Ha! TK-421... I didn't get that at first, had to think for a moment. N8, you are my new favorite person. KotOR = win.
Name: Paula "Paladin" Dackers
Age: 22
Phys. Ap: Tall for a woman at about 6' 3". Blond hair tied back in a tight, no-nonsense sort of ponytail. Green eyes. Beautiful, obviously, well-built Caucasian female with a bit of German thrown in there for flavor. When not in uniform, she wears a simple white shirt and jeans with a pair of star-shaped earrings.
Tag#: EL-337 ("el-eet")
Bio: A rare thing to see in the space marines, Paula volunteered when she turned 18 since she felt she had no other home. She decided to stay after she found she was treated better than where she lived previous, a small apartment on some nondescript moon with her neglectful mother and abusive brothers. She doesn't care to remember the moon's name. Her father, Carth Dackers, was in the marines, and what little she heard about him was full of bravery and chivalry, like stories of old knights in a time long-past. He was killed in battle. Even though she never knew him, she wanted to be just like him.
She got her nickname not only for her custom-made white armor, but also her steely resolve and finesse with almost any sort of rifle. She makes no-scoping insurgents from 100 yards away look easy. She's also fond of her sidearm, previously her father's, what she lovingly calls the Leviathan, a silvery piece of work made specifically for her father that she fixed up for herself. She's an excellent mechanic and pilot, as well.
She's not exactly what one would call "whimsical". She's very down-to-earth at the best of times, and she just wants to get the job done however she can, as fast as she can. She's the polar opposite of heartless, however, and will do her very best to defend the lives of anyone innocent she runs across, no matter what. But should they double-cross her... they're jettisoning out the nearest porthole within three minuets.