by Harri-chan » Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:02 am
The girl felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips as Grace praised her for a job well done, and she found herself reaching her arms around the woman, even as she stood there with her panties around her ankles. Now, she'd been to the bathroom thousands of times before, but as Grace instructed her on what to do next, her subconcious started ignoring that previous experience.
She focused on the woman's lips, trying to make sure she remembered the correct order in which to do everything. She felt nervous, that she was going to get it wrong, but the kiss on her cheek eased her fears and brought her smile back. Bending down, she tugged up the tiny panties, followed by the white pantyhose, and the turned to flush! Turning to the sink, she blushed at how high it felt, but washed her hands with soap and warm water before drying then in a fluffy towel.
Her clean, dry hands reached down, smoothing the dress out. For a moment she looked indecisive, but then stepped a little closer to the kneeling woman. "It tickles...", she mumured, and swished her dress, preferring to demonstrate rather than use words.
Ian nodded, seemingly believing her claim about allergies. "You'll have to get some pills for those I guess. So, uhh, I still need to clean the pool and finish up a few things, but I should be done here by the time you're backing from your shopping trip". His gaze was roaming again, but instead of feeling disgust, it made her feel... pretty. Did she REALLY want to lock herself away? "Don't worry, I'll take a shower and put some clean clothes on", he added, and again flashed that knee-weakening smile.