~Prologue, cue announcer-esque voice~
Several weeks ago, an anonymous tip led police officers to raid the house of noted scientist Victor Stein. Where they uncovered several people who had apparently been kidnapped and held there against their will. A warrant was issued for Doctor Stein, but he vanished without a trace. Leaving behind a infuriated wife and teenage daughter. After questioning, it was obvious that the wife knew nothing of her husband's activities... and none of the kidnap-ees recall ever seeing her. She is now filing for divorce and custody of her children, before vanishing into the witness protection program.
What the news reports wont tell you, is that a trio of specially trained government agents were the ones who cracked this case. After investigating the doctor... gathering recon... and evidence. Eventually they had enough intel to pass on to the police. Enough to warrant a search... and the subsequent solving of this case. It seemed a clean getaway... the doctor was on the run, and he didn't even know that it was them who had pulled the strings that took him down....
Or... did he?
~End Prologue.~
Jack wakes up... feeling rather groggy... which makes sense given the tranquilizers he had been shot with... wait... tranquilizers?! He blinks, shaking his head and trying to sit up... which is when he notes the straps covering his arms and legs... and the IV in his arm... Looking around shows him that the walls are bare, stainless steel like the table he is strapped to. In one corner, a camera is set fixedly on him... on one wall, what looks like a two way mirror fills most of it. And on the opposite wall... what looks like a very sturdy metal door sits shut.