by Brnin8r » Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:23 pm
The bridge collapses without a hitch under the explosive power of the charges, debris flies everywhere and a huge cloud of smoke plumes into the sky. The serene peace of the scene has given way to the crackling embers of the twisted metal and other materials of the bridge. As the blaze quiets, the low hum of engines can be heard in the distance.
As Dan was being poked and prodded, he would come to realize that none of the people who looked at him yesterday were researching him again today.
Silva wakes up unable to move his head, but as he wakes, he's staring at the ceiling, or at least he would be if it weren't for the bright light being shined in his eyes, "I can't believe you're still alive...I thought with the stroke and all, you would have been a vegetable by dinnertime." she says offhandedly. As she talks, it seems she's working on something inside of Silva, judging by the illuminated pliers.
Rachel and Alana finally make it to the site, and it's a depressing one at that: three motorbikes, or what was left of the motorbikes, were strewn across the idaho fields. Bits and pieces of twisted metal and pools of spilt, unburnt gasoline; it's obvious that there were other, burning pools of fuel due to the large pieces of burnt field that has been put out. Not a sign of human is in sight other than the containment crew. Rachel just looked at the site as she hopped out of the jeep, "God...this is why we were sent here...can you think of anything that would cause this amount of carnage Alana?"
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.