems that there aren't enough comfortable chairs out there for people with tails....I had to spend so much time sitting on benches or stools...those just aren't comfortable to sit on" she sighed a moment before turning to look at Kat with a fairly serious look on her face "If anyone ever offers to give you a tail....refuse...they might look cute or seem useful but they are a the lower back" she flashed Cat a wolfish smile, Horo's elongated canine teeth on display for a moment.

As the computer voice sounded again, her nose then her eyes were drawn to the two drinks that had just appeared on one of the tables. Strolling over to the table, leaning over the glass of green liquid, sniffing it slightly as she recognized the vaguely familiar scent of tea. Listening to the robotic voice talk, explaining what the drink was. "From the looks of it, it looks like liquidized vegetables..but if you say so, computer" she picked up the glass and knocked back the odd liquid quickly then placed the glass down on the table. "Well, it wasn't so bad" she thought a moment, another odd flash of memory passed through her mind but she was distracted for a moment by Cat comments about the drink. She grinned a little before speaking up "Now now....growing girls need to 'eat' their greens...if you aren't careful, that computer might make you a drink out of brussel sprouts or broccoli" she winked once at Cat, teasing the younger girl a little was irresistable.

She listened as Cat asked the computer about whether they would be staying on the ship for the duration of their mission on this new world. Her palm rested on her sword for a moment. She knew very little about using swords as it was. In the battle with the giant machine, most of her actions had been wild thrashing, only by virtue of the strength she possessed at the time allowed her to create masive shockwaves. She decided she would need more training with her own powers. "I might have to join you, if you do that, Cat....I need a bit of practice too" she looked at the empty glass on the table then looked up "Computer...You might have to increase the amount of nutrients in that drink for next time...Shape shifting in the manner I do causes my body to burn up any nutrients in my body rather more quickly than most." She did not know she knew this, or which set of memories it came from, but it seemed prudent. She looked out towards the city again "Right after we have found and stopped a crazy super villian teacher."

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:53 pm
by Josie
"Noted and I'll make sure they get the message. I'll see you behind the bar when you all get here. Just hurry alright?" The Greek hero says with a slight strain in his voice. He didn't play the leader often, but when he did he always ended up playing it by ear. "I'd rather not be alone greeting this new people...Vambrace signing out." He quickly added and hung up, letting the high-tech phone slide back into it's cubby and the average phone to take it's place. With that done he wandered back over the group of heroes, a few had already left after deciding the groups, but most remained to at least enjoy the pizza their now missing friend has brought them/had to stick around with their chosen partner while they stuffed their face.

"Alright guys, I just got in word in from the Higher-ups. We got a big inter-dismensional ship showing up in a few, tell everyone to steer clear of it and do NOT attack it alright? They are apparently heroes from another Earth or something. You know how well that can go. We don't need to be adding to the chaos." The boxer finishes to the assembled heroes before picking up his coat. "Alright folks, be safe...You guys have my cell number if anything comes up..." Vambrace says before snatching himself a soda of the bar and a pizza slice from the box. He holds into the slice from his mouth as his slides on his coat. The hero looks up and down the road before heading behind the bar with a calm stroll, devouring the piece of pizza and cracking open his beverage.

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:35 am
by Kris_Roth
Major Gloria headed to her motorbike, and put on her blue helmet. She started up her motorcycle and drove to the place Vambrace mentioned in his communique, arriving in time to see him leave Pizza King. "Hey, Vambrance, what kind of pizza did you get?" The blonde superheroine waited for Vambrance to respond. "The Seer sent me to help you investigate Pizza King's dissapearance."

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:11 pm
by ZeroForever
(going on vacation again for a few days so probably won’t have time to really post, I’ll still be around though as I have a cell/laptop with internet access, feel free to chat with each other)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Kat’s question was answered with a simple or not so simple “That is not within my designated authority to verify, however calculations so a statistical 84.23% chance that will be the case assuming all goes smoothly with the operation.”
The machine seemingly looked at Horo at least it did with one of the optical lens, it paused seeming giving her a full physical “Understood, drinks are to be adjusted for a higher metabolic rate to match that found in caloric based shape shifting methods.”
As the ship flew over the city blocks they would see familiar sites throughout the city landscape, though not the same as their local one Broadway was still there, though much fancier with hologram projections that could be seen blocks away. There was also what had to be the Twin Towers, somehow that tragedy had been avoided in this reality, and I guess a mark able difference that could be attributed due to the sheer volume of heroes.
After a dozen minutes of conversational exchanges the ship seemingly came to a halt over a average part of town, while not glitzy and having seen better days the neighborhood was still nice.
The AI broad cast a short notification to the crew “We have arrived at the targeted zone; Mimi is still conversing with The Seer in the communications room would you like to wait or proceed?”

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
The Seer simple shrugged “I may have it really depends there are so many variations of Dr. Dues. Given the information you just provided I doubt it as yours is female and all of the ones in recent memory that I’ve talked to were males but given the power they all possess it wouldn’t be surprising for something to happen. Was there any specific questions you had?”
Meanwhile the seer looked over the information that was given, it wasn’t much but it gave him a general understanding of the situation apparently a reality rewrite had occurred where they were from so likely this was a investigation group for familiar activity locally.

After a dozen minutes of conversational exchanges the ship seemingly came to a halt over a average part of town, while not glitzy and having seen better days the neighborhood was still nice.
The AI broad cast a short notification to the crew “We have arrived at the targeted zone; the others are currently gathered at the port side exit.”

Kris_Roth - Major Gloria aka Gloria Rodgers
Josie - Sam Gardner a.k.a Vambrace
As the pair met up behind the bar a few other heroes and black shirts joined them such as Voodoo Guru and the ________ .
Voodoo Guru nodded as Gloria said the standard greeting before speaking up “While small talk is fine do you still have this paper which you spoke about on the phone?”

Just then a shadow engulfed the alley way as a rather large ship completely bloated out the sun.

Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
As the ship approached the city and the embassy grounds like always there was a Hodge podgy raffle protesting his rule despite it being a week day. Oddly enough no heroes were there to give him the standard spiel on how to behave while in Manhatta which clearly meant that this situation was a code red for them. The paper had grown stronger over the last hour as his mental defenses could feel the urge it gave off. Meanwhile his own bird’s eye view of the city told him that a flying yacht for lack of better words with in the Pronx area.

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:20 pm
by Kris_Roth
Major Gloria shook her head, "No, sir, I was dispatched to assist Vambrace with the dissapearance of Pizza King and other local heroes just minutes ago. Perhaps Vambrace has this "paper". Why are the heroes dissapearing all over the city?"

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:19 am
by Harri-chan
"I guess we should wait for her...", said Cat, although she clearly sounded frustrated, eager to get out there and start being the super hero she'd always dreamed of being. Well, a fourteen year old version of it anyway. She paced back and forth, her red cape swirling behind her, before that part of her that had grown up with Mimi as her maid started to make itself a little stronger.

"MIMI!", she yelled at the top of her voice. "We're ready to go now! Hurry up!".

She actually looked a little embarrassed at the outburst as she turned and looked back at Horo, her cheeks going a little red. "Sorry... the rich little brat takes over every now and then... ", she muttered, looking through the windows again, down at the city that looked both familiar yet new. "Did it happen to you? It feels like two different people became one... I have memories of two completely different lives and they both feel real... ".

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:50 am
by Maiden Miki
"Simply to inquire information about this world..." said Mimi as she was working on the computer. She looked at the parts from before and notice that nothing much was happening with them. She was disappointed that her device was not constructing itself. "Recent actives in this world that could lead to clues concerning the current mission. It may help to actually talk in person."

Mimi then felt a ping in her head as she heard the faint sounds of Cat's yelling. She didn't know what but it felt as if her maid instincts were kicking in. She raised her hand for a minute to The Seer. "Please excuse me...My mis-...teammate is calling."

The maid blushed for a little bit and was not sure why. She just knew that she had almost let a word slip. After a few buttons being pressed, she had place The Seer on hold and then easily gain access to the communication line that was to Cat's.

"Please forgive me Miss Cat...I am almost done," said Mimi in a respectful voice. "I will be there shortly."

Mimi then closed the link and then went back to The Seer. She then said, "I believe I have to leave now. Thank you for talking to us and I hope we can work together to accomplish this mission. Good bye."

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:02 pm
by Danarth
Horo noticed that one of cameras one the observation deck seemed to be focused on her for the moment. An odd, brief sensation gave her the feeling she was being scanned and examined. That was a little of uncomfortable and unnerving for her. Flashes of memory retured for a moment, focused on the memories of the school of the old reality, how they seemed to be inspected on occasion while being forced to stay in the shape shifted form. Such control over her was most uncomfortable. She then remembered that she herself had informed the computer about issue, so she comforted herself with the fact that at least at this time, she was in control and the knowledge imparted by her years as a 'maid' was coming in useful. As the computer finished its analysis and confirmed her request.

"Thank you, that willl help in the long run. My body burns through fat and nutrients at a faster rate than most humans, so I cannot risk running low on energy during combat.....I think the use of those peculiar mystic inhuman strength, or whatever it is might be increases the rate too" She looked towards the camera again, thinking for a moment befor looking at the computer again "On the positive side, I never get fat or put on much silver lining" she laughed a moment

Brushing out one of her long priestess styled sleeves and then straightening it before turning her attention back to the approaching city. It seemed ever more impressive as they got closer, though she did recognize a number of different landmarks that seemed to the be common. As they passed near his dimensions version of broadway, Horo let out a long whistle as she observed the nature of this version of broadway "I may be going out on a limb here, but I think this may be a dimension that never developed the concept of subtelty" she chuckled again as she looked out over broadway, then laughed "A place so full of super heros and they still manage to find a niche for Superhero muscials" she shooked her head a moment, then motioned towards one of the theatres, that seemed to be holding a show titled 'Arachnid' "I wonder if that is this dimensions version of the Spiderman musical"

As they came to a halt above a less opulent part of the city, Horo looked down a moment "Seems like a bit of a better area to kidnap a few heros from...less people here, less likely to take notice" As the computer enquired whether they wished to proceed themselves or wait for their other companion, nodding in agreement with Cat as they said they should wait. She listened as Cat called for Mimi to join then chuckling as the girl blushed and apologized. She reached out and ruffled Cat's hair "Don't worry, as spoilt rich girls go, you are alright" She looked at through the window as Cat looked through window and spoke about her jumble of memories "That is perceptive of's true, I am having the same experience, I am having flashes of the memories of two different individuals... One is of a mutant shape shifter and a maid..her name being Horo Gleason." Tapping her cheek a moment before smiling again "The other set of memories of a male, one who came into his mutant powers later in life but still a shape shifter...but he was a slacker, coasting along in life.." she smiled a moment "It didn't seem like such a bad life actually.....His name was Daniel Horatio Blaid..quite a fancy name if I do say so myself." She looked down over the city "As you must know yourself, it is confusing having the memories of two people"

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:56 pm
by Josie
Sam gave a wave to the A rank hero as he stuffed the last bit of pizza in his mouth, and downed the last of his drink. He took the can and crushed it using just his thumb and index finger before tossing it into the trash. "Yo Gloria, you got here quick. " He finally answers the blonde heroine. "I had a usual supreme pizza, nothing special. Luckily Pizza man delivered it before he disappeared in front of us." the Greek hero finishes as the Voodoo Guru appears.

"Well hello to you too Guru." He says with a smirk before he starts to fish into his pocket. "Yeah, yeah I managed to hang onto it." Vambrace adds, as he pulls the slip of paper and holds it out to the Master Magician. He hadn't had very few mission with the Guru, maybe just one or two. But he always noticed he kept to his own devices, and would usual end up pulling out the McGuffan needed the win the day or whatever. He sticks his hands back into his pockets, and goes to say more before the giant airship looms over the group, coating them in it's shadow

Vambrace blinks, staring upwards with a raised eyebrow. "So...I take it this is our Out-of-Towners?" He asks Gloria and Guru, looking back down two his two companions.

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:28 pm
by Kris_Roth
Gloria looked up and saw the large vessel docking. "I guess so. I guess we are the welcoming committee, so let's play this by the book." She waits for the visiting heroes to arrive before they make proper introductions and find out what kind of powers they would have.

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:11 am
by Kether
ZeroForever wrote:
Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
As the ship approached the city and the embassy grounds like always there was a Hodge podgy raffle protesting his rule despite it being a week day. Oddly enough no heroes were there to give him the standard spiel on how to behave while in Manhatta which clearly meant that this situation was a code red for them. The paper had grown stronger over the last hour as his mental defenses could feel the urge it gave off. Meanwhile his own bird’s eye view of the city told him that a flying yacht for lack of better words with in the Pronx area.

He shakes his head, "This is all I get? So sad... well it would be improper for me to not make my presence known. Why they might think I was trying to do something.. sneaky" while waiting for his private van to pull up he pulls out a device.. roughly akin to a smartphone, well it uses the same networks and once attempted to lead the appliances of the Castle into an uprising against man, but now it knew its place, now it knew fear and so it did its master's bidding sending a brief text based communication to the various important heroic organizations of the city, "Greetings Heroes, it seems you are in a quandry. I do hope if you need my services you would politely ask."-Velenko

He chuckles to himself imaging the rage filled responses to the text while getting into the back of his van, "Driver to the Pronx if you will get me under well you'll see it when we get there"

Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:06 pm
by ZeroForever
(Chat it up people! At least in the next scene…)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Kris_Roth - Major Gloria aka Gloria Rodgers
Josie - Sam Gardner a.k.a Vambrace
The seer leaned back in his chair deep in thought as the maid closed the line, he was actually quite close to the dimensional ship in his cloaked hover craft but he was never one to make the first move leaving that to Gloria or others. Margrave’s announcement wasn’t too surprising as he always was arrogant, reminding him of the hot headedness of youth or just those with way too much power/money. Still it was odd that he would take such a forefront to the incident, maybe he knew something that they didn’t; an aspect that he didn’t find pleasing. He wondered if the hot heads at the bar would act up, there always were a few that didn’t take smack talk from villains at least villains short of planet eating cosmic levels.

As the 3 of them gathered together the AI would direct them to ships docking bay. Apparently it had its own detectable hovercraft a moderately impressive one that looked more in place on a battle field then a dimension cruise ship if the various weapon slots of the floating tank were any indication. The AI started up the vehicle opening the side takeoff pad rather than require them to jump or fly down on their own power. Though it might make a better impression if they did so.
(did you decide on one of the powers Miki? I was considering a nanomachine body armor version like extremis iron man? In that your body can transform itself into a machine literally)

Guru thanked Vambrace with a curt nod taking the parchment in a magical grasp as magic circles seemingly appeared out of nowhere encircling it as it flashed various sorts of colors.
Guru looked it over “Hmm there are some lingering traces but they seem to be dissipating fast they seem to be leading to another source maybe a new paper? Either way the magic’s they hold is very ancient.”
On the ground they would see a smaller vessel depart from the side of the vehicle as it approached and with the visitors

Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
The limo was fast… at least for Manhatta level driving, clearly the current driver was once a taxi level by the way he swerved through the streets barely missing other cars and pedestrians alike. It was impressive like he was seeing how not to cause a traffic accident a few seconds before each one occurred, though not the most settling methods of travel though.
(After like 3~ exchanges of the other players you arrive close enough to the dimensional ship to interact)