Hey all. You remember me? WAIT DON'T RUN!
(One chase later)
Ok now. I am back. And I want to come back strong, so I will be starting a new role play by weeks end. This way, the people who want to join have time to make up their character. The rules for the universe are going to be as followed. . .
1) I am the GM. My text in the role play is law. If you do have a problem, then PM me with it.
2) The universe is fantasy 101. That means weapons and magic stuff. There are a few races you can pick from. They are human, Giant, Elf, East Anthros (humans with animal parts), and South Anthros (Animals that are more human) to name a few. I will hold up a sign up sheet on this post as well. The first 4 who wants it are going to be our group of adventurers. Everyone else will be either villians or join up in the group later on. One thing though, I talked to Guen about this role play already, and she has a spot as one of our main characters. But there are still 4 open slots
3) The main characters will work in a guild called Bounty Inc. There can be other guild members sure, but to start I only want to have 4 heroes.
What I need from you guys is the following info:
Skin color:
Hair style / color:
Items you have:
Ok all. Post your character here, I'll judge if it is too powerful or the like, and We'll try to get another one of my famous role plays started. =^-^=