Hub rp signup.


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Hub rp signup.

Postby Raleigh » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:39 pm

Standard board rules. Expect a bit of violence to be possible. This is another test of a prospective universe idea of mine. Please sign up so we can get a test run of this idea before I push ahead. Hopefully this one will keep some peoples attention.

General plot is that it takes place in a hub reality. Its a world that has a gateway to just about any world you may imagine from something like our world today to Feudal Japan, a Nippon Ichi-esque netherworld to a utopia of science. The hub world that everything is based from is something of a world with all these things existing in harmony, think the A!MG's version of Heaven if it makes it easier.

You, as an rper, are a member of a special guild of hunters who take odd jobs throughout the realities in order to pay off any bills, debts, or simply to buy the next fancy looking sword. Further break down of the worlds will be done if this one takes off well enough to require a universe.
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Postby Kohaku » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:48 pm

I'm in. Should we post character profiles?
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:54 pm

This sounds like fun. I'll give it a go. Though I need a bit of time to dream up a character concept.
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Postby Raleigh » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:55 pm

Yes, please do post up your character concept. I can be patient, this will possibly take me at least a week to put together the physical description of the main world and I will wait another week for stragglers.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:58 pm

Okay, good. Pressure's off, then. :) I've got a mildly busy week set up, culminating in a convention, so I need time to work things out.
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Postby Tala » Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:42 pm

This is my char

weapons:2 daggers, a rapid fire crossbow with armor percing bolts, and a desert eagle 50(50 calaber handgun(Kay only uses the gun in worlds with guns)) Kay also carries a magic sword that can defeat any adversary but it can only be used 10 times and in times of extreme danger.
look:Kay wears a long robe that hides the fact that she is a girl so she can get the better jobs. the robe is red and it can create a shield under the same requirements except that it can be used as many times as needed until the robe is eather deenchanted or destroyed. Kay doesn't put her hood down ever. The robe's shield changed it's look depending on what place she is in.
Backround:Kay got to the hub by accident and was taken in by one of the guild and trained to become a worrior but before she got the robe she was only given small jobs with little credit. She saved up to buy the robe in a world that was known for it's powerful magical artifacts.

(That is one of the most indept chars I have ever made0
Last edited by Tala on Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Queen Octavia » Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:51 pm

I'm kind of a newb at RP'ing outside PnP, but I'll give this a try. I'm not sure if all of this is alright for the setting, but here's my character:

Name - Brandt Orfeo
Age - 20
Gender - Male
Armament - Reverse grip long knife in right hand, energy pistol in left hand
Backstory - Father was a member of this guild. One day, he returned from a dangerous freelance mission bearing a fatal wound in his chest and an infant in his arms. He died shortly after returning to the hub. The infant was me, and I was raised by one of my father's co-workers at the guild, who was his close friend. I take these odd jobs hoping to find who my mother was, how my father died, and where in all this mess exactly is a place I can call my home.

Hope it's all good, as I said and my name & postcount imply, I'm rather new at this.
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Postby Raleigh » Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:09 pm

Both characters are fine. I hope you have fun at your convention Guen. Looks like my trip to one this year is going to be cancelled so tell me if you see any interesting stuff.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:22 pm

I sure will, for both things. What con were you going to go to? Shame you won't be able to. They're so much fun. I'll share my pictures, okay?
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Postby Raleigh » Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:19 pm

Alright, thanks. Yeah, I was going to AWA (Anime Weekend in Atlanta)this year but that got scrapped in light that all my relatives wanted to go to Dragon*Con this year due to some author they all like being there. So I was going to go to that instead because I at least get a few thousand dollars worth of stuff out of it normally but I am going to have to cancel that due to my job troubles.

When creating characters, please remember that the point of this rp is to have reniassance men so to speak. I want to see people who are capable of doing multiple things rather than single specialities.
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Postby Queen Octavia » Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:09 pm

Renaissance men, eh? Doable, but a drift from my usual PnP.

[d&d joke]

Player 1 - I'm standing at the bar...[description]...and you see a holy symbol about my neck.

(Players 2,3,4 charge into him and grab player 1 tightly)

DM - You take 3d2 points of subdual damage as your party members collide with you, never letting you leave touch range of them, ever.

[/d&d joke]

Heh ;p. Oh gawdz I knew I should've signed up for this later, now my impatience is just gonna kill me x_x . Ah well, it more or less coincides nicely with the free time at the end of the exam tunnel.
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Postby Teddy » Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:45 am

Hm. I rather like the idea and the concept of this RP.. And since I won't be pulling anymore disappearing acts, I can participate. I'll think of a character, so could ya hold me a spot?
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Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:46 pm



I know I'm in too many RP's right now, but.... I can't refuse!
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Postby Katty » Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:19 pm

I need to get back into the rp vive. I'll give it a go. Just need sometime to make a character. Could you tell me a bit more about the world if you can? =^-^=
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Postby Raleigh » Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:58 pm

Yeah, we are holding for about another week so you all have time to make your character. Katty, what else would you like to know? The culture of the people on hub is sort of a melting pot of the kind you would expect from people who today might have to deal with samurai and ninja and tomorrow may have to take down an outbreak of cyborg enhanced 10 year olds and then the next will have to take down a t-rex that was terrozing a town. Money is somewhat unused by the hunters in this organization except in the worlds they can travel to. In hub, the hunters use a system of credits based upon completed missions and defeated enemies to purchas items, ala Parasite Eve 2 if you ever played that one. We could call it a bounty system. Everyone is free to gain any techniques or weapons they want, but remember some of the alternate worlds invalidate certain abilities. Can't very well use a gun in a world where the people don't know of gunpowder nor cast spells in a world where magic is unknown.
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