Mists of Arlis


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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Evra » Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:42 pm

as evra seems to hear the woman singing he slowly goes in that direction sword slightly unsheathed just incase
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:54 pm

Ash's agitation grows as the old man prattles on. He finally moves the knife up to the mans neck. "Well guess what, I'm relieving you of your duty, one way or another. You can hand the 'key' over, or I can kill you and take it. Either way it's no longer your problem." he says.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:29 pm

Gortens eye quickly caught the movement. Maybe this crystal isn't real at all, but an egg?...

"Kid stand back!" says Gorten as he takes his pick axe. "Somethings inside of there, and I'm gonna find out!" he says as he hits the crystal dead on with his pick axe.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby AshK » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:04 pm

*Erik opens up for the day.* "Looks like a beautiful day for business." He says as he opens up shop for the day and puts all his displays out.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Nosnits » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:18 pm

Andrew stays in the caravan, srming himself with his walking stick.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Alissa of Someday » Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:23 am

/Virgil blinks./

"You...you've never seen a fishing pole before?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:34 am

' Are you sure ? Maybe we could we shouldn't touch it ? '
Romeo asks Gortens
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:53 pm

OOC: No problem Musashi. Feeling better now I hope? :) /OOC

~~Loriae: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

"Well, I do have a small home," Eric said with the hint of a shy smile to Maewyn, "It's not much, but it's cozy."

As he walked with Maewyn he kept his good arm loosely around her waist, causing the pair to get a few smiles and whispered conversation directed their way.


As Erik went about setting up shop for the day he hears people talking about the horrible attack on the caravan last night. One of the people discussing it, a well dressed jewelry merchant, pauses as he notices Erik's displays, "What interesting weapons you have there," he says as he and his companion, a very well dressed and decorated woman, stop.

~~Moridin's Forge: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

"Oh thank you," the woman says with a smile, her voice dropping to a lower and more sultry tone, "I'd be oh so... appreciative... Please, come with me..."

With that she turned and left the store, her hips swaying seductively as she walked out.


The old man blinked at Ash's words, still seeming oblivious to the dagger, "You'll take it? Good, good! Guard it with your life, if they return, we'll all be doomed!"

With that he released the golden rod, which was lighter than it looked as Ash pulled it free. As he released it his eyes rolled back inside his head, and with a final breath he fell back to the street unmoving.

~~Moridin's Forge: Mines~~

Following the sound the best he can Evra soon finds himself in a dead end. It sounds like the sound is coming from somewhere nearby, but he cannot tell exactly where from thanks to the echoes off of the stone walls. After a moment though he notices that a faint light is coming from a few cracks in the wall in front of him.


Gorten struck with his pick axe against the crystal, a blow that was strong enough to break most stone found in the mines, only to have his tool rebound and almost fly out of his hand. The crystal was untouched, though the sound of singing had stopped, and the glow slowly started to grow brighter.

~~Deep Water: Docks~~

Rina gave a soft, nervous giggle at Virgil's question, "No... This is my first time to the surface... So, how do you catch fish with a fishing pole?"

As Rina spoke she swam closer to the dock Virgil was sitting on, her curiosity overriding her nervousness. Soon she was just a couple feet away from Virgil, just off to the side.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:00 pm

"Son of a ^&$(@" shouts Gorten as he lowers his pick axe then rubbing his hands. "What is this thing made of? And why is it so much brighter all of a sudden?"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:06 pm

Romeo cocks his eyebrows at the use of such a strong language. ' Well, it's a gem, need I remind you that crystals are among the hardest material there is ? '

Romeo is still worried as he cannot explain the glow.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Evra » Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:37 pm

as evra notices the light he examines the rocks seeing the rock was loose as he breaks through it easily it pretty much just crumbling as he gos down to were the light is
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:04 pm

"That's Bull" said Gorten as he turns towards Romeo. "I've manged to break stones bigger than this when I was a young lad. Plus, this is no ordinary crystal..." says Gorten as he takes a close look inside the gem.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:07 pm

" I know it's no ordinary crytal just by looking at the size of it. But breaking it into pieces will only lower its value "
" I'm a jeweler, trust me. "
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:30 pm

Calon followed the caravan a bit further out than most, closer to the mists. As he walked he drank deep of the forest's air and looked deep into the mist. His trained eyes, tempered by years of seeing nothing but the dense fog saw the murky shapes of trees, towering high above, their skeletal limbs reaching out towards the travelling group almost as is they themselves were added to the vast numbers of dangers in this wondrously savage land.

The sounds of feet, the lingering howls drifting on the winds and the murmurs of nervous travellers, man and animal alike fell into the boy's ears as he took everything in. His hand lay on the handle of his knife, a blade he carved himself, sharp enough to cut flesh like air and stronger that any metal. As long as this blade remained in or near the mist, it would never break nor grow dull. That is why it had served him for so long, and that is why it had served it's previous master even longer.

Moving his left arm slightly, he felt the dull throb of a mark halfway his shoulder and his elbow. The scar had been there ever since he had taken up dwelling in the forest, and in it's own way, for reasons not immediately known, had given him protection, both from the mists and its denizens, and from himself.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Alissa of Someday » Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:11 pm

/Virgil smiles to Rina, as he picks up the pole, starting to assemble it in his hands.../

"Well--you have to attach bait to a string, basically, and then dangle it out for a fish to bite on..."
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