by all_knowing_frog » Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:34 pm
Leon slowly made his way down the street. It had been weeks scinse his last job. He sighed, "Could be worse." that was his 'motto' and it was what kept him going, but resently, he was having a hard time believing in it. The last time he'd been happy, -truly- happy, not a drug induced stupor, had been years ago. His first day of highschool, as bizzare as it may seem, was the highlight of his life.
He suspected it was because he'd finally started to notice girls, and sense he had many friends that were female, he felt it was a sure bet that he wouldn't single. The idea of a person to cherish and to feel the same for you filled him with elation. Boy was he wrong, it seemed like -beacause- he was friends with so many girls, non of them wanted to be anything more then a friend. The new thoughts running through his head eventually started to make being around them awkward, slowly wearing away at those friendships. He couldn't stand being alone though.
So he turned to his side of the fence. It took him a little while, but he eventually discovered that his time with the fairer sex had distanced him from his own gender. He shared few to no interests with other guys. It was more awkward with them then it was with the girls! So turned to the girls again, with the same, if not worse results.
He felt alone, and thus lost his motivation to go to school. THus destroying his chances at a real carrier, he hadn't cared at the time. He was to caught up in his own fantasies. Dreams of having the perfect girl. The girl who was cute, sweet, and kind. He imagined protecting her from those who tried to take advantage of her, she being too delicate and kind to defend herself. As time went on, he became more and more entranced by this non-existent girl.
Eventually it got to the point were he couldn't stand the fact she wasn't real, so he turned to the only thing he could think of, hallucinagenics. Drugs. He'd fallen over the edge of obsession into delusion. Soon he was spending all his money on illegal substances in order to be with his 'girlfriend'.
These days, he'd finaly woken up from his fantasy, and it was slowly pulling him into the pits of dispare. What was the point if she wasn't there? The adorable girl, no angel, who loved him, cherished him. Held him above all else. The person he would give his life to protect and make happy.
A shiver ran down his spine, it was getting cold out...
Leon started searching for a place to get out of the elements. When he came across the seemingly abandoned high school, he couldn't help himself. He needed shelter, and better yet, this was the kind of place he'd 'met' her. He could almost imagine her inside, her cute smile on her face. Even after all these years, she'd not changed. She was still young highschool girl, even though he was now an adult man.
Anctiosly, he made his way to the doors, and if unlocked, inside.
All Glory to the Hypno Suwako...
I know quite a bit, but it's mostly useless info.