by Mitera Nikkou » Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:24 pm
Au contraire! For it just so happened to be the second coming of Christ himself! And lo, for he did arrive on a carpet of water; or, as they would say in layman's terms, he chose to walk on the surface of the nearby river.
Imagine the mob's awe upon seeing a man floating upon the water. As if one they alternated their attention between Christ and the distressed Arthur(ette), considering their options as they did so. They then huddled together and murmured for a bit before they decided to grab our heroine and take her to the river's bank. Once there they tossed her into the river, where she sank beneath the surface with a mighty splash.
"Witch," they cried out as they pointed their fingers at Christ.
Christ sighed and said, "oh, not again," as he was grabbed and carried away.
Now alone, after drudging her way out of the river, our heroine was soon met by her doppelganger, who had also been met with the fate of being feminized.
"Simply amazing luck, I must say!" Proclaimed the doppelganger.
"You speak the truth, my lady!" Arthur returned proudly.
"That's just the sort of thing I would need on my journey! Will you join me in my court at Spamalot?" The doppelganger asked.
"Why, I was just about to ask you the same thing!" Arthur said with surprise. "And I say that we should join together, for we are not only two heads but we think alike!"
"Let it be so, then!" The doppelganger declared.
And so they set off together, not realizing who the other was because both had yet to see their own reflections. And they were a bit slow in the head, besides. Either way, what does the winds of fate blow their way while on the road to their next destination?
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.