Penelope Maria wrote:"No, I just get nervous, sometimes, with people,"
"The story of my life..." I roll my eyes up, but keep smiling. Why do I smile so easily since I met her? I have no clue, but it feels SO fine! It seems my natural state, hai! I mean...yes!
Not that I get *that* nervous with people, it is more like... I don't know... I don't hate people, no. I just.. feel uncomfortable when overcrowded.
Penelope Maria wrote:"But I thought you were new here..."
I look at her and a looong second passes by.
"Yes, and..." think, think! make that chipmunk in your brain to move!
"...that's why the memory of being the most fresh girl is still...fresh?" Smile...a good smile conquers everything!
Then I mentioned my mother's family name, and I just knew that would make her giggle.
Penelope Maria wrote:"That's a Scotish clan isn't it? McCarthy is Irish, but I have some scots roots. And Welsh and Irish. As if you couldn't tell from the red hair, pale skin and freckles. I'm going to stand out like a white man in Harlem,"
"And me... can you imagine when my mother's family gathers? " An outcast, that's how I have always felt. Not Japanese like dad, not American-Scottish like mom, no ...no nothing!
"But... we can compare kilts any day!" or even trade! YAY! AKANE! will you control your mind?
Penelope Maria wrote:"You know I feel as if I have been here before,"
"Me too! I came with my mom... and saw the cafeteria, and the trophy room, and that's when the phantom girl first appeared. She hates I can notice. But...on my advantage...she is Soooo dead!"
I look at the room, the walls, the way the light bathes the floor after filtering through the windows, even the sound of the birds from the surrounding gardens. She is right, there IS an element of familiarity there. I can't really put my finger on it, but it IS there... and so the phantom girl. I can feel her violent eyes upon me, like...hunting me.
Penelope Maria wrote:"Oh, I've travelled all over with mum and dad, you'd be surprised what passes for toilets in some places, like Glastonbury festival..."
"I guess that's in the UK? ...I am almost afraid to ask what was the festival about!" I say, then the panties thing came out from me, catching me unaware and unready and ....oh dear!
Penelope Maria wrote:"Why Akane, are you after my panties?"
If I blush any deeper I will go beyond the visible light spectrum!
"Oh...is it hot here or what?" Thankfuly it is not snowing yet or I would look even more guilty.
YES! YES! YES! I want to bite your panties off, Penny McCarthy! I want to rip them off you, and eat them...slooooowly!
I put a hand on my mouth, afraid of having spoken my dirty...and yummy...thought! I have had the thought of being a lesbian, yes, but now...now... now I don't have the slightest doubt in my mind.
No, correct that: I am not *a* lesbian. I am *her* lesbian! The mere thought of thinking about other girls' pussies makes me as sick as the thought of having intercourse with a guy! But with her... I am having images in my mind...and most of them are...
truly...truly... wonderful!!!
Penelope Maria wrote:"Squat and drops. They use something similar in the Middle East," I shrug. "I ended up there once on what my Mum called a holiday and I call slave labour, at an archaeological dig."
I shake my head; what did she say? Middle East? Have I been there? I don't really know, I've been in so many places with mom and dad. But I would remember such an atrocious bathroom!
Then I hear the ring bell. Funny, I was in the idea they used Westminster's bells recordings in Japan for that purpose? or maybe it is only in the anime? No clue, maybe is just only for when the day begins or ends? Maybe I am crazy asking questions to myself which I ignore the answer? Where is my mind? I must look on the floor for it..I am sure it is around somewhere, but right now, I am only feeling her hand in mine, her speech, her company. My mother will laugh so hard at me...and I don't even care what anyone might think!
It was then than the girls came out of classes, all wearing exactly the same uniform as us. Blue skirt-white blouse-red ribbon sailor fuku. She tightens her grip on me, and me too! We will need an orthopaedist soon! I step in front of her slightly, so they know she is not alone and that I will protect her! Yay! the samurai blood flows in my veins!
Not Twinkies wrote:"You must be English girl! We hear you come here! You find Twinky already yes?"
TWINKY? what about the Samurai blood then??
"ackk! Like WHO are you calling twinky, ...not twinky!" Wait... I am!
"Ok... I am a twinky...what gives!"
Penelope Maria wrote:"Um, yes I think so, what is twinky?"
The petite asian girl could just giggle. She rose a finger with her free hand.
"*I* am a twinky...
a Japanese girl with a western inclination. That is...(giggles) Yellow on the outside, white in the inside..."
"And..." I show her my skin. Yellow: check.
And I am so willing to show her ANY part of my interior she likes to see!
Not Twinky wrote:"Like this!"

She said, and pulled one out of nowhere, opening it so the filling could be seen. Why doesn't this land just opens and eats me? ah no...I had that wish before and nothing happened!
Not Twinky wrote:"Your hair natural? Not colour?"
Penelope Maria wrote:"No, all natural,"
*All* meaning she painted none? or that ANY hair she grows is red? I need to know! My legs tighten together, reminding me of how mega wet I am now. Never, In my Life, have I felt like this! ...and I love it! She makes me feel so secure and yet I am just hunting her face for ANY expression that she likes me! Yes, her nipples are hard and pushing on her blouse. Doesn't she look adorable in a seifuku? yes she does!!!!
Wait! two hours ago I was telling mom how silly these uniforms were! What's with me?
...ah! I must be in love!
Yes I AM!
Not Twinky wrote:"We thought you be up here," another girl gestures above her head. "Yellow-hair with,"
Penelope Maria wrote:"Sorry to disappoint you," I giggle. "We come in all shapes and sizes, my mother has hair blacker than yours."
"No no! is perfect! why the need to have bowling balls on the chest? it is like totally unhealthy for the back! and I wouldn't like that and..."
The girls react with a communal giggling and laughing.
Not Twinkies wrote:"She likes her! She likes her!"
Normally, I would have started punching my way out of the room, but there is NOTHING normal with this situation! Strange, I feel no doubts, no second thoughts... I keep her hand in mine and smile to the silly girls.
"Well...YES I LIKE HER! ...and I saw her first! and..." I move to her face, and lick her cheek. Am I sane? why did I?
"And I just licked her!" Well, she is not food to be claimed in that way!, but to me she looks more than edible!
Oh my oh my! she tasted so sweet!!! my knees tremble!
"Now, I am sure you have many activities and such so... could you please tell us where is the cheerleader part of the school? a gym? "
Not twinky wrote:"You joined the cheer-squad? you sure will sweat your bras! It is on the gym of course, twinky! You know where it is?"
As if all international schools were not exactly the same...
"Passing through the lockers, second stairs to the left, turn right....hai?"
Not twinky wrote:"Hai!"
I look at Penny. "Witch...witch...witch...." I giggle amused.