The Transformist (IC)


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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:01 am

Karen rose from her seat, and gathered the sandwich wrappers and napkins, placing them in the trash before returning to the table. Emma's offer made her blush a little. She was sure the other woman wouldn't have asked adult Karen if she needed to be taken home, so was her friend's perception of her changing already?

On the other hand, the city was a much more daunting place through the eyes of a kid, and the idea of having Emma with her rather than going alone was rather comforting. "Are you sure you wouldn't mind?", she asked as she straightened out her red jacket and colourful scarf. "Aw, heck...", she groaned as she saw a large sauce stain on the front of the pale yellow shirt. "These are the only clothes I have...", she whined.

Karen might have been rather clueless about fashion, and she didn't have even a quarter of the clothing her fashion model house mate did, but she was quite obsessive about looking neat and tidy. Creases would be unacceptable, but a stain? That was to Karen what going on in clashing shoes and top was to Emma! She looked horrified, close to tears even.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Wed May 02, 2012 3:02 pm

(That's totally fine, you can use Grant too, if you want. I didn't have any plans for them, and I like your take on her based on the blurb I revealed)

(and I'm fine with the paragraph format, though I do prefer separating segments with something like a line of dashes or whatever.)

Jamie pulled into the lot at the school, and checked her watch. Her ears wriggled in frustration, realizing she had to be in class soon. All that stalling and gabbing and all the crazy events that unfolded ate up her entire break, and she wouldn't have time to just sit and watch herself change. She sighed and opened the door. She grabbed the black backpack, which still held that folder with... his drawings! Jamie froze, with the pack on her lap, as she wondered idly if she would end up looking anything like the pictures she had drawn.

She sighed and realized that being late to class wasn't the worst thing in the world, and unzipped the backpack. She removed her "Math" folder, and opened it up, thumbing through her recent "self-portraits." She adjusted the mirror to compare.


*twitch twitch*


She froze and stared. FLCL...? Her heartbeat became a rapid staccato of heavy thumps, as her mind raced, and her shaking hands felt upward to her large, thin, fuzzy ears. They would flick and twitch, causing a strange feeling spasm in her head. What in the world...?

Her mind was exploding with questions, firing machine-gun fast, and driving her in circles. Her mouth hung open, staring at the ears. She never imagined... What was she?!

If she showed up to class like this... they'd think it was a joke at first... but they'd ask her to take them off... and she wouldn't be....

What was she thinking, that she could just show up to class like normal and everything would be okay!? She was in a panic now. She never thought this part through! Her heart just led her here, and her mind was totally in the backseat this entire time... Was she going to hide?

She could... wear a cap, and see how far that got her... Heck, it might be best just to try to see what would happen...

She frantically stuffed her things into her backpack and grabbed a white knit cap from her backseat that she hadn't put away after last winter, and donned it, pulling it down roughly over her ears. She wouldn't be able to hide the hair, but... Ah, she didn't have time for that! She bolted out of her car and into the building, dashing to her locker to try to get ready for the next class.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed May 02, 2012 9:11 pm

For a minute or two he can't tell what's going on, just a bunch of the usual lunch chatter going on all over the place. Pretending to sleep will do that. Then he hears Courtney's voice from not very far away. "Hey. Hey, Riley? Hm. Well, he must not be getting enough sleep at home. Guess I'll just have to walk away~" That sounded way too easy. And her tone is suspiciously cheerful.

"Yeah, that'd be great mister!" The kid has a huge grin on his face. It's cute, to the sort of people who find children cute in the first place.

"Hey, calm down, it'll be okay. We can buy you some new clothes! I'll definitely take the rest of the day off. And if my agent gets nosy..well, I've told him time after time my personal life is none of his business, so this time won't be any different."

The hat feels uncomfortable against the ears, but hides them well enough. When she starts running, Jamie gets the definite impression that her center of balance has shifted some, but it doesn't throw her off at all; she seems able to run just as naturally as if it had been this way before now. Her shirt starts to feel tighter on her stomach, moreso than before the change started, and with the cloth up against it she can feel how flat it is in the front, and the curve inward on either side. Her pants feel looser as they spread out themselves a little bit, and then tighter again as her hips spread out to refill them; yet the part of the pants between the legs seems to be falling rather than rising as this happens. Her underwear follows the same pattern as the pants for the sides, but gets tighter between her legs instead. Nobody seems to have commented on her appearance or looked at her funny yet, though, even the hair...Jamie is lucky the dress code was rebelled against so strongly a couple of years back, or hats would never be permitted on school grounds. There are some pretty weird fashions around, and she hasn't run into anyone who knows James too well just yet.

((You missed Kyle for this round, but that's okay since Jamie's part was pretty big and dramatic.

I'm trying putting applicable character names in bold above the relevant sections.))
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby CalypsoNymph » Wed May 02, 2012 9:22 pm

Riley twitches slightly. Guh. She could just be testing him... but that wasn't really her style... he hoped. He groans slightly as he opens his eyes to give his familar greeting glare to Courtney. "What do you-" He pauses, his attention diverted.

Courtney would know that this is really, really weird. Riley's attention is almost never drawn from whatever he's doing... at least not so drasticaly. On minute, he's focusing on Courtney, the next he's looking at a girl that got out of a car... that belonged to a guy. He remains silent for a few moment, thinking about possible actions... then mentally dismesses it. Somebody would find out and fix it later... whatever 'it' was. He admited to part of himself, a very deep part, the same part that payed attention to everything around him, he really wanted to find out what was going on... but the larger part of him kept him quite, and if not content... satisfied.

He rediverts his attention to Courtney, and restarts, saying, "What do you want, Courtney?" In an annoyed tone, as if nothing happened. ...Of course, if she was planning something, she probably had just enough time to do whatever she wanted... if she wasn't distracted by Riley's distraction, that is.

((Hope it's okay for Riley to notice Jamie; if it's not let me know and I'll edit.))
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Ookalf » Wed May 02, 2012 9:29 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:Pat
"Yeah, that'd be great mister!" The kid has a huge grin on his face. It's cute, to the sort of people who find children cute in the first place.

*Pat chuckles a little and gives the kid a smile.* All right then, come on. It's just around the corner here... *And so Pat leads the boy over to the dairy section. Should be simple enough.*
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Thu May 03, 2012 3:18 am

"New clothes?", she mumured, looking suprised by the suggestion. She blushed as Emma made the decision to take the rest of the day off. It had been a long time since she'd gone shopping with Emma, as their tastes were so different. A tingle ran down Karen's spine as she realised she wasn't really going to be able to pick stuff up at the usual stores she bought her clothes.

For years Emma had wanted to take control of Karen's wardrobe, to try and give her some kind of style, but the woman had resisted. Now, the thought of having to pick out clothes from a selection aimed at kids left her feeling utterly lost, and she knew Emma would finally get the creative control she desired. Tugging the red jacket over the stain, she looked up at her gorgeous friend nervously.

"My purse is at the station, in my locker with everything else...".
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Thu May 03, 2012 8:13 pm

(Sorry about missing Kyle, I realized that after I posted but I had to dash off, and I didn't get a chance to check back until today. That's what I get for posting on my lunch break and not compromising my post for it!)

Kyle knows he's nearing the museum. The path is still clarion-clear in his mind, and the strange bubbly buoyancy is carrying him right along to his destination.

An itch creeps along his scalp and lower face. He can't quite see the shift in tone in his hair, lightening and intensifying to a vibrant red, while his mustache shrivels and evaporates. His upper lip feels like it's been coated in Icy-hot, the temperature wildly swinging from a pleasant warmth to a refreshing coolness, leaving his face entirely soft and smooth.

At the next crosswalk, which also flicks over to WALK just as Kyle nears it, a small boy waiting with his mother stares at Kyle with an awestruck expression plastered on his face. A blink later, and suddenly Kyle's vision changes. The world looks more fluid, but a bit duller. The kid's eyes never leave Kyle's face.

"Look, Mama!" the kid whispers, full of wonder. He follows with a dramatic stage whisper. "Yellow eyes."

The mother spares a sidelong glance at Kyle, and a short smile. "That's what happens when you don't eat your vegetables~" she sings, the smile still tugging on her mouth.


Jamie's overworked mind is burning hotly under the uncomfortable hat. She can feel how it's bulging with her ears, and contact with the hat only makes them feel like twitching, like someone holding something close to her eye would make her flinch or blink. The clothing changes sneak in on the edge of her peripheral consciousness. She knows something is changing, but if she shows up late to class, on top of wearing a silly-looking hat, and on top of suddenly having longer hair, she won't be able to avoid being the center of attention.

She spins her lock combo, but flubs on the last digit. She tugs forcefully on the lock, banging against the metal locker in agitation. "Shit..." she curses as she takes a breath and tries again, sparing glances around the hallway and hoping she's not making too much of a scene. One more spin and the lock pops free. She pulls out her Biology book and folder, slams the locker shut, and clamps the lock on. She does her best to scoot around the students in the halls, curling up into a tiny defensive ball as she finds her hips bumping into people. She feels more eyes on her than there are students, and every misplaced bump feels like an alarm ringing right over her head.

She finally slides into her Biology room, still with a few minutes before class starts. "Oh crap... lab day," she mutters, sliding into her seat and wanting to pull the cap down over to her toes.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Fri May 04, 2012 12:11 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:"Yeah, you're sorta--huh?" Somehow Carter manages to grab the hand the man just had scraped against the sidewalk, even though that doesn't seem quite the natural thing to do. He lets himself be helped up anyway, but is just about to complain when a small white glow surrounds the area her hand is in contact with his. He was wincing in pain a second ago, but now his expression is a little confused. "Wha..?" The white glow spreads down his arm, only along the injury, and stays there for only a couple of seconds. When the glow is gone, his arm looks completely healed, except that it's a little dirty and still has the small bit of blood on it that had already come out before she'd grabbed his hands.
She has a vague sense, once it's done, that she feels just a little more tired, fatigued than before. As if she had an invisible muscle somewhere and had just exercised it for the first time in a long while. It's only a minor discomfort, but it's definitely there. Meanwhile, the guy looks over his arm. "Whoa! That is awesome! Are you, like, a real life..?"

Carter blushes at the attention and waves her hands in front of her. "No! No no! I'm a normal person. Well, I guess I'm not normal any more, but not... yeah, no." The nervous fluttering of her wings doesn't help her case, and she moves to dry washing her hands. "It just kinda happened. I... didn't want to see you hurt because of me." She blushes again. While it's true Carter didn't want to see the guy hurt, the way she said it made it sound like she was singling him out. Rather, she wouldn't want to really hurt anyone. But that odd sense of fatigue combined with the fact that she'd never even noticed if another guy was good looking or not was making things a little harder.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri May 04, 2012 2:31 pm

Courtney is grinning when he looks at her, seemingly pleased that he didn't just keep pretending to be asleep. She takes a moment to look over her shoulder to try and figure out what he's staring at, but just misses the sight of the 'girl' or at least unusually slim and long-haired boy leaving James' car. She turns back around to him, then, to answer the question. "Hey, I don't really want anything in particular. Just, y'know, to see how you're doing today." She sits down in an empty seat next to him without invitation. "It's not a crime to wanna know how your friends are doing, is it?"

((The noticing is fine with me.))

Once they get there, the boy quickly opens up one of the industrial refrigerator glass doors and pulls out a gallon of whole milk. He holds it one-handed, and seemingly without all that much trouble, despite its obvious weight. "Thank you lots! Do you need any, or do you already have enough?" he asks while the door is still open.

"That's okay, I can pay for can pay me back once we've found a way to get you back to normal!" Emma stands up with a smile; her confidence that that will happen at some point is almost infectious, and perhaps goes a little farther than usual to calm Karen's nerves. She's reminded of that hopeful, cheerful feeling from right after her body finished changing earlier. The woman starts to lead the way toward the building's entrance, making sure the younger girl is following before going too far.

Kyle pauses after the weird feeling across his face to gently poke the area above his lip. "Huh?" I..don't think I shaved this morning, he thinks, but moves on, still guided along. And, when his vision changes and the kid and his mother comment on his yellow eyes Kyle blinks in confusion a couple of times at them. Then he pauses to take off his glasses and inspect them, just for a second, thinking something might have gotten onto them somehow. He forgets to put them back on, still holding them in his hand, as he rushes to get across the street before the light can go back to 'DON'T WALK'.

Jamie's more panicked actions at the locker do seem to draw a couple of eyes, but they look away as soon as she looks their direction, likely not wanting to get drawn into whatever's made her so upset. Her shirt recolors, turning black, and the denim of her pants start to turn into some softer material as she continues along the way to the class.
Fortunately, there are only a couple of people already in the classroom when she gets there, and they seem very absorbed in their own desks..maybe she's a little earlier than she thought she would be? When she sits down she can feel just how wide and rounded her hips have become, how spread apart the tops of her legs are. The changes seem to have calmed down in that area..but no sooner has she sat down than the pants split in the very middle, joining the two leg-holes together, and all along the thighs, fully detaching most of the leggings from the part attached to her hips. The leggings turn black and start to tighten on her legs, while the upper part turns a dark, reddish brown and starts to gain little vertical creases all around. Her arms and legs start to slim down a little bit, the hair on both thinning and shortening. This has the effect of making the tight cloth against most of her legs more comfortable to wear.

The guy scratches his head at Carter's explanation. "..So those wings just showed up outta nowhere? Sounds like you've had sort of a rough day." He notices a few of the people around, staring at the unusual scene. "Hey, move on, nothin' to see here," he says, waving at them. They start to go away, or at least pretend to look away. "You need help gettin' anywhere? I was just on the way to my car," he says.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Ookalf » Fri May 04, 2012 2:38 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:Pat
Once they get there, the boy quickly opens up one of the industrial refrigerator glass doors and pulls out a gallon of whole milk. He holds it one-handed, and seemingly without all that much trouble, despite its obvious weight. "Thank you lots! Do you need any, or do you already have enough?" he asks while the door is still open.

...Huh? *Pat's so surprised by the boy's apparent strength, it takes him a moment to realize that he's talking to him again.* Oh, no, I'm... I'm fine. I'm not really doing any shopping right now, anyway... Do you need anything else?
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby CalypsoNymph » Fri May 04, 2012 2:55 pm

Riley grumbles a bit as he opens up his lunch box again. "The term 'friends' suggests mutial concern for each others well being. And as far as I can tell... you're just being nosy and I want you to leave me alone." Despite his words, however, his tone employs a small hint of friendlyness, though there's the rather clear impression that it's only there because it'd take effort in removing it from his speech.

"Besides," He deadpans, "I thought that you 'like, totally aren't allowed to hang out with that creepy loser anymore'." He has long since stopped hiding to Courtney just how much he observes around the school... he hasn't had enough practice in hiding it to make it worth the effort, and while he wasn't technically there at the confrontation between Courtney and her 'arch rival' (but really 'BFF's!' Blarg) on the cheer squad, Cindy and given her personality it was rather easy for him to figure out what her words would be. Rumors about him and Courtney had been flying recently, and it took all of his skills to suppress the rumors that they were dating. Ugh. It was work!

Meanwhile, he decided that he was bored, and figured that he'd test Courtney's ovservational skills. He starts useing his magic to move the food in his lunchbox, in such a way that it was just barely in the girls vision, and that nobody else could see. Courtney always brought this side out of him... the slightly mischevious, experamental side. He just hoped she never found it out, or she'd try to draw it out of him even more. He still got a headache when he remembered the last time he let his experaments go a bit too far... he was reasonably sure that a few people still thought Linda was a Succubus, using magic to charm the school...

It was a good thing Courtney never realised that that rumor started right after she blabed to Riley that she suspected Linda tried to sabotoge her most recent run for the student councel.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Fri May 04, 2012 3:38 pm

Karen nodded, seeming hesitant at first, but Emma's confidence began to spread to her young housemate. Drawing in a deep breath, she told herself it was going to be okay now that Emma was with her, and she followed the beautiful woman from the little restaurant and back into the street. She was certainly used to feeling inferior to Emma, although only coming up to her friend's chest was very much a new experience. Her cheeks were a rosy red as they walked along, side by side, and she occasionally glanced up.

"Thanks for not freaking out... ".
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Sat May 05, 2012 12:04 am

"No, not really. I need to meet someone at a cafe a little bit later. I just..." Carter's eyes flash wide open. "Oh no! I forgot the name of the cafe!" Her shoulders slump a bit, and her wings droop. "There was just so much that happened, I can't remember." Carter bites her lip and looks to the guy. "I appreciate the offer, but I wouldn't want to be a burden. I could be searching for this place all day."
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Sun May 06, 2012 9:42 pm

Kyle's vision blurred without his glasses. However, they changed shape in his hands, the lenses becoming a bit tear-drop shaped, with thicker frames. They were now cat's eye glasses.

Kyle was only a block away from the museum now. The feeling grew stronger, and he could even feel it building with every step he took. His hips started to sway, while his shoulders moved with less swagger. Each step felt almost dance-like, and he couldn't do anything about it. The cuffs of his pants flared out with each step, and an embroidered design of a leopard's face appeared on each of his back pockets. Even his shirt began to morph. Little spots appeared, darkening to black, all along the fabric.

Jamie was much more comfortable, now that she was seated. She glanced around the room and noted, as usual, most students were busy chatting, or doing last-minute homework, or reading. Jamie took stock of what was happening to her, and the eager sense of curiosity returned. She peeked under the table, and was blown away by the changes in her pants. It looked like a skirt was manifesting, a rich warm color spreading, and her leggings clung to her thinner legs, comfortably.

More than that, her hips had truly developed. This was it, for sure. She was, well and truly, becoming a girl. Her wish was being granted, her lifelong dream, and now, she only had to deal with.... everyone she knew, not knowing her, anymore. But at least, she was finally free!

Her lab partner came in to find Jamie with a bashful smile, lost in imagining the life that was unfolding around her.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue May 08, 2012 2:16 pm

"No, that's all I needed. Thank you!" The kid shuts the door, gives Pat a brief one-armed hug on his left leg, and then starts running off toward the checkout lines.

"Bah, I don't have to respect the authority of anyone under twenty-one. Anyway, you sure managed to evade the question..." she looks over at the lunch box, pauses a second or two, and then looks back to him. "...You know, I don't really feel like giving you a lecture today. I'm just curious. If you can do way better than you are and have your intelligence known by a few more people--and I know you can--why don't you?"

"Hey, believe me, I freaked out. Just in a..not-screaming-and-running-away kind of way." On their way out and around they pass by the woman with wings on her back from earlier, talking to some guy..but Emma doesn't pay much attention to her this time around. "Oh, yeah! I need to call 'em and tell them I'm taking the day off," she adds, digging in her purse for her phone...and seemingly having trouble finding it, even though she literally just put it in there.

"Huh. Well if it's not one of those big chains, I know a few areas you could look in," he says. "I used to look around for weird new places to eat around town, as a hobby."

Kyle stops again to examine his glasses, as much as he can without using them. "Okay, definitely something weird going on," he mutters to himself, but he puts the glasses back on all the same. He has to see somehow, after all. Since the museum is so close, and he doesn't really know what to do about the spots on his shirt..he keeps going. He stops occasionally to try and reorient his balance and stance as he notices he's walking differently, but when the third time or so presents no success he gives up on the effort.

The leggings continue to shrink until they are tight against Jamie's legs, and they merge with her socks at the bottom, turning them to the same material and color. The upper part of the pants fully becomes a pleated skirt soon, and a couple of thin white horizontal stripes appear near their bottom edge. Her underwear is at first just shy of showing past the skirt, but now it begins to shorten and shrink. She feels a gentle tingling sensation between her legs, similar to the feeling of a limb going to sleep or waking up from being asleep; and when it subsides, the middle of the underwear is lying much flatter between her legs.

It is at this point that a guy named Jason, the kind of nerd who doesn't look dumb or act geeky, but just studies most of the time, gets ridiculously good grades and doesn't talk a lot, walks in and sits next to her. She feels some kind of unfamiliar physical attraction at looking at and being so close to him. He seems to study her face for a few seconds or so, after the manner of someone experiencing deja vu, and finally says, "Hey. You a new student here?"
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