by Whatevr89532 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:01 pm
The kid seems delighted Pat is answering him. "Yeah, I'm okay..but I can't find the milk! Mom sent me to go get some, and I dunno where it is."
The slow loss of height continues for a bit of the drive, eventually leaving Jamie a little on the short side. Meanwhile, the little bits of fuzz on his ears grows out a little bit, and Jamie starts to get a sense of the air blowing across her ears because of them. The ears seem bigger, and seem to start wiggling around occasionally, all on their own. The ears keep growing after her height stabilizes, and at that point she starts to feel her t-shirt getting slightly looser around her stomach, and her jeans start to feel a little bit tighter on the sides. Strangely, she doesn't seem to feel any movement going on in her lower body, and only the results point to a change happening.
Kyle finds himself grinning as he crosses the street, and as the odd feelings continue he even giggles quietly a little bit. He pauses after the stoplight, thinking, What am I doing, what's so-- before his thought is interrupted by the bird and his eyes snap to watch it fly away. Darn! Too late! Wait..why do I care about a bird? He scratches his head, wondering what's going on..and then starst moving again. After all, the museum's still ahead of him.
Emma starts digging in her purse for her own keys; she pauses, thinking of something, and starts talking again, but doesn't stop looking for them. "Are you sure you don't want me to get you there, in case there's any more trouble? I could take the rest of the day off, I don't take all that many vacations anyway..."
"Yeah, you're sorta--huh?" Somehow Carter manages to grab the hand the man just had scraped against the sidewalk, even though that doesn't seem quite the natural thing to do. He lets himself be helped up anyway, but is just about to complain when a small white glow surrounds the area her hand is in contact with his. He was wincing in pain a second ago, but now his expression is a little confused. "Wha..?" The white glow spreads down his arm, only along the injury, and stays there for only a couple of seconds. When the glow is gone, his arm looks completely healed, except that it's a little dirty and still has the small bit of blood on it that had already come out before she'd grabbed his hands.
She has a vague sense, once it's done, that she feels just a little more tired, fatigued than before. As if she had an invisible muscle somewhere and had just exercised it for the first time in a long while. It's only a minor discomfort, but it's definitely there. Meanwhile, the guy looks over his arm. "Whoa! That is awesome! Are you, like, a real life..?"
The lunch break drags on for a little while, and at first it seems like Riley might actually be safe today. Then it happens again. Courtney Channing, the girl who's in everything, all the hard classes and student council and a number of things most of the people at this school hasn't even heard of, starts walking right toward him. She's smart, pretty, and popular enough to get voted onto the student council twice in a row now. Why does she waste her time talking to someone who's clearly trying to be invisible? That's how the rumors go every time she does this. She's still way over there, but she's walking with a purpose; maybe he has enough time to get away or look busy or something.
((Zilla, I hope you don't mind me grabbing Courtney from several pages back and making her a legit NPC so Calypso has something to do here...
Calypso, I hope this is okay with you too. Actually, either of you let me know if this isn't okay via PM and I can work out an edit to fix it.
On an unrelated note, would you guys find it easier to keep up with which paragraphs respond to who if I used quotes of the player(s) being addressed before each one, or is it clear enough as it is right now?))