[SRP] Lost Senshi rp


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[SRP] Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kumi-chan » Sun May 09, 2010 1:01 am

****Someplace unknown to all.

a group of oddly shapeless creatures stand around a pool of liquid peering inside it speaking an acient and unknown language to most living creatures. One speaking in English or a language close to it. "The darkness is spreading still. It is just a matter of time."
Another figure nods its head and adds. "Those poor mortals will all fall. Unless we act soon."
Third figure adds. "But none of us can effect the dimension by the creators law."
A female figure speaking up finally after remaining silent. "The darkness shall conquer all. Shall rule all. The girls can save it. Find them and they shall." All the other listen to her words knowing this one speaks the truth. "Send them to there we must."

****Meanwhile in there own worlds.

Erika's alarm clock blares to life waking her from a long night's sleep. She is so nice and comfy in her bed she doesn't really want to get up from her bed and get ready for school. She most likely hitting the snooze button.

Momoko actually woke up on time from school this morning. She having gotten ready to go when she noticed her mama's and papa's wedding album. She spent some time looking at it before deciding to wear her mama's wedding dress. She posing in front of a mirror.
(sorry for drawing from the start of the anime sort of.)

Lin has spent much of the morning praying in the shrine. She trying to see her own future with a boy she likes, instead she getting a vision of a a girl with a white fox tail and clad in purple with long purple hair standing before her in her own senshi form and protecting her. The wolf girl using an energy whip to hold down the creature she is protecting her from but she cannot see what the creature is. It being the weekend she will need to go help out in the family herb shop soon.

Natsuki being the weekend she and her mother are going out to shop at the local shopping plaza in search of something cute for her to wear for the renewal of her parent's vows.She happy to be able to help her mom decide on the dress and to be able to spend time with her.

Kelly is spending a relaxing day at home with her kitty friend studying some books and watching tv. She not doing much other other than watching the tv and relaxing.

After some investigating Shiki has tracked her mother and family to the creepy old ware house. She hopeful to find them as she deads into the warehouse. She doesn't see anything out of the ordinary though.

Rihox having survived another day of his life starts getting ready for bed. He doesn't realize but as he gets ready he finds a gift his parents recently gave him, a fox-shaped Keychain. Hestaring at it for a time.

****And lastly!
Hitomi the neo mew girl is sitting down in her normal spot playing against some guy. She creaming him in a match as they fight in a videogame. She smiling as whispers of the queen surrounds her as she plays.
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Haylie » Sun May 09, 2010 8:09 am

Kelly, being a multitasker, is reading her favorite book, Bartimaeus and the Amulet of Samarkand, while watching her favorite show, Everybody Loves Raymond, while eating her favorite snack, Cheez-its, and stroking her favorite cat on her favorite spot on her back. She giggles contently as her kitten mews.

"Hehehehe~ Bartimaeus, Robert, you lovable sarcastic rapscallions."
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Ookalf » Sun May 09, 2010 8:13 am

Kumi-chan wrote:After some investigating Shiki has tracked her mother and family to the creepy old ware house. She hopeful to find them as she deads into the warehouse. She doesn't see anything out of the ordinary though.

Mom, Dad... Don't worry. I'm coming for you. *Shiki procedes cautiously through the warehouse, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.*
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Sun May 09, 2010 8:54 am

"Well, what's this?" Rihox said picking up the key chain. "I guess I'll add it to my keys as soon as I get ready to leave for the day." Rihox said putting the key chain down to get himself prepped for the day.
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Sasha » Sun May 09, 2010 9:41 am

Natsuki is humming a bit looking around with her mother. " Hmmm they are so just so cute which one." she thinks to herself.
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Ameph Est Mako » Sun May 09, 2010 1:29 pm

Momoko was busy posing in front of the mirror before she would go to school. The very thought of being a lovely bride just like her mother thrilled her.

"Mama...I plan to do my best!" she said, looking at her ring. "Don't you worry!"
And on the 9th day, God made Ameph Est Mako. He saw his work and asked himself 'What could go wrong?'

"He was the first to touch my perfect body..."

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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby AshK » Sun May 09, 2010 5:58 pm

Kumi-chan wrote:****Someplace unknown to all.

a group of oddly shapeless creatures stand around a pool of liquid peering inside it speaking an acient and unknown language to most living creatures. One speaking in English or a language close to it. "The darkness is spreading still. It is just a matter of time."
Another figure nods its head and adds. "Those poor mortals will all fall. Unless we act soon."
Third figure adds. "But none of us can effect the dimension by the creators law."
A female figure speaking up finally after remaining silent. "The darkness shall conquer all. Shall rule all. The girls can save it. Find them and they shall." All the other listen to her words knowing this one speaks the truth. "Send them to there we must."

****Meanwhile in there own worlds.

Erika's alarm clock blares to life waking her from a long night's sleep. She is so nice and comfy in her bed she doesn't really want to get up from her bed and get ready for school. She most likely hitting the snooze button.

*Hits the snooze button, then decides to go ahead and get up. She then shuts off her alarm clock.* "I guess I better get up and get ready for school." Erika says as she gets herself out of bed and sets to work on her morning duties.

After her daily routine she heads down to the kitchen to fix herself some breakfast. It seems her butler is nowhere around so she has to get her own breakfast.

"I am so glad Mother taught me how to cook." Erika says as she finishes making her omelet and gets some fruit to go with her breakfast. She also takes her vitamins.

"Another day, another day at school." Erika says as she finishes her breakfast and loads her dishwasher.

(Someone want to play her mom or should I just leave her out?)
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon May 10, 2010 3:21 pm

Lin Akuno was at her shrine, trying to get a reading, and instead of finding out about her true love, discovers that there are two girls, a fox-girl and a purple haired wolf-girl teamming up with her to stop some unknown evil. She is wearing some sort of Senshi-type outfit. "I wonder what this all means?" She looks at her watch, and notes she promised to work at her grandparent's herbalism shop. "I'd better get cleaned up for work. I can worry about this later..." The Japanese/American teenager heads home from praying at her shrine, and after cleaning up for work, she puts on her work clothes, a brown pair of cargo pants with pockets on them, a pair of black shoes, and a nice beige top. After putting on some light makeup and pulling her hair into a low-ponytail, she heads out to the Green Thumb shop, clocks in for her shift, and gets her name tag for work from her grandfather. The name tag reads, "Lin Akuno" and her position "Cashier".
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kumi-chan » Tue May 11, 2010 12:08 am

It is just another boring day off for Kelly. Nothing of interest going on at all nothing happening besides her relaxing, if one could call it that. She hears something outside a scratching at the back door. It is freezing out though absolutely cold. She hears the sound desperately scratching at the door.

Shiki sees some large shipping crates that might have something inside it. She finding that the doors are locked shut with some heavy duty chains and locks. The crates are most likely empty though but she cannot be sure till she opens them.

Rihox's makes his way downstairs to be greeted by his mother, she is dressed in her white apron and making some breakfast. “Morning hun.” She smiles and places a plate of bacon and eggs before his normal seat. He notices something on one of his mother's old magazines which looks odd to him. A girl dressed in purple with purple hair and a wolf tail, fighting along side a girl with long black hair and blue eyes dressed in a seifuku like a Sailor Moon type outfit. He also notices a girl with longish hair straight down with orange bodysuit type outfit on. After he looks away for a moment to eat it is gone.

Natsuki sees a nice white dress glimmering in the light of the shop. She for some reason is being drawn to it, how it looks to her and seems to call to her making her want to try it on. Touching it she notices the fabrics feels nice on her hand, soft and smooth.

Momoko hears a soft knocking on her door than it opens, her father opening it and pauses looking at her. “Momoko... It is time to get ready to go now. Hurry up and come downstairs and eat.” He looks at her blushing and staring at her a bit longer.

Erika starts to cook her breakfast. After a little bit her mother Mint comes in smelling the food yawning softly. “Good morning darling. Thanks for making breakfast.” Mint strides over to her daughter and plants a soft kiss on her cheek, she huffing softly reminding her daughter of her new brother or sister being about ready to come out as her round large belly presses up against her. She waddling over and slumps into a chair stroking the roundness of her belly.

Lin makes her way out to the Greenhouse, she cannot shake the vision from her mind though. That fox girl was so hot she could have been a model, with such nice curves but it is hard to place her age. Her grandpa approaches her from behind. “Akulin, sorry to make you work on the weekend.” He calling her the nick name he has always called her. “But hun did you try again to see what your future holds for you and that boy?”

Hitomi yawns getting another simple victory. She noticing something odd on the screen for a moment a group of oddly dressed girls sitting in the park talking. The next person sitting she looking over at him then back at the screen not seeing the girls there again. It is odd since she knows every game there and never seen it before. She shrugs creaming the boy like she always does.
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Ookalf » Tue May 11, 2010 5:24 am

Kumi-chan wrote:Shiki sees some large shipping crates that might have something inside it. She finding that the doors are locked shut with some heavy duty chains and locks. The crates are most likely empty though but she cannot be sure till she opens them.

Hmm... Worth checking out. *Shiki looks around for a crowbar, or anything she could use to open the crates.*
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Ameph Est Mako » Tue May 11, 2010 6:35 am

Once again, he was reminded of how much like her mother she appeared like in that gown. He turned away, reminding himself that he was looking at his daughter as Momoko carefully removed the dress and hung it back up. She put on her school uniform and quickly rushed downstairs for a good breakfast!
And on the 9th day, God made Ameph Est Mako. He saw his work and asked himself 'What could go wrong?'

"He was the first to touch my perfect body..."

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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Kris_Roth » Tue May 11, 2010 8:17 am

Lin turns to hear her grandfather speak to her..."It's okay, Grandpa. I need the money, and besides, I love working here." She sighs..."I saw something else during prayer time at the shrine, Grandpa. I saw two animal-themed girls fighting monsters alongside me. What does it mean?"
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Haylie » Tue May 11, 2010 9:28 am

Kumi-chan wrote:It is just another boring day off for Kelly. Nothing of interest going on at all nothing happening besides her relaxing, if one could call it that. She hears something outside a scratching at the back door. It is freezing out though absolutely cold. She hears the sound desperately scratching at the door.

Kelly raises an eyebrow as she turns around in her seat to look at the back door. The kitten mews a question. "I dunno, Connie. I'm not expecting anyone today, and it's freezing outside. Maybe it's the mailman?"

She marks her book's place and pauses the Raymond DVD to crack open the door, taking a quick peek outside.
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Tue May 11, 2010 10:18 am

"Why does that girl in the orange look familiar to me? also what's with the two other girls as well." Rihox said as he didn't know he'd finished his food while thinking. "Well if there isn't anything to do today I'll be heading out for a bit." Rihox said as he did just that.
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Re: Lost Senshi rp

Postby AshK » Tue May 11, 2010 5:37 pm

Kumi-chan wrote:
Erika starts to cook her breakfast. After a little bit her mother Mint comes in smelling the food yawning softly. “Good morning darling. Thanks for making breakfast.” Mint strides over to her daughter and plants a soft kiss on her cheek, she huffing softly reminding her daughter of her new brother or sister being about ready to come out as her round large belly presses up against her. She waddling over and slumps into a chair stroking the roundness of her belly.

*Erika kisses her mother back and hugs her back.* "Good morning Mother, what is it you want for breakfast?" Erika asks as she continues cooking her omelet and starts mixing up her mother's by putting a little cheese in it. "What else do you want besides cheese Mother?" Erika asks with a smile.
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