TG/TF Virus III-|(*Hiatus*)|


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Postby Nikki » Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:06 pm

"So you're Ashlee now?" Bree asked. "That's so cool."
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Postby AshK » Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:18 pm

Ashlee: I guess I am again. I looked a bit different as Ashley before. I like the way I look. What do you think of me Bree-Chan.

Sandra: You know that we are possibly next don't you Lance?

Lance: I know. I never thought it would happen again.

*Just then the Hidden Door Opens and someone comes out of the Staircase.*

Ashlee: Um hi who are you? My name is Ashlee Michelle Schatsiek.

Sandra: My name is Sandra Rachel Schatsiek.

Lance: My name is Lance Michael Schatsiek.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:20 pm

"Hello to all of you my name is Hiro." Hiro said introducing himself to everyone.
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Postby AshK » Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:36 pm

*The Door to the Stairway Closes behind Hiro as his muscle mass seems to disappear and he loses a bit of height. He shrinks down to about 5'5" as his face starts to feminize and his hair turns black and lengthens to his waist. All his body hair on his legs, arms and chest starts to disappear leaving the skin smooth as his chest becomes a bit tender to the touch, itchy and sensitive. His limbs start to become slender and more elegant. His Fingers and toes start to become a bit more slender and elegant. His finger and toenails lengthen a bit. His Torso Lengthens and his hips collapse in and flare out. His Rear is raised up and also Rounds out a bit. His upper body forms a bit of an Hour-Glass shape as C-Cup Breasts appear on his chest. His adams apple disappears and his mind goes from male to female as a vaccuum is created between his legs sucking in his manhood and turning it into Womanhood as a Fuku Similar to Rei Hino from Sailor Moon appears on him and high heels appear on his now her feet. Her name is now Helena, but she prefers to be called Helen. She also finds an urge to admire herself in the Full-Length Mirror in the Bathroom which is down the hall first door on the right.*

OOC: Let me know if you want a different name and I will change it. for right now your name is now Helen which is short for Helena. I will try to find a picture for you Hira. Your character now looks similar to this:


Ashlee: You know what I knew the virus was not finished. *Sigh.*

Sandra: This Third Strain seems even Faster acting than the first or second ones.

Lance: It sure does.
Last edited by AshK on Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Asch » Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:43 pm

"As fun as this looks..." David said with obvious sarcasm as he backed away into a corner. "I'll just... stay over here. Try and keep a few feet away at all costs. I don't want to catch it!" He had seen transformation over the news, but never in real life. The effect on people was just scary while watching it first hand.
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Postby AshK » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:00 pm

Ashlee: Well if you want to keep from Transforming, you so totally need to stay out of the Rain. When Bree-Chan shook her hair out and got me wet I instantly changed into who I am now.

Sandra: David you value your Manhood you will have to stay in here.

Lance: If you go out in the Rain the changes will immediately start occurring, at least we think. This is real life now. You saw what it did to Bryce and Tony. It will do the same thing to you. You also saw what it did to Hiro. To stay dry you have to stay here.

OOC: If you want a changed to occur just go out in the rain and get rained on. I am leaving it upto you.
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Postby Dani » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:04 pm

Dan looked at them all surprised at the other transformation he just witnessed.

"Holy Crap!" Dan Said as he started to back away towards the stair case and then out the door. He made it outside just as he remebered: The Virus was int he rain. Beofre he could feel the effects (not that the effects weren't still going to happen) He ran back down intot he bunker to try and get it off before it was too late.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:05 pm

"Yeah, so I'm jsut gonna take a look at a mirror if I can find one." Helen said.
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Postby AshK » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:13 pm

Dan wrote:Dan looked at them all surprised at the other transformation he just witnessed.

"Holy Crap!" Dan Said as he started to back away towards the stair case and then out the door. He made it outside just as he remebered: The Virus was int he rain. Beofre he could feel the effects (not that the effects weren't still going to happen) He ran back down intot he bunker to try and get it off before it was too late.

*Unfortunately for Dan it was too late as he immediately started shrinking and losing all of his Body Hair from his Arms, Hands, Legs, and Feet. The aforementioned body parts started to become more slender and elegant as his hair lengthened to Mid-Back Length and became a Lighter Brown. Eventually the changes were complete and his mind completely changed to that of a girl and he looked exactly like This he was now a she and stood at about 5' 7" Tall. Clothes and All. She had the urge to admire herself in the nearest full-length mirror. She was now Danielle and wanted to be called Dani for short. Her Boxers were also replaced with a Bra and Panties.*

Ashlee: We like warned you. Now you better go take a look at yourself to see what you think.

Sandra: They just don't heed our warnings do they?

Lance: No they don't.
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Postby Asch » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:35 pm

"I never said I was leaving, just that I'm staying away from you guys..." He muttered before his eyes grew wide watching Dan fall under the influence of the virus. "Another one bites the dust. Seriously, you guys stay the HECK away from me!"
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Postby Nikki » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:40 pm

"Yay maybe we can have a slumber party now." Bree said
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Postby AshK » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:40 pm

Ashlee: You can't get it from contact David. You can only get it from being Rained on or exposed to Infected Water. If I were to sneeze on you, you wouldn't get it. It is not transmitted that way.

Sandra: We should know. We were exposed before.

Lance: That is true.
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Postby Asch » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:47 pm

"Ugh, fine." David murmured as he loosened up, standing up and walking over to Lance, who like him had still kept his original form. "But what do we do now? Wait? What about them? I don't know how long I can keep my sanity stuck with a bunch of girls. " David was often teased as a kid by girls for being to wimpy. While he grew out of that phase, he is still somewhat haunted by it. "Ah well, there probably isn't much we can do about it..."
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Postby AshK » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:49 pm

Lance: David what is your problem with Girls? Are you going to be afraid of every Transformee that comes in here for refuge. Ashlee won't hurt you, neither will any of the other girls.

Sandra: Why are you so afraid of us?

Ashlee: We so totally won't hurt you.
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Postby Asch » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:55 pm

"Ah, sorry. I was bullied by girls a lot as a kid, so I'm kind of iffy about being around them. I don't even like to be around my little sister for too long..." The red head explained, his face bright red from the question. "I don't mean to offend you, it's nothing personal against you, it's just a miniscule phobia that I overreact to. I apologize."
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