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High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:55 pm
by Nikki
Powter High School has been going through a few changes. The Principal recently retired and the new Miss Lambert is taking the role. But Ms. Lambert doesn't like trouble makers and has a secret. She's a sorceress and decides that changes are in order. That involves changing the problem students mostly by changing their genders but also by improving their extracurricular activities. Also I am going to allow you to import characters from TV Shows, Books, or Movies as long as they are popular character. However I don't want any anime or video games characters.
Year: Freshman-Senior
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: What did you do to get in trouble.
Other: This is where you put any extracurricular activities.
Name: Amos Mraz
Year: Senior
Appearance: Tall, blonde, modelesque
Reason For Principal's Office: Standard Bullying
Personality: Amos is an arrogant jock who believes in the class system of high school.
Other: I would think something like Drama or Glee Club would be a good place for him to land.
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:59 pm
by AshK
Name: James Johnathon Stevens
Age: Junior
Appearance: 6'2" 180 lbs. Short Brown hair and Hazel eyes
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Was caught surfing the net on my laptop during class
Personality: Outgoing, friendly makes friends easily. Likes to watch the hot girls walk by and space out as he watches.
Other: He is in the computer club.
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:03 pm
by Harri-chan
Name: Ollie Parker
Year: Senior
Appearance: Tall, skinny, with short brown hair, and brown eyes.
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Sneaking into the girl's locker room
Personality: He knows school is almost over, and wants to make the most of it by ignoring rules and doing what he feels like
Other: Ollie plays guitar in a rock band with other male senior students.
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:30 pm
by Evra
Name : Reyes
Year : senior
Appearance : Height about 5'8 short black hair pale skin bright blu eeyes and wears a pair of black jeans with chains a black t shirt and a pair of black gloves
Reason For beign in office : consitant arguments with students and a couple of small fights ( =p )
Personality: keeps to himself and hates the so called "class system" in school enemys with pretty much ever jock in school ( hope its k XD )
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:53 pm
by Maiden Miki
Name: Marco Almos
Year: Junior
Appearance: Marco is a tall and somewhat built young man. He is mostly on the skinny side with smooth brown hair that goes pass his ears. He has brown eyes and wears mostly baggy clothing.
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: For telling off a teacher.
Personality: Marco has that 'I know everything and think I am better the you' attitude. The problem is that he has no problem to tell somebody if he thinks they are wrong. Doesn't really like to talk to others and prefer to take a lay back stance on things.
Other: NA
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:21 pm
by KonokoHasano
Name: Koda Motoi
Year: Junior
Appearance: A short and skinny boy with short, black hair that is slightly longer on the sides of his head. His eyes are green, and he wears a pair of thin glasses. His clothing is neat and tidy.
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Lost his temper before his morning class of Home Economics started and caused a girl who was annoying him to trip and fall in the hall.
Personality: Koda is usually a calm person, but can be rather snarky with a hair-trigger temper that manages to get him into trouble whenever his buttons get pressed.
Other: Koda is actually a member of the Fashion Club, having been tricked into joining by his older sister, and he is actually fond of sewing in his spare time. Peanuts are his favorite snack.
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:10 pm
by Kris_Roth
Name: Karl Reece (female name, Katie Lynn Reece)
Year: Sophomore (age 15)
Appearance: 15 year old male with brown hair, short, blue shirt, blue jeans, black shoes. Often will disguise himself in his sister's clothes and brown wig, (prefers to be called "Katie Reece" while disguised as a female).
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: While trying to avoid the local bully at school, he was caught skipping class. He then attempted to come to school one day, disguised as a girl, to avoid the bully, and now he/she is in the principal's office, still in his female disguise. (Violated the school dress code).
Personality: He is friendly, yet he doesn't like bullies, and would like to find a way to avoid them as much as possible.
Other: Karl/Katie would like to join the Academic Quiz Bowl as his female alter ego, and also Home Economics Club as "Katie".
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:16 pm
by AshK
Edited my post with my character.
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:20 pm
by Jacqueline
Name: Damien Winsbey
Year: Freshman
Appearance: Tall, muscular, square. He's a big guy.
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Accidently breaking the security system of the school's computer network.
Personality: Stubborn, heard-headed. But also gentle, almost tender. He'll disagree with you, but will never resort to threats or violence.
Other: Part of the rugby team.
Note: anything but cheerleading...
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:46 pm
by Nikki
You're good to enter
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:49 am
by shinryou
Name: Yusuke Ketua
Year: Junior
Appearance: A skinny boy with medium length, light brown hair. He has brown eyes, and his clothing is usually stylish
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Made a girl cry with his sharp sarcastic comments
Personality: Calm and Collected for the most part, but loves to make fun of others, usually in a sarcastic manner.
Other: Part of the Music Club
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:29 am
by the unbalanced one
I think I'll give this a try..might be able to work it in as part of this character's backstory actually if you don't mind me using one of my characters but a little younger then in my character list thing, and just quick question on if he is expected to be a normal kid at this time or able to use some minor powers?
Name: Ichi Furinko
Year: Junior(17 years old)
Appearance: kinda like that I guess, just younger, without the headband and without the necklace thingy..hope that works.
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Caught skipping class and spray painting graffiti on lockers.
Personality: Usually brash and arrogant but when wants others to leave him alone will typically just try to sleep in middle of class.
Other: Before getting changed, probably some kind of contact sport like karate or wrestling or something, after..well who knows, that's up to the principal isn't it? :p
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:30 am
by Knight Errant
HAH! This looks like fun...
Name: Kenny Blankenship (why not? XD)
Year: Senior (18)
Appearance: Black hair cut short, green eyes, medium build around 6 foot. He wears jeans and whatever T-shirt he feels like.
Reason for Principle's visit: During lunchtime, a younger kid kept on pestering Ken for a look at the DS he was playing. Ken eventually got fed up, and tossed a roll into his face, starting a full-blown food fight.
Personality: A bit nerdish, Ken usually keeps to himself unless he is with someone who has played the same video game or read the same book he has.
Other: Ken is in the Chess club and the Drama Club. Though in Drama he stays out of the spotlight... running it instead. He also paints the sceneries before the performance stage, he is good at Art.
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:04 pm
by Roggamer22
Might as well join, sounds like fun.
Name: Richard Mason
Year: Sophomore
Appearance: Tall, skinny, black hair, brown eyes
Reason you're in the principal's office: Falling asleep too many times in class.
Personality: Friendly, Loves Conversations, not a fighter, likes swimming
Other: Before getting changed, nothing. After changing, joins the swim team.
Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:05 am
by Lanzerus
(If it isn't too late.)
Name:Taylor Pendervan
Year: sophomore
Appearance: Normal height, Brown hair, blue eyes, glasses.
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Multiple tardies/skipping classes.
Personality: Hardworking when something interests him, he doesn't like to talk with others, has a soft spot for all things cute and fluffy.
Other: Book Club, Creative writing club.