by Brnin8r » Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:20 pm
(Remember guys, you're supposed to end up at the campsite for evac tomorrow morning...and it's mid-afternoon)
With the girls at their backs and victory in their pockets, the boys feel as if a burden had been lifted off of their shoulders.
The girl sighs, " seems we'll be able to go on schedule without worrying about your condition. You are an experiment, Silva, a secret experiment. Not even the girl's up top know about you. Nobody outside this facility knows what we've done to you." she pushes a button and Silva's body opens up again with a hydraulic hiss, "You see. You are our guinea pig. Don't worry you're still human, but we've added some...unique instruments...into you to make sure you do exactly what we want you to do. Is that clear, Silva?" she pushes another button, and Silva's head begins swimming with instructions to bark "YES MA'AM!!" or any other simple answer to her question, and he feels his vocal chords hum as if they're waiting for his mark to let forth his voice.
Rachel sighs, "Well that depends. We need to find some tracks or a clue of some sorts that might tell us where whoever did this went."
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.