[Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*


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[Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Sat May 26, 2012 3:03 pm


Penelope Maria wrote:"No, I just get nervous, sometimes, with people,"

"The story of my life..." I roll my eyes up, but keep smiling. Why do I smile so easily since I met her? I have no clue, but it feels SO fine! It seems my natural state, hai! I mean...yes!
Not that I get *that* nervous with people, it is more like... I don't know... I don't hate people, no. I just.. feel uncomfortable when overcrowded.

Penelope Maria wrote:"But I thought you were new here..."

I look at her and a looong second passes by.
"Yes, and..." think, think! make that chipmunk in your brain to move!
"...that's why the memory of being the most fresh girl is still...fresh?" Smile...a good smile conquers everything!

Then I mentioned my mother's family name, and I just knew that would make her giggle.
Penelope Maria wrote:"That's a Scotish clan isn't it? McCarthy is Irish, but I have some scots roots. And Welsh and Irish. As if you couldn't tell from the red hair, pale skin and freckles. I'm going to stand out like a white man in Harlem,"

"And me... can you imagine when my mother's family gathers? " An outcast, that's how I have always felt. Not Japanese like dad, not American-Scottish like mom, no ...no nothing!
"But... we can compare kilts any day!" or even trade! YAY! AKANE! will you control your mind?

Penelope Maria wrote:"You know I feel as if I have been here before,"

"Me too! I came with my mom... and saw the cafeteria, and the trophy room, and that's when the phantom girl first appeared. She hates I can notice. But...on my advantage...she is Soooo dead!"
I look at the room, the walls, the way the light bathes the floor after filtering through the windows, even the sound of the birds from the surrounding gardens. She is right, there IS an element of familiarity there. I can't really put my finger on it, but it IS there... and so the phantom girl. I can feel her violent eyes upon me, like...hunting me.

Penelope Maria wrote:"Oh, I've travelled all over with mum and dad, you'd be surprised what passes for toilets in some places, like Glastonbury festival..."

"I guess that's in the UK? ...I am almost afraid to ask what was the festival about!" I say, then the panties thing came out from me, catching me unaware and unready and ....oh dear!
Penelope Maria wrote:"Why Akane, are you after my panties?"

If I blush any deeper I will go beyond the visible light spectrum!
"Oh...is it hot here or what?" Thankfuly it is not snowing yet or I would look even more guilty.
YES! YES! YES! I want to bite your panties off, Penny McCarthy! I want to rip them off you, and eat them...slooooowly!

I put a hand on my mouth, afraid of having spoken my dirty...and yummy...thought! I have had the thought of being a lesbian, yes, but now...now... now I don't have the slightest doubt in my mind.
No, correct that: I am not *a* lesbian. I am *her* lesbian! The mere thought of thinking about other girls' pussies makes me as sick as the thought of having intercourse with a guy! But with her... I am having images in my mind...and most of them are...
truly...truly... wonderful!!!

Penelope Maria wrote:"Squat and drops. They use something similar in the Middle East," I shrug. "I ended up there once on what my Mum called a holiday and I call slave labour, at an archaeological dig."

I shake my head; what did she say? Middle East? Have I been there? I don't really know, I've been in so many places with mom and dad. But I would remember such an atrocious bathroom!

Then I hear the ring bell. Funny, I was in the idea they used Westminster's bells recordings in Japan for that purpose? or maybe it is only in the anime? No clue, maybe is just only for when the day begins or ends? Maybe I am crazy asking questions to myself which I ignore the answer? Where is my mind? I must look on the floor for it..I am sure it is around somewhere, but right now, I am only feeling her hand in mine, her speech, her company. My mother will laugh so hard at me...and I don't even care what anyone might think!
It was then than the girls came out of classes, all wearing exactly the same uniform as us. Blue skirt-white blouse-red ribbon sailor fuku. She tightens her grip on me, and me too! We will need an orthopaedist soon! I step in front of her slightly, so they know she is not alone and that I will protect her! Yay! the samurai blood flows in my veins!
Not Twinkies wrote:"You must be English girl! We hear you come here! You find Twinky already yes?"

TWINKY? what about the Samurai blood then??

"ackk! Like WHO are you calling twinky, ...not twinky!" Wait... I am!
"Ok... I am a twinky...what gives!"
Penelope Maria wrote:"Um, yes I think so, what is twinky?"

The petite asian girl could just giggle. She rose a finger with her free hand.
"*I* am a twinky...
a Japanese girl with a western inclination. That is...(giggles) Yellow on the outside, white in the inside..."

"And..." I show her my skin. Yellow: check.

And I am so willing to show her ANY part of my interior she likes to see!

Not Twinky wrote:"Like this!"

She said, and pulled one out of nowhere, opening it so the filling could be seen. Why doesn't this land just opens and eats me? ah no...I had that wish before and nothing happened!

Not Twinky wrote:"Your hair natural? Not colour?"

Penelope Maria wrote:"No, all natural,"

*All* meaning she painted none? or that ANY hair she grows is red? I need to know! My legs tighten together, reminding me of how mega wet I am now. Never, In my Life, have I felt like this! ...and I love it! She makes me feel so secure and yet I am just hunting her face for ANY expression that she likes me! Yes, her nipples are hard and pushing on her blouse. Doesn't she look adorable in a seifuku? yes she does!!!!

Wait! two hours ago I was telling mom how silly these uniforms were! What's with me?
...ah! I must be in love!

Yes I AM!

Not Twinky wrote:"We thought you be up here," another girl gestures above her head. "Yellow-hair with,"

Penelope Maria wrote:"Sorry to disappoint you," I giggle. "We come in all shapes and sizes, my mother has hair blacker than yours."

"No no! is perfect! why the need to have bowling balls on the chest? it is like totally unhealthy for the back! and I wouldn't like that and..."

The girls react with a communal giggling and laughing.

Not Twinkies wrote:"She likes her! She likes her!"

Normally, I would have started punching my way out of the room, but there is NOTHING normal with this situation! Strange, I feel no doubts, no second thoughts... I keep her hand in mine and smile to the silly girls.

"Well...YES I LIKE HER! ...and I saw her first! and..." I move to her face, and lick her cheek. Am I sane? why did I?
"And I just licked her!" Well, she is not food to be claimed in that way!, but to me she looks more than edible!

Oh my oh my! she tasted so sweet!!! my knees tremble!

"Now, I am sure you have many activities and such so... could you please tell us where is the cheerleader part of the school? a gym? "

Not twinky wrote:"You joined the cheer-squad? you sure will sweat your bras! It is on the gym of course, twinky! You know where it is?"

As if all international schools were not exactly the same...
"Passing through the lockers, second stairs to the left, turn right....hai?"

Not twinky wrote:"Hai!"

I look at Penny. "Witch...witch...witch...." I giggle amused.
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Penelope Maria » Sat May 26, 2012 6:03 pm

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"*I* am a twinky...
a Japanese girl with a western inclination. That is...(giggles) Yellow on the outside, white in the inside..."


Of course, Akane answers my question. Seems it's the other girls' nickname for her. I'll remember that...

Not Twinky wrote:"Like this!"

Another girl shows me a twinky...of course, those things from the USA.

Akane, though, she is smiling so much!

So am I. I feel so relaxed, so happy, so...oh goddess, I am in love.

"No no! is perfect! why the need to have bowling balls on the chest? it is like totally unhealthy for the back! and I wouldn't like that and..."

Not Twinkies wrote:"She likes her! She likes her!"

Suddenly they are giggling and teasing Akane, and I feel compelled to step to her defence.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Well...YES I LIKE HER! ...and I saw her first! and..."

"Hey!" I exclaim and blush as she licks me. Licks me? I WANT her to lick me, just...not there!

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"And I just licked her!"

Suddenly I feel all flustered and...well it looks like there is nothing more I need to say in the face of Japanese humour.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Now, I am sure you have many activities and such so... could you please tell us where is the cheerleader part of the school? a gym? "

Not twinky wrote:"You joined the cheer-squad? you sure will sweat your bras! It is on the gym of course, twinky! You know where it is?"

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Passing through the lockers, second stairs to the left, turn right....hai?"

Not twinky wrote:"Hai!"

In a moment we are heading away from the girls who swarm on their own way.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Witch...witch...witch...." I giggle amused.

I break into the giggles. "You must have heard that old joke, then," I laugh. We are all but skipping along. I'm walking on sunshine! Then I look at her oddly.

"How did you know? That I'm a witch, I mean?"
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Sun May 27, 2012 12:34 pm

The school is clean, and the announcements on the wall reveal the dynamics of the place. A remedial math lesson here, a chorus practice there, a Lost and Found section too. The sound of the ongoing classes mixes in the corridors and the giggling of our schoolies we just met fades in the distance, yielding to the sound of our shoes, called Penny Loafers, as we walk.

We are holding hands. Walking and holding hands. Does life really becomes better than this? A glance at her reveals her beautiful face. Her freckles, her hair, the mystical colour of her green eyes, it makes perfectly possible she is..."...a witch?" I don't stop walking, slightly swinging our joined hands as we do so.

"Wiccan!" I saw some of it once in Scotland.
"oh I like that! And I had no idea!

...do you have your own black cat and all? It is so totally cool!
How come you are Wiccan? Family members too by any chance?"

Oh I'd be her black cat ANYTIME! I would purr at her feet as she pronounces arcane deep secrets. Or move a big wooden spoon on a boiling pot! Oh I bet the moon loves her, in her ceremonies on the forest.

"I am Buddhist, but that's no really a surprise, given the way I look I guess?" I smile. Funny, but if she finds me pretty, if she likes me then I feel...beautiful?

Beautiful !!

The mere thought of her, thinking me pretty, makes me to tingle all over. Could this be true? I could swear she was about to defend me when the girls were teasing me. But...what was it that she was about to say?

"...a Kadampa. That's a type of Buddhism. My dad is that, he took it after my aunt...passed away. Never met her, but I was named after her! Which is a bit spooky, but nice too! It is, like a continuum."

We stop on a water fountain spout. I am thirsty!
With her on tow, I drink from the jumping water, which slides down my lips and enters my mouth, mostly.
"want some? It is fresh from the Fujiyama! Nah! Just kidding!!"
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Penelope Maria » Sun May 27, 2012 6:22 pm

To walk holding her hand seems the most natural thing in the world. Me, always stand-offish, always retreating from intimacy, and yet here and now, I want nothing but to be close to her.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Wiccan!"
"oh I like that! And I had no idea!

...do you have your own black cat and all? It is so totally cool!
How come you are Wiccan? Family members too by any chance?"

"My Mum is a witch. I learned from her, a great deal. She says I have a great talent for it, and...um, I better warn you Akane I get a weird now and then. I suddenly do or say things I shouldn't know to do, and it's absolutely spot on but I don't realise it. Dad says I drop bombs on conversations occasionally, it freaks him out. Mum call's it the Bard's Tongue."

The Wonderful Girl wrote:"I am Buddhist, but that's no really a surprise, given the way I look I guess?"

She gives me a shy look that makes me giggle and blush.

The Girl Who Stole My Heart wrote:"...a Kadampa. That's a type of Buddhism. My dad is that, he took it after my aunt...passed away. Never met her, but I was named after her! Which is a bit spooky, but nice too! It is, like a continuum."

"You too? My mum named me after a witch from Scotland, she was supposed to be a really hot teacher up there, but she passed on just before I was born. I'm afraid I don't know much about her, but everybody I've met who met her said that she was something amazing. Do you get that? Being named after someone who was something special? It's like people look at you to live up to their legend. It's a bit daunting, isn't it?"

We pause at a drinking fountain, and I follow her lead and take a drink.

The Japanese Water Nymph wrote:"want some? It is fresh from the Fujiyama! Nah! Just kidding!!"

"The what?" I give her a blank look. "Ohh! That accident they had years ago," I giggle a little.

We move on and enter a locker room.

"What are we doing here again? I have no idea where I am meant to be right now..." I begin but am nearly deafened by a woman's voice shouting at us in Japanese.

In Japanese wrote:"You two are late! You will have to do better than this if you want to do well in the team! I want the pair of you ready in five minutes! Now! And what is this? Hair dye is not permitted! You will stand out in the team like a sore thumb - you had better dye it back or I will cut it all off!"

A hand grabs my hair and yanks me backwards and I catch the word 'cut'.

"Ow!" I protest, to no avail.

My martial arts practice kicks in and I drop to my knees and spin around to loosen her grip, as my own hand reaches up to yank hers down and twist the wrist back on itself. My own thumb presses the tip of hers and loosens her grasp as I tug her forward. She recovers, and pulls back, and I reverse my motion to flip her backward before she can recover. She lands with a crash in a heap.

A woman maybe in her early thirties, wearing...a school tracksuit, and a whistle around her neck, and an ID card as worn by...teachers...

"Sorry!" I exclaim in English. "You grabbed me and shouted and I didn't know who you were..."

Oh crap I have just really, really done it now, throwing a teacher on her back. Not just that, a SPORTS teacher. She just stares at me in astonishment before bouncing to her feet in one smooth motion.

"Where you learn to do that?" she exclaims in English. "I got awards in judo, and no-ne land me on my ass in years!" Then she laughs. "You English girl, yes? I thought your hair dyed, girls here like red hair but hair-dye against rules. You so small I think you Japanese," she laughs.

"Um, taijutsu, and yes I'm English," I am blushing deeply. "I am so sorry. I'm Penny McCarthy and this is Akane McMahon. We apparently have to report here for the cheerleading squad," I grimace. "Our mothers conspired to sign us up."
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Sun May 27, 2012 10:29 pm

My lovely girl wrote:"My Mum is a witch. I learned from her, a great deal. She says I have a great talent for it, and...um, I better warn you Akane I get a weird now and then. I suddenly do or say things I shouldn't know to do, and it's absolutely spot on but I don't realise it. Dad says I drop bombs on conversations occasionally, it freaks him out. Mum call's it the Bard's Tongue."

"The ...what?"
"It is okay, we can have a secret signal or something! If you begin to act funny, I can wink the secret wink at you so you know you are speaking with that man's tongue, which, when graphically considered, it is horrible!"

My love, my only love wrote:"You too? My mum named me after a witch from Scotland, she was supposed to be a really hot teacher up there, but she passed on just before I was born. I'm afraid I don't know much about her, but everybody I've met who met her said that she was something amazing. Do you get that? Being named after someone who was something special? It's like people look at you to live up to their legend. It's a bit daunting, isn't it?"

"Funny, my name sake was a teacher, I've been told. But...they never say much. It is like: Oh Akane was awesome, but. Or...Akane did this or that, if only she...
And that sort of stuff! But yes...it is a constant reminder. It sure helps to keep her alive in the memory I guess!"

Cute as a button wrote:"The what?" I give her a blank look. "Ohh! That accident they had years ago,"
"What are we doing here again? I have no idea where I am meant to be right now..."

"It is a mountain..." But I don't get to finish my words, instead, someone begins to shout at us but I can't make a word of what she is saying! Girl is she pissed off! Maybe her panties are too tight?

In Japanese wrote:"You two are late! You will have to do better than this if you want to do well in the team! I want the pair of you ready in five minutes! Now! And what is this? Hair dye is not permitted! You will stand out in the team like a sore thumb - you had better dye it back or I will cut it all off!"

But she is sure berating Penny hard! what for? OH MY! she grabs her by the hair! What is the matter with her?
For a brief second, the girl with the dead look on her dark eyes looks at me beyond a window.
I can't take it. It just...breaks my heart that she is treated like that!

...I will not let it happen. Period.

My nails stab my own skin as my hands tighten on a fist. Interestingly, I feel like holding something with a leather-covered handle. Where is the phantom girl now? ...nowhere to be seen, on the outside I mean.

Suddenly I imagine a drastic image in my mind. Like a lightning, the image of a blade separating her arm with a single, swift strike.

...and I smiled a wicked smile on my face. A smile the proverbial aunt would have displayed.

"This is most unwise of you...round eyes." I say...in something resembling...Chinese???

But there is no need to do anything more, as Penny makes her to travel a trip that ends on a rough landing on the teacher's own ass! YAY! The presence leaves me, I am so weak I could cry!

My Penny wrote:"Um, taijutsu, and yes I'm English," I am blushing deeply. "I am so sorry. I'm Penny McCarthy and this is Akane McMahon. We apparently have to report here for the cheerleading squad," I grimace. "Our mothers conspired to sign us up."

I run to her, eyes humid in tears, but pointing a finger to the teacher and speaking directly to her eyes:
"You...will NEVER do this again...or...or...." I tremble, no. Shake.
The next part comes out in Japanese, and by the way she grows pale, the message was delivered and understood.

Sadly, I have no idea what I said, but the phantom girl smirks, satisfied for the moment, and walks out of the gym in her black seifuku.

"...please... it is not correct to treat girls like this..."

Meanwhile, in Dr. Tanaka's office, the doctor murmured something while watching the monitor.
"this is VERY interesting"
He went and fetched his old notebook. His annotations about the girl of the past, finished by the 'thank you' note written by her wife. He began comparing.
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Penelope Maria » Mon May 28, 2012 11:28 am

Even as the teacher is scrambling to her feet, Akane says...something.

The Dark-Eyed Angel wrote:"This is most unwise of you...round eyes."

The look that comes over her, it would be...frightening, if it wasn't so familiar. It's like the thing that comes over me sometimes, that talent for remembering something I haven't done, as if in another life so close...

The Righteous Wrath wrote:"You...will NEVER do this again...or...or...."

...she looks enraged, but in a very cold fury...that fades...

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"...please... it is not correct to treat girls like this..."

The woman gives Akane a shaken look.

"Look all is well, you are Akane, yes? I hear you speak no Japanese," she continues in English. "Well, things are fixed now," she looks almost fearful of my new girlfriend. Oh crap, did I just say girlfriend? I haven't even asked her out yet! She may not say yes, she may not know she is a dyke, or...I look at her and melt inside. Please just let us be near each other, is all I can think.

"Here," she pushes a bag into my hands. "Here is your uniform, Akane has hers already, I am going to organise the other girls. Join us when you are ready!"

I blink after her. Then I look at Akane.

"Akane, what did you just say to her?" I ask as we head into the changing room. Setting down the bag I look inside: top, briefs, skirt, jumper, socks, shoes...all the standard stuff. Still I cannot imagine how cute Akane will look in hers! And we just need to get changed...together. I am going to see her almost naked. Normally nudity is not a taboo I suffer from, but now I feel rather shy.

I start to undress, slipping off my sefuko down to my underwear.

"I have to ask, do we keep our underthings on underneath this?" I ask, a little nervous. My eyes are all over her, though, just waiting for her body to be unveiled.
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Mon May 28, 2012 10:54 pm

The teacher wrote:"Look all is well, you are Akane, yes? I hear you speak no Japanese," she continues in English. "Well, things are fixed now,"

All is well, in -her- books. Something in me is shouting me to get even. No, to go beyond that.
I am a peaceful person and I am quite sure that if she had pulled my hair I wouldn't feel this way, but...

Doing it to her made me feel something I never did before. No, not only my usual dark mood, no. It made me feel something new to me. Not exactly anger, not exactly desire for revenge. It made me feel...
My love wrote:"Akane, what did you just say to her?"

I shake my head, my train of thoughts disolving in the air.

"Me? nothing? I have no intention to talk to her." I am shy again, coy and reserved, as that force abandons me.
Again I look at that person and add: "...at all."

She is given her cheerleading uniform and, to be honest, I am glad. Each step we take away from that scene makes me feel better, like...lighter.

And speaking of feeling better! She begins to take off her clothes. We ARE alone, I am sure because I looked all around when she began undressing.
"Oh by Buddha...you are so beautiful." I cover my mouth. Too late, I have said it.

Beauty incarnate wrote:"I have to ask, do we keep our underthings on underneath this?" I ask, a little nervous. My eyes are all over her, though, just waiting for her body to be unveiled.

My bag slips from my grasp and falls over my feet, but I just can not move my eyes from her. The way her intimate parts are covered, tightly hugged by the undergarments...oh Akane, close your mouth!

"I...have no clue...I am sorry, I..." Wake up wake up! Earth to Akane, Earth to Akane, answer...

My tongue licks my lips.

With a most clumsy movement I pick up my bag, the same contents as hers. I am clueless.
"Mine came without instructions too" I say, my mind is notoriously on holiday.

But I begin undressing from the seifuku, trembling. I am undressing in front of her... there is no way she won't notice what happened...down there! But I can't stop. Actually? the undressing is not as hard as the dressing will be!

"I...think, over the undergarments? But don't trust me...I have no clue!"
"Oh well... we must not be late and..." I look at her again, my jaw drops.

"...beautiful." I am lost in her unearthly beauty, she is...perfect for me.

As I can I slide into the top and the bottom, then I try to zip the skirt and button it in position. I can do it but... but I want to feel her hand touching my skirt. There may not be time for anything else, but...just that would be wonderful.

How...how will I tell her what I feel? what if she rejects me? It would be an horrible sensation!

"Penny...could you please button my skirt for me? Pretty please?" Oh Akane, you are so obvious!
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Penelope Maria » Wed May 30, 2012 4:25 pm

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Me? nothing? I have no intention to talk to her..at all."

Akane acts like nothing just happened, and I wonder for a moment if I am seeing things. I shrug and carry on undressing.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Oh by Buddha...you are so beautiful."

I look up at Akane in surprise, as she stares at me. I blush deeply, and I realise two wonderful things:

Firstly, Akane is attracted to me.

Secondly, she cannot have been attracted to another girl before.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"I...have no clue...I am sorry, I...Mine came without instructions too"

"I...think, over the undergarments? But don't trust me...I have no clue!"

She struggles to answer my question, and I reach out to steady her as her attention wanders between undressing and staring at me in my underwear. I can feel a warm tingle down below. Better to keep my panties on, or the thin spandex briefs will betray my state of mind to everyone! As it is I am so glad Akane hasn't seemed to notice yet.

"Akane," I say softly, my eyes drinking in the sight of her slim, athletic body. She is...perfect! "You are so very beautiful too," I breathe.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Oh well... we must not be late and....beautiful."

I want to tell her it is OK, that I don;t mind - in fact I so badly want her to like me that way. She is distracted again! Well she isn't the only one. I slip into the briefs and top, they are stretchy and supportive, but I am very aware they are designed to make me look sexy.

Elizabeth Akane wrote:"Penny...could you please button my skirt for me? Pretty please?"

"Of course," with my heart pounding I move close to her and fasten up her skirt, then place my hands on her hips to turn her to face me, cup her chin in my hand and lean close to kiss her sweet, soft lips that...taste of cherries...and sunshine...and love. It's pure impulse, I just need to show her that I feel this way, and I am sure that she does.

"It's OK," I place a finger on her lips when our kiss breaks. "I...I feel like this, about you. I guess I've always been interested in girls, not boys. And when I saw you under the cherry tree," I blush deeply. "Something...something magical happened in here," I take her hand and place it between my small breasts, over my heart. Then I stroke her hair back from her cheek where it has come astray. Her eyes, so dark so bewitching, her manner alternating between shy girl and ...something else.

Before I can stop myself I am kissing her again, this time more passionately, my tongue darting at her lips, seeing if her mouth will open, let me inside, let my tongue play with hers as I feel our breasts press together, as my free hand goes around her and a thrill runs through me. If my panties were damp before, I have just had a rainstorm...
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:09 am

The Love of my life wrote:"Akane, you are so very beautiful too,"

She finds me beautiful. She thinks I am beautiful !! The feeling is like electricity under my skin. Her opinion is not only important. It is crucial for me. Suddenly, her opinion is the single most important thing for me. Me...who had been all my life a girl that would hear only her own voice; I never ever cared for anything people thought about me. Never, honest!

But now? Now I yearn to hear everything she thinks! What she likes, dislikes, her plans, I want to know everything about her, I feel the deepest need of filling myself with her. She is so magnetic, I stare at her, smiling.
Then She buttons my skirt and I dedicate to feel how she holds the waist of it, especially on the inner side. Her fingers pressing against my skin, my mind wishing she could just, for a second, brush a finger to he upper elastic of my underwear.

Is she coming near? I take a step back, finding the lockers with my back. How can she makes me feel so nervous and still so at ease? I know it makes no sense! I make no sense even to myself! Yay congratulations Akane! You are officially nuts! ...or is this my most sane moment? Certainly feels like that too!

She is coming closer. I want her closer. I am both terrified and attracted. Truth is: I need her. All my heart is beating wildly, my mind...well, I am sure it is somewhere near! But inthe current moment my head feels perfectly empty of thought, spinning around, taken.

Yes, taken. Surrendered. Conquered even. At each passing moment, at each breathe, my need grows, my...

She kisses me and that shuts off my inner monologue. The sounds from the gym vanish, dissolve in emptiness when her warm lips touch mine. My eyes close, but instead of everything becoming black, I perceive a pink reality around me.

The blackness subsides when with her. Hai. And all is better now. So-much-better.

She stops kissing me and my lips open a bit, when her finger touches me so I don't speak. No problem! She taking that sort of control makes me to VERY comfortable! ...and so much more!

My Princess wrote:"It's OK," I place a finger on her lips when our kiss breaks. "I...I feel like this, about you. I guess I've always been interested in girls, not boys. And when I saw you under the cherry tree," I blush deeply. "Something...something magical happened in here," I take her hand and place it between my small breasts, over my heart. Then I stroke her hair back from her cheek where it has come astray. Her eyes, so dark so bewitching, her manner alternating between shy girl and ...something else.

She finds me much more than pretty. That moment under the cherry tree. The image is fresh in my memory, and something tells me it will forever be clear in my mind, in my heart. The sun shining behind her red hair, her eyes possessing all the magic of a lost forest. Yes...but most of all, the sensation of finding, of re-connecting, of...

...of belonging.

She places my tiny hand over her chest, where her perfect breasts are born. Her heart's beat evident to my skin.
The way she speaks to me, the way she touches me, the perfection of everything since we met in the garden. Her heart. The aura around her. The magical energy surrounding her. The way she makes everything...perfect.
I am in love.

I am in love. I am.

She speaks to me, and I understand what she says. My heart undertands hers.
No, I don't speak. But her beautiful index finger, which keeps my lips still, gets licked by the tip of my tongue. The taste is delicious, of course. But even beyond that, the gesture indicates how I feel.
If someone had told me this morning I would be eagerly licking another person's finger today and feeling awesome about it, I would have laughed my lungs out. But now...now it is a completely different story.

My life has changed in less than two hours. An ocean of love is agitating in my heart, a chest of jewels is opening for her to have. The loneliness of my previous self becomes explained, claims purpose, has a reason: i was waiting for HER. And the vacant, empty space of my heart was there for her to fill with hers.

Everything in my life makes PERFECT sense now.

She kisses me, deeper, deeper, my mouth opens for her, my heart opens for her. Our lips close in perfect communion, my heart melts for her as she becomes all my universe. Her arm around my waist, mine on hers now, pulling her to me. The other one still on her chest, feeling her heart going faster. Like mine!
I need you Penny McCarthy... My Penny, my...Princess...my...love.

My tongue caresses hers inside my mouth, she is softer than a pillow, smoother than silk. My tongue welcomes her into my mouth, guiding her inside, touring her into what is SO hers to claim and have.

"...I love you..." I manage to speak in the kiss, as I can.

My whole universe heals, my heart is...reborn.

I probe inside her delicious mouth as she has mine, the taste is beyond description, so perfect, so...familiar.

For the smallest instant my eyes open. And I see the phantom girl. Only that she is...smiling happily. Genuinely blisful in her healed existance. How did this make her life better? No clue... She grins like the cutest schoolgirl ever and makes the typical japanese girls' V sign to me.


Please my princess...please love me like I do....please! My eyes close, I am hers...ONLY HERS!
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Penelope Maria » Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:18 pm

Suddenly all that matters is kissing her, holding her close, feeling her tongue explore my mouth, and exploring hers in turn. I am so in love, so enraptured, so needing to be with her.

Our bodies are pressed close and they seem to fit perfectly together, I feel very warm and intense as we embrace. I want to do things with her that would make me blush, that a girl my age should not want let alone with another girl! But then I always knew I was a lesbian. There, I said it: Lesbian. I am in the changing rooms of a Japanese high school making out with another girl, and I am in heaven with her.

"I love you," I whisper between kisses. "I have missed you so. I need you so. Why did you leave me so suddenly? It could have been fixed, we could have done anything..." I don;t know why I say those things, or why I am crying: tears of joy for now, of grief for then, and I don't even know when then was!

"I'm sorry, I get emotional sometimes," I try to dab my tears away. "We need to get into the gym...we have a class..."
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:36 am

My Princess wrote:"I love you,"

The little Asian girl felt like she could fly. All that happiness sure reflected on her face very well!
Like the image of perfection of happiness, she kissed her.

My spirit soars the sky. My heat fills with bliss. She loves me. She loves me! A force takes me, invades me, replenishes me, surrounds me and ...defines me!

The kiss lasts for what it seems like hours! And I delight in each and every second of them. Each moment opens and leads to more delight, like the flowers that bloom in a bunch on the sakura trees, like the infinite lotuses opening on lake!

but then she wrote: "I have missed you so. I need you so. Why did you leave me so suddenly? It could have been fixed, we could have done anything..."

The charm fades, her tears, felt to me like those of deep suffering, plunged into an ocean of pain, as vast and deep as the bliss I just had.
"no please..please..don't cry. Why? Did I do something wrong? I am sorry I" i cover my face, damp on her tears and now mine. Her pain..is unbearable to me. It is like a cold dagger in my heart.

I need air.

and then she wrote:"I'm sorry, I get emotional sometimes," I try to dab my tears away. "We need to get into the gym...we have a class..."

She excuses herself...but I can't shake my shock off. What what was that? I could never hurt her? Why is that pain my fault? What did i do? Do something? When? When if we only met! Who is she talking about?
Then she does not love me? Faked love? That thought makes me take a step back and fall to the floor. Classes? I couldn't care LESS about them. Let them expell me, it would be just another school in a long line!
What did I do? What did i do?! I hate myself. I HATE myself! How could I harm this person? Thats why I shold not relate to people. Thats why I keep alone. Friendship hurts. Love murders.

The pom poms leave my hands. I feel so ridiculous in this outfit. So pathetic, nonsensical, absurd.
No...I wont have her hurt. Not by anyone including me.
How could I...?

"i am sorry...i am..." is all I can say before running away from the locker room, from the gym, from the school even.

You can run faster than light, and you still won't escape yourself
The voice. I had not hear it in months.

You monster...how could you make her shed a tear? I full honesty I have no clue what i did, but it had no importance. The effect on her was the important thing.

I ran, and ran, and ran, so far away that soon i was beyond the streets I knew. And did not stop until I go to a temple. A Shinto one, I think, and ran uphill to a torii surrounded by woods.
Dust came off my tennis when I stopped, panting for air. An air that would not be enough. Not now, not ever.
The road ended a few yards further from the red old torii. Ended on a cliff.

I looked down. A fall of some consideration it seemed.
...very invitingly it seemed.

Then some steps sounded behind behind me. A Shinto monk by the way he dressed.
"I am sorry sir..." I rubbed my face, unable to stop crying.
"I don't mean to be rude, but I would apreciate if you would be so kind as to leave me, I am really hoping to be alone. I..only cause grief to those around me...i..." I can't finish my words, bit i can keep crying.

"good to see you again, I will be here if you feel like talking, Akane" He said, and returned to the path he came by.

I don't even bother to think how is it he knew my name. The whole city seems to anyway. What gives?
On my knees, I place my hands together and pray to be put out of my misery. A prayer spoken for the first time in this life.

...not working, right schoolgirl?

Desperated, I crawl to the border of the road. My leg has dried blood on it. I guess a car hit me in my run.

"how could I?" I repeat to myself again and again, my tears feeding the grass below me.
"I am sorry, Penny..."
"i am sorry I hurt you.." I can't...the pain is too strong.
"i am so sorry" I finish by whispering to myself before crying until the night came with a full moon over the forest.
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Penelope Maria » Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:57 pm

NO! I didn't mean for you to flee! I didn't mean to hurt you! Her fleeing me tears my heart as she breaks from my arms, and she is gone in just her outfit, leaving everything behind her. Akane is gone, and I feel as if my heart was just torn out of me.

I try and chase her, but she is too quick for me. In moment she flees me, and is gone, and then I have to explain to the teacher and of course I am not allowed to go after her. It is not my place, I am told, her parents will be informed! I am beside myself with worry all afternoon, until at last the bell rings and I can race out of school, still carrying Akane's bag with her clothes in.

Where did she go?

I find myself walking, walking every where, I can't even stop and ask anyone, my Japanese is very bad. But where would I go? Away from people, so I walk, following the roads and heading out of town. Ahead of me I see a temple on a secluded hill, surrounded by trees. I head there as the sun sinks in the west, and find a shinto temple and pause.

A touch on my shoulder makes me jump: an elderly priest addresses me kindly. As I look at him I get the profound feeling that I am in the presence of a holy man. Not just a cleric, but a genuine spirit touched by the gods and blessed with wisdom.

"I'm sorry, my Japanese isn't very good," I stammer. I bow to him politely. "I'm looking for my friend, Akane," I add.

"Penny," he says, and I jump in surprise. He beckons me, saying "Penny" again. I follow him, and he leads me around the temple, and points to a picture on the wall. I follow his gaze: two women in traditional Japanese dress, surrounded by flowers and smiling so radiantly happy. "Okusan," he says, a word I recognise: 'Wife'

But it's the girls who silence me, render me shocked and mute. One girl is the spitting image of Akane. Older, by some ten years, but it has to be her. The other girl isn't Japanese, she is Caucasian with fiery red hair and green eyes...

"Penny," he points at her. "Akane," he points at the other girl.

She is me.

"Penny," he smiles and points at me. Then he points down the hill: "Akane."

I raise my eyes to his, and there is recognition from both of us.

"They were here, we were here, she and I, we were married and...we died. And we found each other again, and I lost you..." I say in shock. The old man is pushing me by my shoulders, urging me in the direction he pointed in.

"Akane," he points again.

"Anake, yes," suddenly I realise he is telling me where she is. "Akane!" my heart leaps. I turn and bow. "Domo," I say, and then I am running through the trees in the deepening darkness. I trip and fall several times, and scramble to my feet, and keep going. Ahead, in the moonlight, something curled by the road...

It is Akane.

She has been hurt! My heart tears in agony, she has been hurt and we only just found each other again!

"Akane!" I cry out, running for her, "Akane! My love don't leave me!"

I am at her side, throwing my arms around her, holding her and sobbing inconsolably.

"What did I say? What did I do? Please forgive me!" I beg her. "Please don't be dead..." again.

She is breathing! Her skin is cold but she is shivering and she is ALIVE! I pull out the pullover she gave me earlier and wrap it around her. Then I look at her leg: bruised and grazed, it doesn't look broken.

"Oh Akane," I hold her in my arms. "I understand now, I'm so sorry, I say things that freak people out but I understand now..."
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:54 pm

"A fan for good luck.
A parasol to protect us" The voice of the small girl was almost an intention, her body, trembling like a leaf at the dropping temperature of the northern island, yes, but more than that there was. She looked at the torii.


Then she saw them, two women in white wedding kimonos or whatever, smiling and crossing the wooden portal with ease. One, a local woman for sure, the other, ...can't be.
For the smallest of moments the woman with the red hair seems to look at her. Those green eyes only seen before on Penny, yes, exactly the same shade of green, as if all the magic in the forest was joined in her. So powerful.
The other woman, the Japanese, hard to define really. Like a conquered demon perhaps, like a converted, tamed dark force, taken by the subtle yet powerful magic of the girl with freckles. They laughed and disappeared of her perception. Next, the darkness, and an horrible itch on the left shoulder, and itch from under the skin, and the scratching that rendered nothing but blood stained nails.

"Stones..stones covered in blood. Dark light. Dark light, the shadows in the sun" The image of a girl curled up in a dark corner, crying for her family. Herself? No, but her pain was sure shared, common, like a line.

"Who is there?!" She shouted silently, for no sound came out of her mouth. The darkness held a secret too horrid to show.

Then, nothing. Two crystal doors on a Friday morning, a logo projecting on the floor. Then those eyes onece more,
""Good Morning, Ma'am," A smile from her. A confident smile?
"Could you give me your name, Ma'am, and I can cross reference on our database?"

Akane shook her head at the next image. Those green eyes crying and praying to re-unite. Thousands of plans that fell and disappeared like shooting stars in the deepest night.

Penny crying... her heart hurt horribly, beyond words.

"i am sorry..." I repeated like a mantra.

A distant voice in distance, but rooted in the heart wrote:"Akane!"
"Akane! My love don't leave me!"

I have just started turning my head, or didn't? I am so cold....When I am hugged, and...that magic again, warms me, surrounds me and penetrates me. I breathe so deep, and her aroma fills me.


the most beautiful girl ever wrote:"What did I say? What did I do? Please forgive me!" I beg her. "Please don't be dead..." again.

"I..." she covers me and keeps me close. Why is she here? I don't deserve her at all...

the owner of my heart, body, mind and soul wrote:"Oh Akane," I hold her in my arms. "I understand now, I'm so sorry, I say things that freak people out but I understand now..."

"I am sorry... I made you cry. I can't..." I tremble as she holds me, crying helplessly too, our tear mix and fall on the floor.
"I can't stand hurting you...I...
I love you... I can't be the reason for your pain....again"

But I can't resist her either. My lips find hers and I kiss her. Devotion...love in my kiss.

"I love you....my princess...my....Hidenka..."
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Penelope Maria » Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:39 pm

Her kiss, it fills the world with light!

"It wasn't your fault," I hold her tight in my arms. "It was a lifetime ago," how true! "and it doesn't matter now you are here." Nothing matters but that! "I love you Midori," I whisper. Wait, did I just call her Midori?

"I know what happened. I...I just know, the holy man showed me," I explain, and kiss her again. Then I look around: the trees are not menacing to me, but the night is not safe for two teenage girls.

"Let me get you home, Akane, we shouldn't be out here this late, it's not safe. Can you stand up?" I help her to her feet, and with our arms around one another we make our way slowly back toward the town.

"Do you believe in reincarnation, Akane?" I ask her seriously. "I mean, really believe it?"
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Re: [Moved] Reborn *By Invitation Only*

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:37 am

My beautiful girlfriend wrote:"It wasn't your fault," I hold her tight in my arms. "It was a lifetime ago, and it doesn't matter now you are here, I love you Midori,"[/i]

In her arms I find the shelter I have searched for, all my life. She is my same age and size. How could she protect me at all? No idea, but I am completely certain that I have nothing to fear. At all.
"my love...my love..." My lips repeat the words, which come straight from my heart. They feel so right, so perfect because it is to her who I am speaking.
...Midori? the word resonates in my heart and feels SO wonderful...
"Midori" I repeat, smiling. Smiling wide.
"Midori...Midori...I like how that sounds! It means: green"
I liiiike it!!!
"if you wish to call me Midori, please do! Hehe...I hated my name, but when you say it...is like totally different, when you say it...I am."
My only love wrote:"I know what happened. I...I just know, the holy man showed me,"

"the ...who? The monk in this place"
He told me nothing! Well...I •did• send him away and...wait. Now I remember. I spoke Japanese to him!! Bu-but that makes absolutely no sense at all!!

Okusan adored wrote:"Let me get you home, Akane, we shouldn't be out here this late, it's not safe. Can you stand up?"

And so we get up, but I do notice the bruises on her legs. And I may be cold and all, but something in me is telling me to help her too. So, from my bag, brought by her kindly, I take a bottle of Fiji water, my favourite, and clean the bruises of her legs and knees; and all in me is shouting at me how good and correct this is.

"I...don't know my way home...but I can ask a taxi to take us to the adress, then my dad will take you to your place?
I...I love you...SO MUCH!" i cant contain myself, i kiss her again, taken by this love in my heart.

My life and light wrote:"Do you believe in reincarnation, Akane?" I ask her seriously. "I mean, really believe"

A taxi stops and we board. Then I show him the adress on a paper and he nods.
"Hai, Naome kasoku" he said. Well, I was glad he knew where we are going! My parents are some sort of local celebrities I think, so, it doesnt surprise me he knows the family name by he address.

"arigato!" I reply, and the city lights move, only to fade into a forest in the orthern part. We are in the correct road.

"reincarnation? Sure! i mean, being reborn is a natural consequence of karma, hai! Why? And what is it the monk told you?, love?"

Ah! The moon reflects on her eyes, and her aroma fills the taxi. Even the driver is inhaling deeply. Does she realize she is SO beautiful and irresistible?
"the moon...the moon on your eyes..." I breathe again...
"if you will call me Midori, then I will call you...Tsuki Kaori...which means: Moon Perfume...how is that?"
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