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Pokemon RP/ Sign up CLOSED

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:31 pm
by Zoey
So I wanna know how much people would be interest in a Pokemon RP. Im not sure wether to make it, cause I'm getting real busy as of late and Im not sure if GMing 2 RP's at the same time is the wisest thing to-do, but .... I dunno.

Anyways! Not many of you may not know, Im a Pokemon freak. I grew up with the adorible creatures and loved them till this say... Exept most of the 4th generation pokemon... I hate you. Anyways, my pokemon bug had died long ago and I moved on to such other portable games such as Monster Hunter (Uber Awesomeness) and Advanced Wars. Plus I got bored of playing Fire Red after the 8th time I passed the game. So one day a friend of mine calls me that their remaking the BEST Pokemon games EVER, Silver and Gold versions (I don't care what you think those are the best pokemon games ever to have graced humanity). So with that my pokemon bug got revived and I await the moment when the game is launched to the west next year.

So enough of that, so my idea is this. You are a trainer which for something reason I'll eventually make up, you get body swaped (How original of me) into a body of another trainer by the (cliche) Team Rocket (NOT Jessie and James, they suck. I mean by the good lackies). So it's your job to travel the pokemon world in search of your own body and Team Rocket to find a way to correct what has been done to you. So good luck living in another persons body and using THEIR pokemon.

Why Body swap again, Kaizer?

Cause I thought of older Pokemon related RP's and their TGing the character into a pokemon. That's cool and all, but that kinda restricts the mobility of the RP, depending on whos GMing it. Well in my rendition I think walking female pokemon in the city will be odd, creppy and not making much sense. TGing the character would prove ok, but not that itself wont bring much "New" to the RP. Now with Body swaping, not only would you play as a female, but also have the challenge to have to learn to use the pokemon made available to you, so forget about using your Blastoise and Dragonite and start learning how to use Ratatta, Pegiotto and other not as OMG UBER Awesome pokemon.

What about Pokemon Battles and How do I know which attacks to call out for my pokemon if I don't know them?

Well I'll be the unoficial judge of the battle and decide wether the attacks hit, if your pokemon faints or the opponents and other physics about battle. Also you'll have to find out through trial and error which attacks your pokemon know. So don't be suprised if your Chimchar doesn't know flamethrower or your Pikachu doesn't know Thunder, cause all those are because either their not trained enough and need to level up.

Which regions would be open to me?

ALL... exept the Sinnoh region cause I never played passed Diamond cause: 1) I hated the 4th generation pokemon (most of them) and I don't own a DS and the one I had was borrowed. So because of lack of expirience you won't appear or be able to go to Sinnoh... Sorry guys. Though you still would have access to Kanto, Johto and Hoenn, but remember this is not vacation you have a job to do! Or unless you wanna stay like you are... which would be the wro... Well, I'll let you find out for yourself >: )

Awww, I wanted to battle with my own pokemon... :(

You actually may be able to! Im still not sure, but If I decide to give this RP the green light, before the body swap I'd make a cheap excuse for a pokemon battle so my Role players get to battle with their favorite pokemon before you have to kiss them goodbye.

Is their a chance I might end up as a Gym Leader?


Soo, I think that's it for now. So How many of you would be interested?

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:46 pm
by Ookalf
I'd be willing to sign up!

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:47 pm
by Sasha
I'll be up for it.

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:50 pm
by Maiden Miki
If you do it then I be in it. I am also a pokemon fan and excited about the remakes of GS. So sign me up. Where do I sign?

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:19 pm
by Hira Kanaki
Same, sounds interesting.

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:48 pm
by Marky
Hmm, I might, but, I'd have to find time to actually sit and think up a character and such. The Pokemon part probably won't be that hard to think up, but, yeah, I'm interested.

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:13 pm
by Maiden Miki
I would edit my post bit my post seem to have been a while so I post a new post.

I also like your idea of having it to be a bodyswap instead of a TG/TF. Bodyswaps is nice and refreshing and since this is going to be in the Pokemon Universe then also interesting too.

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:25 pm
by Sasha
question thou can we choose what the trainer who we change with looks like?

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:41 pm
by AshK
I would be up to it. Also Heart Gold and Soul Silver will come out in Japan this fall, which means that it will probably come out here in the states in Spring of 2010 also they are for DS only. They don't make new GBA Games anymore. So yeah I would be interested if you already don't have too many.

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:03 am
by Zoey
Sasha: Why would you?

Lavender: Yeah, gonna have to finally fork over the money to get me a DS :/

Also, I see I have 6 players if I would do the RP... Hmm...

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:07 am
by AshK
Whatever you do don't get a DSi because they don't have the dual slot like the DS and DS Lite do. I have no intentions of trading in my DS's for a DSi because I like the dual slot.

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:47 am
by Sasha
just woundering in before but the PCs will not know. . Jus ta prefer on looks how we look like.

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:04 am
by Knight Errant
I'll try this if you start it...

And god yes, gold and silver were the best ones by FAR... I still cry myself to sleep every time I remember that I cant play my silver (the first game I EVER reserved before it was released) because of the accursed batteries!

And yes... I pretty much bought a DS just for diamond and pearl...

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:20 am
by Zoey
Lavender: NO DUAL SLOTS?! Meh, I already got a psp anyways don't need a cheap Nintendo version aswell. DS lite it is I suppose, thanks for the heads up.

Knight Errant: Exactly, the great thing about Gold and Silver and let us not forget Crystal version aswell :3, was that you actually did feel like you were in the Pokemon world! There was day and night, pokemon appeard random depending on time of day, there was pokemon radio, there was a bunch of pokemon contests like the bug catching one, The only pokemon game you actually get to fight 16 Gym Leaders! And lots more! Gold, Silver and Crystal are THE best pokemon games, add in the better graffics, Dual Pokemon battles, and other advancements in the pokemon games and you have THE Chuck Norris of Pokemon Games.

Anyways enough Fanboyism. I think I will do this, since I got enough people interested. I will open the formal sign up later this day, so keep an eye out!

Re: Posible Pokemon RP... POSIBLE!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:53 am
by AshK
It may take a bit for me to come up with a character. Also the DS Lite is a lot cheaper then the DSi The DSi costs $170 new while the DS Lite costs only $130 new. You can get used original DS's for about $80 and used DS Lites for about $110. KE: I believe you can also buy used GBA SP so you can still play your Silver version.