It bothers me to no end when something that would quite often cause awkwardness and/or problems is either ignored or some how negated, continuing the vampire thing, they get sunblock or something that allows them to go outside, something that has no (reasonable) risk of being removed.
This thread is basicaly for this sort of thing, you're not supposed to want to stay in your altered form (well you shouldn't want to stay in that form till quite some time after aquiring it), because it causes too many problems and/or you just hate it. The goal in this is to get changed back, by some means.
The setting is a small town called Stanwood. It has everything you'd expect to have in a small town and not much else. Stories, myths, and legands run rampant through the town, so if you've lived there for more then a week, you've heard about -something-.
I'll post my own thing first so that people can get a feel on how this is going to work.