What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]

So, one day, during a late night session of IRC, I came up with a game called, What is Your Form?! It was great fun. It was basically a game show, in which the audiance members and the winners of each contest could vote on what to change for who and how. There were also hidden cookies in it that would allow people to get an automatic choice.
Now, do to the competitive nature of this game, I must request that the players can post regularly. The audiance, not so much. I also plan to keep this going for more then one contest, so don't worry about that.
What people know, and why the sign up, is that there will be a group of 3-5 people, and the winner will get first choice among the fate of females of [# of contestants - 1]. No TF is stated, but it is implied, and they DID sign a waver. It also states the the winner is guarenteed to come out the way he/she came in. (Which is true)
The audiance can know or not know.
Also, every once in a while I pick an audiance member at random to choose a TF of one of the contestants.
The way the TF system works is that there are 5 physical TF's, Legs, body (waist, hips, arms), bust, head, and gender, and 5 mental (which vary depending on the TF)
Oh, and don't think that I'll forget the fates of previous contestants. I'll start another thread after the first contest is done for them. They can go shopping, go on dates, raise a family, get divorced, whatever. They can also be in the audiance... though only the winners can compete again.
So, post your character here! Just a general bio and what TF you want. Only one of each TF per person, and the only requirment is that the end has to be female. You can become a dragon from a guy, a body builder from a businesswoman, whatever.
Oh, and before I forget, the audiance is a FFRP. Anybody, even erratic posters, can come in a become an audiance member at will. However, there is no guarentee that you'll come out the same~
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I decide what the TF's are going to be. If you get a cookie then you get to decide which part happens, but not what happens. So if you're worried about people (Other then me) ruining your TF... don't. ^^
Now, do to the competitive nature of this game, I must request that the players can post regularly. The audiance, not so much. I also plan to keep this going for more then one contest, so don't worry about that.
What people know, and why the sign up, is that there will be a group of 3-5 people, and the winner will get first choice among the fate of females of [# of contestants - 1]. No TF is stated, but it is implied, and they DID sign a waver. It also states the the winner is guarenteed to come out the way he/she came in. (Which is true)
The audiance can know or not know.
Also, every once in a while I pick an audiance member at random to choose a TF of one of the contestants.
The way the TF system works is that there are 5 physical TF's, Legs, body (waist, hips, arms), bust, head, and gender, and 5 mental (which vary depending on the TF)
Oh, and don't think that I'll forget the fates of previous contestants. I'll start another thread after the first contest is done for them. They can go shopping, go on dates, raise a family, get divorced, whatever. They can also be in the audiance... though only the winners can compete again.
So, post your character here! Just a general bio and what TF you want. Only one of each TF per person, and the only requirment is that the end has to be female. You can become a dragon from a guy, a body builder from a businesswoman, whatever.
Oh, and before I forget, the audiance is a FFRP. Anybody, even erratic posters, can come in a become an audiance member at will. However, there is no guarentee that you'll come out the same~
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I decide what the TF's are going to be. If you get a cookie then you get to decide which part happens, but not what happens. So if you're worried about people (Other then me) ruining your TF... don't. ^^