(Note: This place is not in the universe of MSF.)
(Note #2: Private RP.)
(Note #3: Not a Halloween house. :3)
Musa and Scarpy went suddenly from being in a forest to being in a house. It was like one of those old Japanese-style homes, with the wooden floors and papery doors, but also with plumbing and some electricity. It was fairly large, large enough for a few people to live there comfortably. Judging by some of the framed photos on some shelves, that would be the case. But it didn't seem that anyone else was there at the moment.
Having ended up in the living room area, the kitteh draaaaagged Scarp along, down a lil' hallway, and into a slightly large-ish sideroom. There were four beds (the Japanese sort that're on the floor.. no, I don't remember what they're called. -_-;), a few bookshelves, a few sidetables and like... bedroom stuff. Hey, typist never said she was good at descing. :P
Musa dragged Scarp over to a bed closest to a window, scooted him into it and tucked him in.
"There.. you can have my bed. I don't mind." The kitty flopped onto the floor beside Scarp.
"I could sleep anywhere right now, honestly..." And thus he did, finally dozing off to the sound of birds.