[FFRP] Curses for All


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[FFRP] Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Sun May 09, 2010 11:10 pm

One of the aspects of TFs that I enjoy most are the challanges that come with it. When odd or unique problems come up because of the transformation, I find it fasinating. I particularly like it when some one's to small to do something easily, but it's still possible(I find it cute... :oops: ) but other things, like they become a vampire and they can't do go outside when they want because of the sunlight, are great also.

It bothers me to no end when something that would quite often cause awkwardness and/or problems is either ignored or some how negated, continuing the vampire thing, they get sunblock or something that allows them to go outside, something that has no (reasonable) risk of being removed.

This thread is basicaly for this sort of thing, you're not supposed to want to stay in your altered form (well you shouldn't want to stay in that form till quite some time after aquiring it), because it causes too many problems and/or you just hate it. The goal in this is to get changed back, by some means.

The setting is a small town called Stanwood. It has everything you'd expect to have in a small town and not much else. Stories, myths, and legands run rampant through the town, so if you've lived there for more then a week, you've heard about -something-.

I'll post my own thing first so that people can get a feel on how this is going to work.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Sun May 09, 2010 11:44 pm

Kyle walked up to the old house. He was going to see if the story about it being haunted was true. This is one of his hobbies, disproving the dozens and dozens of horror stories that seemed to crop up every week. So far, he's covered the old department store, determined that Ms. Hunts was not a witch, Mr. Heiglar did not have the bodies of bad students in his basement, and found several locations in the forest nearby that had resulted in a bad night sleep.

All of these had come about recently, well except for Ms. Hunts. As far as he knew, people have been speculating she's a witch sense the dawn of time. That one had been difficult to go about, he decided to do the things people had done in stories to call down the wrath of the spiteful old witch. All she'd done is throw stuff at him, he didn't check what though.

Now he was on to his next big one. Like with Ms. Hunts, the stories about it had always been there to his knowledge. For him, the older the story was, the better the prize. He saw no harm in it. It wasn't like he proved that they were fake to everyone. "Let them find out for themselves." was what he always thought.

At 18, he was out of School and holding down a job at a convienience store. He was still living with his parents though. He'd always been daring. Wiling to do anything that he didn't deem suicidal, like rushion rulette. This had kept him in very good shape, and with his athletic build, he could have done just fine at anysport. It had also made him somewhat infamous around town. He harrassed the cops on a regular basis, but didn't do anything more then perhaps pull the occasional prank on them. He stole upon occasion, but always returned what he stole. He was in for the thrill, nothing else.

Wearing his customary jeans and red hoody, the young man finaly reached the house. He had to admit, it was pretty creepy at night. First he tested the door. To his amazement it opened. "Well, this is going to be even easier then department store." confidently he walked in. "Yo! Any ghosts? Ghouls? Hobboes?" he carefully made his way through the house, didn't want to fall throught the floor.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon May 10, 2010 12:07 am

Micheal just seem to be wondering around the town. He had a pair of big headphones that were plugged into the headphone jack of his iPod. He held a book in his hand and tapped it against the side of his pant leg. He was walking on the edge of a fence and looked up to notice the old house. He had heard rumors about it being haunted but didn't believe them. He read enough fiction books to hear everything but knew that they were in the end only fiction. Nothing like this happen in real life.

Micheal then had a huge smile on his face and then said, "Well the park is filled with noise kids and I have a new book I want to read. I guess I could chill here to get some peace and quiet."

Micheal at once looked at the fence to see if he could find an opening and was in luck as he saw that some of the fence boards were a bit torn down. He fit his thin frame though the spot and saw the backyard. It was filled with overgrown grass and weeds. A wheelbarrel was on it's side as a few antbeds could be seen. Micheal did his best to avoid any of the taller pieces of grass and the antbeds as he made his way to the back porch. He gave it a good tap with his leg to make sure it won't break under his weigh and then sat in what was an old chair that was left behind. He nodded and then said, "Now time to start my first summer vacation from the good old university with a new book."

Micheal then engorge himself into the book.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Mon May 10, 2010 1:01 am

Jack Thomson and two of his buddies went out on a dare to spend the night in the old cemetery. Legend has it that the dead walk these parts in the form of ghosts. It was late evening, a clear night, the sun has just set on the sleepy little town and there was no traffic in sight.

"I'm willing to bet you wouldn't even last two minutes, Donald." Jack says as he drives his two friends Donald Green and Tom Norman to the cemetery in his gray beat-up Nova that his dad gave him for his 17th birthday.
"O-oh yeah? I'm brave...I can prove it!" Says Donald from the back seat as he pushes his round-rimmed glasses onto his nose. He has a chubby build with dark hair and green eyes, unlike Jack who was actually somewhat skinny.
"Haha...really now?" Tom says, teasing his friend as he rides shotgun next to Jack. "C'mon, everyone in school knows you're scared of ghosts." He's average but slightly muscular with shoulder-length brown hair. This guy's into metal and is dressed entirely in black.
Donald looks to the side. "I don't what you're talking about, Tom." He sighs with embarrassment.

Once the three arrive at the cemetery, Jack stops the car and turns off the ignition. They get out and start unloading three small pop-up tents, sleeping bags, and a duffel bag with a propane burner and various other supplies one would expect for a brief camping trip. Tom takes the supplies and carefully heaves everything over the fence with the boys soon to follow. The trio start walking towards the center of the cemetery. Jack takes the lead, while Donald nervously follows behind his two buddies...
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon May 10, 2010 10:12 am

(P.S. Just because the form is a problem doesn't mean it wont be cute/pretty)
As Kyle makes his way through the building he comes to a small room on the lower floor that is in much better condition then the rest of the house. The room is very plain, but tidy. Mostly a it just has a bed, dresser, and closet with a few pictures depicting ah beutiful woman in a mades out fit with one person dressed as a fairy and another, an older lady in clothing that looks quite expensive. He feels a chill down his spine briefly, but nothing else fallows it.

"Ok, this is wierd. i've had enough of this place, I'll put this place down as 'inconclussive.' Flashlight's coming with me next time." with this he slowly makes his way back through the house, all the while feeling like he's being watched.

The next day he woke up feeling very strange. Things got wierder as his clothing wasn't fitting nearly as well as it should, his hood covered his vision if he wasn't careful and he nearly fell over upon tripping on his pant legs. His shoes felt giant on his feet. The store manager had commented that he seemed diffrent today, and asked if he'd gotten a hair cut.

After his shift, he found out why the manager had asked about his hair. It was brighter, no longer a dark brown, but almost a dirty blonde. His hair also looked diffrent, longer, for one, and remanicent of a completely diffrent style. As he headed home, he felt the urge to visit the old house again. For the life of him he couldn't tell why. As he approached the old building, he noticed someone sitting on the back porch reading a book.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon May 10, 2010 10:45 am

Micheal flipped the page of his book. The day itself wasn't that bad since the weather was perfect for a lazy day about. If anything the place was great too since nobody would bother coming here. He guess that the rumors that this place was haunted or something was enough to scare off anybody with superstitious wits away. Lucky for Micheal, this place also had some things out like the chair that he was sitting on. If he had to take a guess, it would seem like the house was abandon or something. He could check by looking inside to see if there was anything within the house as in old furniture or something of the like but Micheal didn't want to bother with busting down a door and possibility get fined for breaking and entering.

Also Micheal knew that something like abandon houses filled with dust covered furnishings was things that rarely happen in real life and something that was found in his books of fantasy. The common ploy of a boy going into a house where it is filled with luxurious items and fixtures covered in dust. Then it turns out that the house is haunted by the deceased owner who only wants to relive their life though the person that dare came into their house or something like that. If the story was cliche then it would just be a simple ghost who is haunting the house out of spite or something lame as so.

Micheal then read the page and after reading the story of how a simple boy was about to enter the mansion where he was invited to, surely it would lead to something like romance and how the rich heiress has been watching this boy for many weeks. That would explain why the boy have been receiving expensive gifts. Then it would turn out that the parents of the girl don't wish for this relationship for their daugther and would do anything to tear them apart.

Micheal flip the page again and out of the corner of his eye could see somebody in the distance. From what Micheal could tell it was some dirty blond person. He couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl due to the hair style but suddenly Micheal hoped the person wouldn't would notice him. The last thing he wanted was to give up his new reading spot because of some kid discovered him. Micheal was playing with the idea of either getting up and moving to another place or hope that the person would walk away. Micheal just kept his eyes on the book and hoped for the second idea.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon May 10, 2010 11:34 am

As the group of boys entered the cemetary a fog started to roll in, soon everything past 10 ft. was completely obscured. Tom started to feel cold for a brief while then suddenly, he flet perfectly fine, he wasn't to hot, to cold, just perfect, as if the air's temprature had nothing to do with him. If the other two were watching they would notice him slowly pailing, as if the blood was draining from his skin, be kept moving like nothing was wrong.

As Micheal hoped that the new person would leave, his body suddenly shook, as if every muscle in his body had tensed at the same time, then a pain he'd never felt before erupted. His body twisted and shrank, becoming delicate and beutiful. His hair cascaded from his head, twisting itself into twin ponytails, each with a lock of hair around his ear. His ears stretched, he could hear them do it along with feel them. Two things rose from his chest pressing against the lose cloth of his shirt. Said shirt soon felt painfully restricting as something started to grow from his back, but the wouldn't tear through, they simply folded agonizingly back. His nether reagions flared in pain and soon parts of him were numb while others seemed to shift. http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=244628 (Same clothing as before)

This rapid change left Micheal exsausted, with almos no energy to speak of. 'He' was still concious but it seemed it was too much to move. The sound of someone's voice calling in a paniced mannor and soon Micheal could see that the passerby had run up to 'him.'

"Hey! Hey! What just happened?! You need some help?" the person was apparently male, but it wouldn't be to hard to mistake him for a girl.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Mon May 10, 2010 11:54 am

After they set up the tents with the propane burner on in the middle to provide a campfire.
"Hey Tom, are you feeling okay?" Jack asks, noticing how pale his black clothed friend got.
"Yeah I feel okay. Don't tell me you're starting to chicken out too, man."
"No way man, I'm psyched!" Jack reassures Tom. "But...you look really pale."
"Ehh...probably that stupid school project." Tom shrugs it off. "Didn't get to go out much."
They start roasting marshmallows and making s'mores. The boys hear a loud rustling and the crinkling of leaves. Donald runs into his tent "Wh-wh-what was that?" He stammers.
"Probably just some squirrel." Jack says.
"Or maybe it's a ghost!" Tom yells into the tent. "Woooo!! Hahaha!"
"GAH!" Donald exclaims,he hides in his sleeping bag. "That's not funny!"
Jack and Tom laugh for a bit, but then stop when they see the apparition of a woman walking past some graves and then vanishing!
"Holy s***!" Tom cries, nearly falling over by the sight. He believed in ghosts, but never in his life did he see one until just now! "This place really is haunted..."
"I-I-I told you, it's not funny so stop it!" Donald muffles from inside his sleeping bag.
"No man, you should'a seen it. There was really a ghost there just now!" Jack tells his petrified friend.
"Ahhh! I knew we shouldn't have come here!"
"Dammit Donald, will you stop being such a chicken!?" Tom demands from Donald. Jack and Tom were just as scared as Donald, but out of the pride of their gender, they didn't show it as much.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon May 10, 2010 12:09 pm

The fear inside Tom almost seems like a trigger, his hair changed, getting slightly longer and much brighter, his muscles start to deteriate, as he starts shrinking a bit. The others may notice that ends of his hair seems almost... transparent, but that's impossible, right?
"Join us..." a thin whispry voice can be heard through out their campsite.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby yugi83 » Mon May 10, 2010 12:11 pm

Today just hasn't been my day. -I sit down on a park bench and think of all the things that have happened. I wake up and immediately step on an old hand mirror from the last owner of my appartment. After I eat I walk under a ladder and a bucket slams into my head. As I rub the bump that is building, I think to myself - At least nothing else can go wrong.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon May 10, 2010 12:25 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:
As Micheal hoped that the new person would leave, his body suddenly shook, as if every muscle in his body had tensed at the same time, then a pain he'd never felt before erupted. His body twisted and shrank, becoming delicate and beutiful. His hair cascaded from his head, twisting itself into twin ponytails, each with a lock of hair around his ear. His ears stretched, he could hear them do it along with feel them. Two things rose from his chest pressing against the lose cloth of his shirt. Said shirt soon felt painfully restricting as something started to grow from his back, but the wouldn't tear through, they simply folded agonizingly back. His nether reagions flared in pain and soon parts of him were numb while others seemed to shift. http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=244628 (Same clothing as before)

This rapid change left Micheal exsausted, with almos no energy to speak of. 'He' was still concious but it seemed it was too much to move. The sound of someone's voice calling in a paniced mannor and soon Micheal could see that the passerby had run up to 'him.'

"Hey! Hey! What just happened?! You need some help?" the person was apparently male, but it wouldn't be to hard to mistake him for a girl.

Micheal at once dropped his book as he felt pain surging though his whole body. He tried to reached for the book but everything about him was just screaming as if sharp nails were being forced into his skin. He could see two long brown ponytails in his face as delicate hands were reaching out for the fallen book. What was even worse was that his button up shirt felt tight on him on not just the front but on the backside. What was worse that it hurt from the front and backside as an immense pressure was on his chest then on the other side it felt as if something was trying to come out of his back but couldn't due to his shirt. They felt as if they were being compressed and forced into a can of tuna. Micheal then felt something pull between his legs as he had a pain expression on his face. His clothing felt very loose on him minus the exception of his tight shirt as he tried to hang on to the seat and stare idly at the book that was on the ground.

"What is going on?" whisper Micheal as he could see the blur vision of somebody coming. He tried to focus on him but still Micheal was guessing it was a girl by the hair. Micheal groan but was surprise as he notice that his voice sounded much different then before. Micheal then looked up at the boy or maybe girl and said, "I don't know. I just feel so tried."

Micheal at once made a reach for the fallen book but had fell out of his seat in the process and onto the ground.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Miku-chan » Mon May 10, 2010 12:27 pm

Old Karl Simms sat in his caretakers shack near the equipment shed for the cemetery. Sure, there were reports of things happening, but old cemeteries like this had been getting them for years. Still, he wouldn't have taken the job with the county if his Retirement fund hadnt been lost to the economic changes and the motor home just wasn't a reliable option any longer. At the age of 65, he was still healthy enough to work, and no one seemed to want to take the job. He was passing thru town two weeks ago when his motor home broke down and he was looking thru the local paper for a cheap place to stay while the shop tried to fix his retirement home. The news was not good and his RV needed several thousand dollars in motor repairs he no longer had. The job at the Cemetery seemed ideal even though the county hadnt filled the vacancy for two years. The place was a little run down but was easily rectified by the former construction supervisor. He was suppose to install a video security system that week, but parts of it were still on back order and he still had the broken pedestrian gate hinge to repair as well since the UPS man came with the parts after dusk and looking nervous about even being in a cemetery after dark...

Man...how can you live here was the reaction to his place, the nervous delivery guy says before he heads out, running off the path a bit as he rushed to get away before full dark sets in

"Ah, well. guess thats it for today. think I will turn in early with some TV tonight" He says as he locks the door before the fog rolls in for the night...
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon May 10, 2010 12:49 pm

Your luck seems to be just getting started as the bench's back brakes causing you to fall backwards. You then procede to tumble backwards right into a spring, something seeps into your body, but you have no idea what. When the sensation stops, you're ejected from the spring, right back to the bench, which you break in half upon landing on it. But that's not all! You discover that the concrete foundation underneath the bench is rittled with cracks!

You don't have much time to observe this though, as you feel yourself shrinking significantly, already your feet have come from your shoes, and if you have long sleeves your hands have dissappeared into them.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon May 10, 2010 12:59 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Your luck seems to be just getting started as the bench's back brakes causing you to fall backwards. You then procede to tumble backwards right into a spring, something seeps into your body, but you have no idea what. When the sensation stops, you're ejected from the spring, right back to the bench, which you break in half upon landing on it. But that's not all! You discover that the concrete foundation underneath the bench is rittled with cracks!

You don't have much time to observe this though, as you feel yourself shrinking significantly, already your feet have come from your shoes, and if you have long sleeves your hands have dissappeared into them.

(Is this for myself or Yugi?)
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon May 10, 2010 1:15 pm

As Micheal starts to fall forward, the stranger rushes forward to catch 'him' "Wow! Carefull!" they manage to catch him, but they let out a surprised grunt. "You're heavier then I expected." Carefully they sit him down and then hand him his book. "Just stay sitting for a bit, you've had...quite the experience?"

To Karl's great annoyance the T.V. wont turn on even though it's plugged in, but in the silence of his home, he's able to make out a scream from the cemetary. Better deal with it, sense that's his job right now, what a drag.
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