AshK wrote:"Those have been there for quite a while. Look at how dusty they are." Lizzi said as she ran a finger along the Haruhi DVDs. Lizzi's finger had a good layer of dust on them. "It seems that you didn't realize that you bought those about a year and a half ago and never watched them."
After Lizzi said that, Mina got a slight pain in her forehead and remembered that she has had the set of Haruhi DVD's and never watched them.
"Not even Jade has all these Haruhi DVD's She only has a couple. Maybe that's where she got the idea of putting you in a maid outfit." Lizzi said.
"Ooh! Are you trying to impress a boy?" Jade asks as she let's Leigh lead her into Hot Topic. The James part of her mind cringed at all the girl clothes that they had.
"Quite a selection they have here." Jade says. "I think this is the first time I have ever been here."
"Well I was never into this show as a guy. I kind of hated it since all those weird anime fans liked it," said Mina as she saw the dust on the DVDs. She felt bad that she didn't watch them due to it just was a waste of money. Mina guess she should try to watch them if she owns them.
"Either way.....I have no idea why I own them all and Jade only ones some of them," said Mina as she stood there.
"Here for you......" said Leigh as she grabbed one of the most Gothic girly dresses there were.