AshK wrote:"When did you become tomboyish?" Jade asked. "I always thought you were as girly as I tend to be."
Leigh was still fast asleep on on Jade's chest.
"So sis what do you like want to watch?" Jade asks, "Hey I thought you were going to try and get started on some of your homework."
Soon they arrive at the Rose residence.
"Are you okay Pumpkin?" John asked his daughter.
"You look as if you are depressed cuz." Lizzi said.
Meanwhile a click could be heard downstairs as Tony made his way home and turned on the TV to see what was on.
"Squirts, I'm home." Tony yells up the stairs as he grabs a soda and sits down in the living room to watch TV.
"Tomboy? I have no idea what you are talking about. These are always my pjs," said Anna as she giggled and looked. "What you want to watch?"
"Hey Tony. We are in Big Sis's room," said Anna as she lay on the bed. "You and Mina were sleeping together in this bed together last night right? Getting all close together."
"Yeah. I am all fine daddy," said Mina as she got into the house and fix her pants. "Just kind of tired you can say."