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[SRP] Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:09 pm
by Nosnits

The sun dawns upon the Rhalad Empire, the golden rays poking through the trees of the Arulian forest. The small town of Arulia is where (one) of our intrepid heroes live. Long forgotten by the Empire, save for the tax collectors, this city has run itself since the local nobility, the Denumont’s, left the sleepy hamlet ages ago for bigger prospects. The city itself is mostly self-sufficient, surrounded by small farms. The local market sells the food grown, fish from the nearby river, and the small animals that the trappers bring in from the forest. Most house are made of Arulian timber: A relatively strong, but hard to work with material. That is, all houses are made from it, save the manor of the nobles.The old Manor, Denumont Manor, is run down; worn by age and neglect. It’s stone cobbles are covered in moss, with gloom befalling the overgrown grounds. Inside, resides Baronet Lucas, forth son of the late Lord Denumont. On the passing of his father, this small manor was willed to young Lucas, to be out of the way of the real ladder-climbers of the family. Another day dawns in this sleepy hamlet...will this be the day that our young hero will act upon the maps of old that he found?

The Aelaian Sea:

Ah! It is great to be king! And if you’re not the’s even better to be on his side, then against him. The Great Pirate King is the real rulers of this sea, not the petty Merchants of Aelae. They cower behind their stone walls, afraid of the water that once made them rich. But not the pirates, no...they own these waters...some selling Aelae the same goods that they plundered from their pockets. News is spreading of a new man...a young man...a former cabin boy, who raised through the ranks, a benefitter from mutiny. A young man so fearsome, that he has knives for fingers...or so they say. However, one that raises through the ranks this fast is not to be trusted, this man may be too ambitious for their liking. But enough of that, let us pan down to his ship, the Slicer. It is a clear, sunny day (Opposed to a Dark and Stormy night!), with a slight breeze filling the sails. The bell has just been is time for breakfast on the ship, as the night crew signs off, and heads to their cot.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:20 pm
by Blaze
Finger-Blade Grahms rose from his cot in the captains quarters, rubbing his eyes with his right hand. He looked around the sparsely decorated cabin. Unlike the previous captain, he kept his room nearly bare to prevent jealousy among the crew. He rose and got dressed. His clothes consisted of a pair of tan pants, leather boots and a red coat with no left sleeve. He kept his chest bare.

Wiggling his namesakes, he exited the cabin and gave the night crew a friendly nod before heading below deck for breakfast.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:28 pm
by Nosnits
The Aelaian Sea:

Breakfast, the only time of the day when it's encouraged that all people break something. This morning's breakfast is of nice quality, thanks to their latest raid, bacon and eggs are served to the captian first, with a single, silver fork accompanying the meal, along with a cloth. The cook is a trusted of the first that he won over in the mutiny, and his skills are least, on the boat. His crew chatters idly as he sits down to eat.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:36 pm
by Blaze
The captain sat down and nodded his thanks to the cook before picking up has fork and using his index knife to cut a piece of bacon, using the fork to transfer it to his mouth.

He had something to say, but it could wait until after the meal.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:53 pm
by Nosnits
The meal, luckily, is NOT poisoned, so the captain lives to see another day...or, at least, sea it. Anyways, the meal is finished...the cook begins to clean up the food from the table, leaving the cloth so Grahm can clean off his index knife. If there was ever a time to say will be the time to say it.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:02 pm
by Blaze
Grahms stand up and yells so his voice would be heard.

"All right you men, listen up! Sure we've garnered a name for ourselves, but we're still considered rookies! Do you want to stay that way?! If not then listen up! Sources tell me that Iron Skin Jones and his crew had a successful plunder recently and have been celebrating for days! They've weighed anchor nearby. They're either too drunk or unconscious to fight back if we were to, say... attack them? He's a famous pirate, but not too liked so we're not likely to make to many enemies if we kill him! If you don't have the nerves to join in, raise your hand!"

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:04 pm
by Nosnits
Aelaian Sea:

No hands are raised! It seems that Grahm has put a lot of his level-up points into Charisma, or something. Instead of raising their hands...they raise their voices, in a loud "AYYYE!" His first mate is standing beside him. "It seems we got our answer, sir...shall I set a course?"

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:13 pm
by Blaze
Grahm grins, pleased at his men's bravery.

"Aye. His ship is east-north-east from here."

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:24 pm
by Nosnits
Aelaian Sea:
"Avast! I'll set the course at once!" The first mate runs off, and soon the ship turns...heading for the ship of the rival pirate.
*Time passes*
Soon, the ship is in sight. The men begin to prepare for battle...and now is time for any last minute plans. How does the captain want to approach this battle?

Road; Nosnitobia to Aelae:
Caravans...both a blessing and a blight to the world. Sure...they come with the added protection of numbers...and armed guards. But they're a sight that hurts the eye, a blight on the land...not to mention that they cost money to join...but the fact that they're a big target groups many together to take the big prize. But lets not worry about that now....we pan off to Silver, a young tradeswoman from the mining town. The day is new, and fresh...and is hers to seize! Many people mill about as the caravan gets ready to leave....she could seek out people, or get ready for the journey...or run around with her pants off. The hers.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:33 pm
by Zoey
Silver spreads her arms out having come out of her tend dressed in pants with boots and a white tank top, her black hair in a pony tail. She walks over to her horses, Mud and Slap. She pets them and gets the food ready for them. "Hey guys, hope today your ready for another day of work" she says to them petting their heads. After that she looks around for any groups of people she may be able to mingle with.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:33 pm
by Blaze
Grahms rubbed his chin-with his right hand of course-and stared at this ship. He takes out a spyglass and tries to see if anyone is on deck.

"First Mate! Bring us alongside that ship!"

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:45 pm
by Nosnits
Aelaian Sea:
There are a few people on deck....on ALL of the deck, that is. Most are floored, but others are sitting and drinking. The flag is flown in peaceful colours, of course. The Slicer is brought alongside the ship with little hassle....and now, he must decide the best course of action.
Road; Nosnitobia to Aelae:
And mingle Silver does...however, she does not learn of anything of real importance...just idle gossip about the Emporer and his unmarried daughter. However the convoy starts up...then promptly stops again! Something seems to be holding up the procession...

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:48 pm
by Blaze
Grahm holds off on the cannons. If he just sank the ship, he would have no proof.

"Ahoy! I wish to speak to the great Iron Skin Jones!" he yells to the men on deck.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:49 pm
by Zoey
"What's the hold up?!" Silver shouts out. She is using Mud as her stead and she orders Slap to stay put. She tries to get to the front of the caravan to investigate.

Re: Imperial Powers, Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:56 pm
by Nosnits
Aelaian Sea:
A few men grumble, and one heads off...eventually ol' Ironskin himself comes out, adorned in a majestic crown...pobably stolen from someone. "'es 'ad? Wh't is it y' w'nt?" He drawls to his fellow captain, from his ship.
Road; Nosnitobia to Aelae:
She gets to the front, with no shortage of shoving and find a small, young boy. He is standing in the middle of the road, and looks up to Silver with his big, puppydog eyes.