by CalypsoNymph » Sat May 05, 2012 8:49 pm
Name: Cain Bale; Weapon Master
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 230
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Hair color: Usual, black. When weilding his weapon, silver.
Eye color: Usually, brown. When weilding his weapon, red.
Hero Tier: 2; C/B, but rising.
Description – A relatively tall man, clealy physically fit... he'd be imposing, but he's surprisingly lean. When he's normally out and about, he wears a pair of cargo pants with a black T-Shirt... he's fairly attractive, and knows it, but doesn't flaunt it around. A conversation will quickly show that he's fairly bright, and agreeable, not wanting to get into conflicts.
When he's using his weapon, however, there's a quick alteration to him... depending on the weapon used. What remains constant, however, is that his short black hair grows out into a longer pure silver, and his normally brown eyes glow an intimidating red. His clothing tends to alter depending on the weapon used, but if the clothing already fits the weapon, nothing really happens. If he's weilding a medievle-like sword, like he is now, then his clothing will change into plate armor, wereas if he was using a staff, it'd probably change into a monks outfit. He hasn't gotten his hands on any particularly unique, or powerfull weapons... but his outfit would probably change to fit if he ever got his hands on one.
Biography – Cain Bale has always hated only two things; His name, reminicisnt of Earth's first murderer, and his families history. The 'Bale' family, or at least on his side, has always been weapon masters of an unusual calaber... and tend to be mercenaries, villians, assasins, muggers, what have you. It's big, it's influential, and it protects it's own... except when they leave the 'family business'. Like his parents did.
Targeted by a large and infamous family, whose members sometimes were the only ones in a towns jail, is generally not good for your health. They ran, yes... the ran fast and far, across the sea several times over, eventually landing back in America. It is there that they were found, his mother nine months pregant.
When they found his mother was pregnant, their hands were tied. Most of the members had some limits to their cruelty. Don't hurt mothers, or children... some of them didn't attack woman at all, but the Bale family was always a bit proud with how liberal they were.
They agreed to let them both go... free from their family... on a few conditions. They keep the family name. They name their child 'Cain'. They inform their child of their families history, in all their blody glory, and they let them try an age old ritual, recently found, on the pregnante mother.
They had to accept, or die with their unborn child.
They accepted, and moved to Manhattan.
Cain lived a fairly normal life... he always had some trouble when people realised the deal with his name... teasing, bullying, and in one notable instance, cristian extremists trying to burn down his house. That was fun.
When he turned thirteen, he learned of his families history... and had a kind of... facination, with it. Weapon masters, spread across the globe... mostly with petty crime, but with a few full fledged super villians! Childlike wimsy combined with a slight aura of awe lead him to start trying out weapons himself. He quickly found a rather impressive talent in it. By the time he was eighteen, he was more dangerous with a staff then most with a sword. Actually, by the time he was eighteen, he was more dangerous with a kitchen knife then most were with a sword.
...Of course, his delusions of villianous grandour was nothing more then a childish dream, never really given any serious consideration... espicially after he found out his instict to beat up muggers when he caught them in the act.
It was more of a side job then anything else, really... he caught some muggers, beat them up with a wooden staff he started carrying around, and then go on about his day. Until he picked a fight he couldn't win.
Cain was flying high... life was good. His parents were helping him with his growing weapon collection, he had a cute girlfriend, and he was a small time hero! ...And then the Bale family caught on towhat he was doing.
They sent one of the... stronger, members to Cain's town... and also one of the more... brutish. He came to town, and started a small spree of muggings; Cain eventually caught on to it, and started searching the man out. Unfortunatly... he found him. He brought up his staff, and prepared for battle...
And promptly lost. Painfully.
Cain was there, lying in an alleyway, broken and in pain, as a member of his family was laufhing and stomping on his broken legs. His hands were twitching towards the staff. "You're weak!" Shouted the Bale, "Weak weak weak weak WEAK!" He laughed crazily, reveling in the pain he was causing, his hands griped around his weapon of choice; a heavy crowbar.
Cain, breathing heavily, his broken hands twitching towards his staff thought one thought: Power... give me power... the power to defend... the power to KILL!
Cain isn't sure what happened after that. All he knows is that he never had a peak of trouble from any Bale except his parents, and that he had unlocked a strange power, fueled and altered by his weapons... and felt an increadible guilt, that he's been working to repay ever since. It's since faded to nothing... but he still wished to help others, trying desperatly to avoid any deaths.
In recent times, he weilds an old medieval sword, because he feels the increased strength and damage protection will help protect him in recent times of unrest. He tends to keep to the streets, and a fairly large area is actually much safer because of him, and as he gets more used to his powers his influence is growing... but he knows that if he got a strong enough weapon, a good enough instremunt of destruction, he'd quickly gain enough power to jump right up to the A-list. Something like a vibrating blade... an alien cannon... or just a really big bazooka.
Weapons – Cain has collected a rather large collection of weapons, both mundane and esoteric, of all kinds. From hidden blades, to staffs, to swords, to guns and rifles... but due to his powers, he can only ever weild one at a time; currently, he's using an old, if study, blade made in the style of the old medievel blades weilded by knights.
General Abilities – Cain can summon a single weapon from any point of his body at any time, and gains powers and clothings based on it. For example, using a sword he gains some enhanced strength, minor invulnerability, and wears weightless plate armor. If he weilds a gun, dependin on the type, he gains enhanced speed and reflexes, some camoflaughe, and wears any of a number of outfits from a soldiers uniform to an old western outfit.
Unfortunatly, he cannot use any more then one weapon at a time... trying to causes both of them to be destroyed. He must eject one weapon in its entirety, and then pick up another one.
In addition to these supernatural powers, gifted to him by the ritual prefermed before he was born, he has a natural affinity for any and all weapons, and with just a few moments of testing he can weild it... compitently.
TF preferences - I would prefer something completely diffrent, and preferably sexy. AR is fine, but no more then three years, down to eighteen... and I, for one, love mental changes, and the subtler they are, the better. It's great, in my opinion, if the character makes all the changes to their life, both because they want to, and the punishment or thing about not doing it just... isn't worth it. So, for example, say, wearing skirts because having pants encompasing her legs is uncomfortable and sweating and many other tiny things... and wearing skirts just give a sense of freedom...
It's preferable if the end form is eceptionally diffrent from this form... like a diffrent person, actually. So, for example, a maid happy to serve, a bubbly cheerleader, a profesionally (albeit sexy) secretary that's frusterated by her boss, a proffesional assasin in a skin tight body suit... stuff like that. Feel free for limited intellegence removal, but don't go too far... down too 'distractable and bubbely', but not too 'idiot bimbo'
Last edited by
CalypsoNymph on Sat May 12, 2012 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.