(OOC: I see that this RP has been smitten by the snowball. Chill. ;p Give people time. Just because you see someone post doesn't mean that you should, too. If you do, be sure that it lacks time progressment in the roleplay itself, or have none at all. Be considerate of others that aren't on as long and can read through so much with the time that they have. It's what I suggest, at least. No one needs to listen to me. XD)
Pegasus Knight Florina wrote:Cassiella looked Modlus over carefully, lifting his chin and surveying his face in full light. "Well, personally this one's my favorite. Silent, yet deep. Yes, you are quite interesting..."
Modlus leveled his eyes with Cassiela's, showing no fear even as he felt peculiar sensations throughout his body. He knew that, when one took a risk, they put their own fate in their own hands; there was no one to blame and neither would complaining improve their situation. When he had injured his hand while playing in a cavern that he had been told to not enter, he had only himself to blame for not heeding anyone's caution. And despite crippling his hand to where he couldn't use it well, that never stopped him from taking risks: because he also understood that a life without risk was a life filled with servitude to boredom.
However, that was not the only cause for his feeling of security and acceptance; not by far. The faery before him was enchanting and, while he was unsure as to how he felt about being a faery, he felt that everything was alright so long as his life was spared. What else mattered, so long as one drew breath; so long as one could see a new day with the chance of new experiences? That was what he lived for. He never cared to question why either; there was no use for scrutinizing a good thing. And if by chance he was indeed becoming a faery (as far as he could tell by what he had heard from the others), was there truly anything to bemoan about by becoming such a magnificent creature?
His eyes never strayed as his body changed, not even when they felt irritated and went out of focus for a brief instant. From the gleam of moonlight that shone in his eyes, he could tell that his skin had become the same ivory color Cassiela's, no doubt a brilliant, soft marble. His hair, now a dazzling silver, he could see out of the corners of his eyes and it, too, shone radiantly in the moonlight; and, by feeling his hair on the back of his elbows (where his arms were now relaxed at his sides), he was given the insight on how his hair had become that long at the very least.
But far was he from really considering the changes that he could sense in one form or another. As he continued to stare, and the more that he changed, he had begun to feel something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was this feeling, some unconscious enlightenment, that made Cassiela seem more like a friend than an enemy. It wasn't like he suddenly thought that way; rather, he just felt a connection with her, knowing that, however badly she might ever treat a human, she was very kindly to those of her own ilk. It was almost as if he could glean feelings that radiated from her, though nothing that he could interpret with words in his conscious mind. What he was truly concerned with, was whether or not he was just imagining things. Was he just fooling himself into believing that her beauty on the outside was matched, if not surpassed, by the beauty in the inside? And was it really directed toward him?
(OOC2: I dunno... Overdone? ^_^; )