[MTFF] If the Panties Fit


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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:10 am

Ian's eyes widened slightly, and then a lovely smile spread across his lip, his white teeth just peeking out beneath his lips, and it made Belle's knees weak. "Well... maybe I could show you around town", he suggested. Her breasts felt like they were trying to escape as she crossed her arms beneath them, and pushed them up a little more. He notices her biting her lip, and he comes a little closer, tilting his head slightly, "You okay, Belle?".


Candace chewed her bottom lip, having to take one hand off her dress as she leaned across to take some paper. She didn't know when it had started, but she felt... protective of her dress. It looked and felt rather expensive, and she didn't want to go getting it dirty at all. She folds a square of paper and then awkwardly squirms before she could get a hand beneath herself to wipe up. Swallowing a deep breath, she closed her eyes, blushing brightly as she repeated it, and then held her dress with both hands again, before wriggling forward and hopping onto her feet.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:32 am

Belle nods, her weak knees involuntarily putting a daydreamer's smile on her face. "Y-yes, sure! I wouldn't want to explore on my own." Frankly, Isabella didn't want to explore at all. She wants to lock herself up in a closet and never come out so she doesn't have to be looked at ever again. But... she feels that wonderful tingling in her nethers as she talks to him and looks at him. Intense as it is, it feels really good.. and a small part of her wants to feel it again. "I... have allergies. I just got here, so I guess I'm getting used to them."


Mother hugs Candace right as she hops off, not even caring that the little girl's panties are still around her ankles. "Good job, sweetie! Go ahead and pull your underwear up, flush, and wash your hands." She kisses the girl on the cheek. When she lets go, Candace can feel the dress flutter against her legs... and now without any panties to shield her, the dress tickles the skin between her legs. But it's just that, a tickle, and nothing more.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:02 am

The girl felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips as Grace praised her for a job well done, and she found herself reaching her arms around the woman, even as she stood there with her panties around her ankles. Now, she'd been to the bathroom thousands of times before, but as Grace instructed her on what to do next, her subconcious started ignoring that previous experience.

She focused on the woman's lips, trying to make sure she remembered the correct order in which to do everything. She felt nervous, that she was going to get it wrong, but the kiss on her cheek eased her fears and brought her smile back. Bending down, she tugged up the tiny panties, followed by the white pantyhose, and the turned to flush! Turning to the sink, she blushed at how high it felt, but washed her hands with soap and warm water before drying then in a fluffy towel.

Her clean, dry hands reached down, smoothing the dress out. For a moment she looked indecisive, but then stepped a little closer to the kneeling woman. "It tickles...", she mumured, and swished her dress, preferring to demonstrate rather than use words.


Ian nodded, seemingly believing her claim about allergies. "You'll have to get some pills for those I guess. So, uhh, I still need to clean the pool and finish up a few things, but I should be done here by the time you're backing from your shopping trip". His gaze was roaming again, but instead of feeling disgust, it made her feel... pretty. Did she REALLY want to lock herself away? "Don't worry, I'll take a shower and put some clean clothes on", he added, and again flashed that knee-weakening smile.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:26 am

Belle finds herself squirming again as he looks her up and down. Her arms still push up under her breasts, and now she does shiver from the pleasure running up her spine. Okay, so she's had one positive experience with being looked at. That doesn't mean she always wants to feel pretty, or that she won't be embarrassed again. She reaches up with one hand to brush some of the brown hair out of her face. But maybe... if she talks to him again... "I'll see you after, then. Thanks for being so nice, Ian." She smiles under her blush, and returns his favor by letting her eyes wander.


Grace tugs on the dress a little bit and smirks. "I guess this is a little frilly. But, for the more pretty dresses, you'll always feel a tickle every now and then." She reaches up and hands Candace her bunny. "When we go shopping, we'll have to find something more comfortable for you too." She pats the dress down, and fiddles with the little girl's hair for a bit. "Come on, let's go back out there." She stands up, then looks down as she reaches for a hand, and guides Candace out of the bathroom.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:38 am

Candace immediately reached up to take the white bunny, drawing it into her a firm hug as Grace adjusted her dress and toyed with her hair. Her brown eyes studied the woman in silence before she reached one hand out, and latched onto the larger one that was offered, "A little frilly?", she murmured, repeating the woman's words, looking down at the dress again. This one was only... a little frilly? That made her blush.

Grace and Candace arrived back at the living room, just as Ian was heading back out to the pool. Coming up behind the teenager, the woman laid a gentle hand on her bare shoulder, and was smiling, "I'm happy you're making friends, dear, but try not to go distracting the staff too much, hmm?", she asked, her gaze glancing down to indicated Belle's tiny miniskirt.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:53 am

Belle smacks her palm to her face and groans. Well, at least Ian is gone, so maybe she can level out again. "Oh, come on. We were just talking. And it's not like I chose this stuff." Her blush remains, albeit for different reasons. The last thing Isabella needs is her caretaker thinking she's flirting with guys.

It feels good to have the bunny again. He feels just as fluffy and soft as before. Grace looked down and gave her a smile as they approached the living room. "Oh, I can show you frilly, dear." She gives her little hand a squeeze. Once in the living room, she motions for Belle to follow her, and takes the girls into the kitchen.

The kitchen has a very modern look, with all stainless steel appliances, dark marble countertops, and one of those islands in the middle with an electric range. "If you feel you need a snack, you should be able to find something here. If you'd like to learn, or just help out with the cooking, you can do that too. It's a good skill to learn, and I'd like to see you two helping out around the house when you can."
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:22 am

Candace felt herself blush at Grace's comment. It didn't feel like a threat, but she could already imagine how much an even more frilly dress would tickle. In response, she squeezed the bunny tighter, and looked up at Bella, noticing her flustered look and red cheeks.

"I didn't say you were doing anything wrong, Dear, but you're a very pretty girl, and boys are easily distracted by pretty girls. You'll end up with a whole string of them following you around without even trying. Just... bear that in mind", smiled Grace.

Candace chewed her bottom lip when the woman asked if they wanted anything to eat. Even though her tummy was so much smaller than it had been when she woke up, they'd still not had breakfast, and would both likely be starting to get hungry. "Could I have a sadndwich?", she asked, brown eyes looking up to Grace before she added, "Please... Mommy", she blushed.

Grace smiled brightly, taking a pink apron with white frilled edges down from a hanging hook along the wall... and held it out to Belle. "Put this on, Dear. Even if you didn't pick those clothes, there's no sense dirtying them. Once you've done that, you can make your sister a sandwich. I need to get an idea of how much we're going to have to teach you".
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:51 am

Isabella slips the apron on and ties it up in back. She looks down and shakes her head in disapproval of the pink and the frills. She tries to ignore the comment of lines of boys following after her, and starts looking through the dark brown cabinets and the fridge for sandwich stuff. "What do you mean? What do you need to teach me?"

Candace does indeed feel a little hungry. There's no way she could reach up to those cabinets to fix a sandwich for herself, though. She can barely even reach the counter. In this kitchen, there is no way she's going to fix anything by herself. Grace, meanwhile, opens the pantry and returns with a juice box. She pokes the straw into the lid and hands the container to Candace. "Here, go take a seat at the table. We'll have your sandwich ready soon." She points to an open doorway which leads to a dining room with dark red walls, a chandelier, and a table with fancy old fashioned chairs with leather seats.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:37 pm

"Skills in the kitchen", smiles Grace in reply to Belle's question, and she waves her hand to indicate the entire room. "One of my friends runs a baking class every other tuesday. Maybe we could go together, some Mother daughter bonding", she said, although she didn't actually seem to be asking the teenager wether or not she approved.

Candace blushed as she was handed the juice container, but she took it quietly, and pushing the straw between her lips as she turned and made her way through to the room grace had pointed to, the frills tickling back and forth around her thighs again. Her eyes widened a little as she entered the dining room, and hopped up onto a chair, once more bunching her dress up around her waist.

Grace watched Belle carefully as she looked through the cupboards, and as she bent, she could feel her skirt riding up, dangerously close to exposing her panties. Her breasts shifted inside her bra at the same time, and she could feel the slight pull on it's straps when she was bent over.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:56 pm

Belle has bread, meat, cheese, lettuce, a tomato, and some mayo and mustard. She gets out a knife and starts cutting up the tomato after picking at her skirt and adjusting her bra straps. "Kitchen skills? Why do I need to learn how to cook? It looks like you're well off enough to hire people to cook for you." She growls and picks at her bra strap again. "Gah, I hate these things on my chest! They're so awkward!"

She manages to finish slicing the tomato, and fixes up two sandwiches. "So...Grace. Do you want a sandwich too?"

Candace doesn't quite fit in the chair. The back is too high, and her legs dangle off the edge. She can reach the table just fine, but it still feels a little high. However, there is just enough room on her seat to put her bunny right next to her. Maybe he can have his own lunch. The notion crosses her mind as she sips on the tasty juice. Then, it hits her.

Mommy sent her out when they were making the food... she must not trust her to prepare her own meals. And the juice box... this dining room is nice enough, it's possible that she didn't trust her with a glass. The woman who has been so nice to her doesn't even trust her enough not to spill food on her nice things.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:20 am

Grace watched Belle in amusement. "Dear, you're eighteen. You're welcome to live with me as you long as you wish, but I'm sure at some point you're going to want to find a man worthy of starting your own family with. He'll expect you to cook his meals and clean his clothes amongst other things. So you see, I can't allow you to become lazy and have the staff do all this. It's your your own good. And please, remember to call me Mother", she mumured, kissing the teenager on the forehead. "Your sister seems to have picked it up pretty quickly, I'm sure you can do the same. No thank you, Dear, I had brunch before you arrived".

Candace set the bunny down beside her, smoothing his floppy ears as she sipped her juice. She could hear Grace and Belle talking, but not cleverly enough to make out any words. It was as she turned to look back at the kitchen, that she realised what had just happened. Her cheeks went red, and her shoulders slumped a little. Although, as she sat there, she began to wonder if the woman's concerns were justified. She wouldn't have managed to get dressed or go to the bathroom without help from Samantha and Grace, so maybe she wouldn't be able to make a sandwich or avoid spilling juice either.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:29 am

"What? No! I'm never going to do that!" She blushes and finishes up the sandwiches. "Starting a family... doing...that with a guy. Those are the last things I want right now." She brings the two sandwiches into the dining room and sets one in front of Candace. She couldn't want that, right? That dull, empty ache she had felt in her loins as she talked to Ian... that had been a coincidence. It was all something Samantha had done to embarrass her.

Confident she has a handle on things, Belle sits down and digs into her sandwich, still wearing the apron. Frilly and girly as it is, at least it helps cover her up.

When she receives her sandwich, Candace's assumptions start making a little more sense. The plate and sandwich are decently large, and heavier than she remembers a sandwich ever being. Whether it be the size difference or her skinny little arms, she doesn't have anywhere near the arm strength she did before. And if this was a sandwich, a glass full of juice would be even worse! No... it seems her mother was still watching out for her, protecting her from things she didn't even know were a problem.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:01 am

Grace held her hands up apologetically, even when her expression had more of a 'we'll see about that' look to it. The woman followed her into the dining room, and took a seat that left Candace between herself and Belle.

"So... does this mean when we're out shopping you won't be looking out for an outfit to wear for your date with Ian later?", she asked with a teasing smile. She might not have been thinking about it as a date before, but the idea was impossible to shake now, and what to wear... it had never been important before, but now it seemed very important indeed.

Candace ate quietly, glancing back and forth between the two older females as they spoke, while she very carefully guided the sandwich to her mouth and bit into it. Her cheeks remained red as it dawned on her that Grace's decisions had not been to belittle her, but because so much was beyond her abilities now. On the one hand, having so much done for you should seem like an easy life... but she couldn't ignore that embarrassment that it was all being done because she was an eight year old girl now!
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:22 am

Belle blushes deep red. "It's not a date!" She stares down her sandwich, even as she starts thinking of what she should wear. Why does she have to look good when she meets him again? "We're... just going to hang out..." She continues blushing. Hanging out... a code word for a date. She angrily finishes her sandwich, determined to keep her mouth full so as not to give Grace any other ideas.

The sandwich is tasty, and it does the job. Sitting on the chair next to her, the bunny seems to cuddle up and reassure her that it's not so bad. However, a thought crosses her mind... Mr. Bunny must be hungry too. The way he's flopped against her side, it almost looks like he's staring at her sandwich.
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Re: [MTFF] If the Panties Fit

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:07 pm

"Oh, my mistake... ", shrugged Grace, but the smile she gave Belle made it rather clear that the teenager had not changed her mind on wether it was a date or 'just hanging out'.

"As I said before, I'll take your opinion into account when we're out shopping, but the final decision is mine. I think that's fair, don't you? I have no doubt you'll develop an appropriate sense of fashion sooner rather than later, but right now you can't possibly have much grasp of what a girl your age should be wearing". Grace's words placed more worries in the back of Belle's head. If she chose her own clothes... what if she ended up looking silly? What would Ian think?

Candace's brow furrowed slightly as she looked at the bunny while chewing her sandwich. It was like her mind had split into two parts, with one telling her that the bunny was hungry... and the other part telling her such a notion was ridiculous. Swallowing her mouthful, she glanced over to see Grace was concentrating on Belle, and then quietly pressed the reminder of the sandwich to the bunny's sewn on mouth...
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