Okay! I will so go get myself a bikini!" Alex says.
"I will just stay here Sis if that's okay with you?" Leigh said.
"Like sure I don't mind hey Amy-Chan where is the closet oh like never mind I will find it myself." Alex said as she got out, dried herself off and went to find the closet.
*Alex finds the closet and finds a Bikini that is Identical to Leigh's only it has a Light Blue and Pink Top and a Pink and Light Blue Bottoms. She then decides that she will keep her one piece as well. She then changes into her Bikini.*
"Yay I look so totally cute! I love this Bikini. I guess I better put this one on the Drying rack." Alex said as she headed back toward the Hot Tub.
*Alex arrives back at the hot tub and hangs her one-piece Swimsuit on the drying rack.*
"I am so totally back! How do I look Imoutochan?" Alex asked.
"You so totally look great!" Leigh said.
"Like thank you!" Alex said.
*Alex gets back in the hot tub with the others.*
"So Riana-San what made you open this park in the first place?" Alex asked.
"We would so totally like to know! It is a great park!" Leigh said.