by Stellar » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:43 pm
(It's okay Nekkid =) )
The cloaked figure snorted and fell back in his chair, "Whhaa?!" Shindo stood up quickly, "Why in Hyrule would you disturb someone while they sleep?!"
Wait, he's just a teenager now that you see him standing. The hood fell out of his face from his tumble, and you could tell he was Hylian by his pointy ears that poked out from his messy jet black hair. Shindo's facial features were still youthful... You can only guess his age is around 14. Could he really be a great wizard?
"This isn't the Temple of Time, Master Goron." Zelda placed her ocarina away, "It's the Temple of Farore, located in Alcali, south of the Gerudo Valley along the Hylian River. Lets hope we can find your sister along the river Miss Gerudo," Zelda stepped down from the platform and headed to the exit. "This temple... Is far more special then that of the Temple of Time," the Princess turned with a slight smile then continued out the door.
Rodin, like I said before, you're near the potion shop, to the north you'll see the gate to Death Mountain, along with the mountain itself, and in the opposite direction you'll see the rest of Kakariko Village. There's not many people outside, just a few guards, a Zora, a boy and a faery, and a few pedestrians.
The twins meanwhile shrug and go back to juggling.
"Hey!" the guard barked as Remi's hand slipped from his grasp.
"Wow! The Deku Tree really knew!" Domi fluttered around then flew to Jaena, "Wait, wait! You're from Zora's Domain right?"
~Wearing Vintage Misery~