by Mistress Guendolen » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:30 pm
"Whoa. That was a bit... bipolar." Talk about a fast flip! This guy's got issues, I don't care what he says. Hope he works them out before he makes something go boom or splat that can't be fixed.... "But as May said, settle down. Save the rain of death and destruction for when you actually fight the guy! What we do now, I'm thinking, is to try to find out anything about the info on that badge- if the unit is a special force, where it's located, etc. That'll be a head start in getting Kate back.... And yeah, Alexis, guess I did find my attack, huh? Guess it was in there all the time.... I just wonder if I can make this thing do anything else." She studied her staff thoughtfully.
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa