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Tiffany Grimm Academy Sign-up

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:48 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
Basically, the Tiffany Grimm, or T.G. Academy does just that; it TG's boys into girls. It is an alll-girls school, where not much homework or actual academic learning is going to be done! However, there will now be clubs and stuff. So, to sign up, I need your:

Boy Name:
Boy Personality:
TG's You LIke:
TG's You Hate:
Desired Girl Name:
Desired Girl Personality:
Desired Girl Pic:

TIFFANY GRIMM ACADEMY: "Turning bad boy's lives around... one bra at a time!"

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:03 pm
by muffinstud
Do you have any openings for faculty? I'm not too keen on being a student, but a teacher, coach, or janitor or something might be fun.

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:18 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
muffinstud wrote:Do you have any openings for faculty? I'm not too keen on being a student, but a teacher, coach, or janitor or something might be fun.

Good Point. Anyone willing to apply as faculty let me know. Muffinstud, please do write me an application as a teacher, coach, or janitor! (Or any of the like.)

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:29 pm
by Ookalf
Boy Name: Joseph Barlowe

Boy Personality: Joseph was known as something of a "trouble student" at his old school, and was ultimately expelled for his tendency to get into fights and skip class and such. He's been sent to Tiffany Grimm in the hope that she can "help" him.

TG's You Like: As far as changes beyond the "desired pic" go, I have a certain fondness for animal/monster girls.

TG's You Hate: Full personality or memory rewrites on a permanent basis, full inanimate (walking statues and such are fine, though).

Desired Girl Name: Joan Barlowe

Desired Girl Personality: About the same as before, though I wouldn't object to attempts to enforce "good behavior."

Desired Girl Pic(s): Normal

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:31 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
Welcome Joan-Er, Joseph!

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:43 pm
by Harri-chan
I have a request for a teacher that perhaps gets on Tiffany's bad side, and as a result, is punished by being turned back into a 15 year old student?

Adult Name: Kate Hardy (Miss Hardy to the students)

Adult Personality: She's a very strong personality, who likes to make sure her students know who's in charge. She often flaunts her mature figure and dishes out punishments just because she can. She's also made no secret of the fact she wants the job of Head Mistress.

TG's You LIke: AR
TG's You Hate: AP

Desired Girl Name: Katie?
Desired Girl Personality: Anything
Desired Girl Pic: Don't tend to use pics much, but I'd like something that was more on the young side than sexy

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:54 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
Welcome Katie!

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:54 pm
by muffinstud
Name: Earl Jenkins
Personality: Earl has always been an over achiever. He's always done well, whether it bee in school, sports, social life... he's had life handed to him on a silver platter, mostly because he works hard, but also because everything just seems to come easy to him.
He is kinda short and on the pudgy side, though. He never exercises because he never needed it to do well. He's got short cropped black hair and black plastic non-prescription glasses.

Desired Name: Elana Jenkins
Desired Personality: All of Earl's natural prowess is gone, save for what intelligence he already had. She's shy, clumsy, and a slow learner. However, where Earl may have been cocky with his natural talent, Elana will be meek and ready to rely on someone more confident (especially if he's cute).
Picture: Let's make that black line on her pantyhose a tight skirt, for modesty's sake. I'll let you decide what's under the sweater.

TG's I like: Cute, girl next door kind of looks, but not young looking either
TG's I dislike: bimbo, inanimate

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:56 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
(I'd prefer if you find your pic. Not out of laziness, but that way it's what YOU have in mind for your characer. Anyway, welcome!)

I'm opening the thread now!

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:13 pm
by Knight Errant
Boy Name: Daniel Southerland
Boy Personality: The intelligent 'troubled' troublemaker. Dan has done it all... knowing enough to skirt the line most of the times, but not enough respect for the rules to be accepted into many schools. Finally in desperation, his parents had him transferred to the TG Academy... one of the few that would take him.
TG's I like: Cheerleader, Bunnygirl, Foxgirl, Monster/Demongirls, Ballerina, Maid. All are amusing.
Dislike: Inanimates, and young girls. Thats about it.
Desired Girl Name: Danielle, for simplicity.
Desired Girl Personality: The same, with perhaps compulsions to obey orders.
Desired Girl Pic
Maid Pic
Mermaid Pic
Succubus Pic
Bunny Pic
Secretary Pic
Princess Pic

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:17 pm
by Ookalf
(Hotlinked pic, KE. No can see.)

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:23 pm
by Knight Errant
Right click it and select 'copy link location' then paste it in a browser.

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:55 am
by Zoey
Boy Name: Mike Cleland
Boy Personality: He's a bit of a troublemaker and a very lazy person when it comes to chores and his scholatic duties. He's also very proud of being a guy and hates all things extremly girl.
TG's You LIke: TG
TG's You Hate: extreme AP and AR, inanimate

Desired Girl Name: Serena Cloud
Desired Girl Personality: No mayor changes but slight mental quirks.
Desired Girl Pic: Something like this?
Serena bunny
Mermaid Serena

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:10 am
by Tiffany Grimm
Welcome Serena and Dani!

Re: Tiffany Grimm Academy Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:42 pm
by Nikki
Boy Name: Zack Martin
Boy Personality: Promiscuous, lazy, not so much unintelligent but doesn't put much effort into school work
TG's You Hate: All I really want is a basic tg
Desired Girl Name: Zoey
Desired Girl Personality: confused about sexuality, likes dating but can come off as a tease, not as lazy, shy
Desired Girl Pic: ... ab7a6d.jpg (gasp it's not animated)