City of Otaku: LAZY BUMS F@$% POST: or at least inform me


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City of Otaku: LAZY BUMS F@$% POST: or at least inform me

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:37 pm


gonna use this map as the general localization of where everything occurs. it's tokyo for those that are to lazy to read. area of where things occur will most likely expand but i'll see. this places i reference are real life places though i'm gonna be twinking them as i see fit to match the universe.

character sign up and descriptions

well first off alot of people in the uber power level area.... meaning that the villians are gonna either have abilities that make them not care about your uber powers/skills or be even more powerful/outsmart you. So don't be surprised by how easily i'll negate your actions, that and it's msf with such a free form universe tf's are gonna happen alot and most likely alot most in the worst possible way to you.

2nd off - wait... be patient, inbetween posts... if people lag behind it'll screw with the things i have planned... and that annoys me alot.... and annoying the gm = bad idea. being ahead isn't that bad but try to keep in balance with everyone else.

Characters start situation

Ceri Llewellyn - your currently living in in the Akihabara district of tokyo in the housing you described already. You work the the local delivery routes making just enough to get by. Cutie Honey idol ware has been around for ages and the media somehow has already figured out that you are the newest one(meant newest cutie angel, they don't know the secret identity), and a new influx of media over you has started much to your dismay.

Andrea Lee - you live and reside in the Shinjuku district, though you are usually advised to attend highschool at 17 do to your character profile you've sort of flunked out, of your own choice. Though your considered skilled your nowhere near considered among the truly elite assassins in this world a fact that you are unaware of. Your work office is connected to your house, and your fairly well known to the public despite the normal intonations of assassins to stay hidden. Your also late of housing payments at the moment though all the jobs that you've been getting are rather small work and don't pay that well so you've been rather lax about them.

Lars Mulgrave - though you don't remeber your past the housing that you awake in you somehow know is legally yours. You house is located at shinagawa district and looks like it's been lived in for some time now due to the scattered items full fridge and other things implicating that someone has been living here. Your kind of curious how you could afford your living place and don't really understand what's going around, though you don't have to much cash at the moment meaning that you will most likely have to find a local job while investigating your past.

Michael Mihpares - your 17 years old and still in highschool, due to your character's small profile but the bases of his morals and such i'll assume he comes from a average family and applying to college like a normal student would. (this will stay unless you give me details about his family and such). He lives at home in Shibuya currently and commutes to a Juuben highschool 25 mins away.

Lilith Evelyn Croft - (eh i disagree with the whole akuma teaching thing but i'm a original story personality buff so i'll let it slide since it could happen in this variation tech.) Well your rich really rich.... so much so that your currently on vacation at your condo in the middle of tokyo Ginza district. You currently have no plans having just finished with a rather annoying hunt that came up with nothing other then a whole crap load of legal issues and lawsuits.

Leon Voltaire - well your rich really rich too... so much so your staying at the mansion your family owns at Ueno. Your currently hitting all the libraries to find out what exactly happened to you. Though the current dislike of sunlight has gotten worse, to the point that going out in the day is starting to hurt.

Ryu (no last name??) - doesn't have a home at the moment... is currently situated at police department jail, this is due to his rather rough treatment of some punks he set right at the park... though they were punks slapping them through a tree is considered a bit harsh. Most likely will get the charges dropped since his actions were in self defense and the punks were rather to scared to press charges after they awoke but currently will most likely spend most of the day in the jail till the incident is sorted out.

Kotone Mora - you currently reside at Akasaka district with your dad your mom's current location is unknown, however you work at a borders over in the ginza district since it pays a bit more then the closer ones. Your family is middle class average, though cosplay thing is just a reaction to the times so they don't mind, though they keep bugging you to go to cram school from college exams. You are currently attending mahoroba highschool 20 min commute away.

Tommy (last name unknown) - He is a 'normal' 2nd year high school student. He lives with his mom, dad, younger sister, and older brother in their apartment. He recently developed his powers so doesn’t know how to use them yet. Lives in a hop skip or just a 5 min walk from mahoroba high where he also attends.
Last edited by ZeroForever on Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:13 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby ZeroForever » Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:38 pm

"Monday 1st day 7 am"

Well today starts another week in the life of the citizens of neo tokyo, other then the usually destruction and later super fast rebuilding of tokyo tower for the 69th time nothing major happened last week. So our hero's wake to a new week and such, living there lives as they have been or haven't been up to now.

Ceri Llewellyn - well you got work really early in the morning today, your boss seems to be one of the stingy types that would fire you in heartbeat if you screw up, and since your still new to the job... what type of attendence record do you have.. your gonna get there on time?

Andrea Lee - your sleeping.... if a most unprofessional and ecchi manner since it's still morning, however you can hear your cell phone ringing in the corner of your conciousness... is work at 7 am worth it to you?

Lars Mulgrave - it's been 2 days since you've woken up with amensia in the apartment, though it seems you were rather reclusive since most of your apartment neighbors only vague recall you so can't help you out much with your identify issues. Your at the apartment looking at your fairly empty wallet wondering what your gonna do for food though it's still early for most people you find your self oddly awake.

Michael Mihpares - well with your commute times you really should be up by now if you don't wanna be late.

Kotone Mora - well with your commute times you really should be up by now if you don't wanna be late.

Leon Voltaire - the new day is starting to dawn... while this has the opposite effect on you, meaning that your getting tired... however the libraries are only open during normal daylight hours unfortunately.... what are you to do?

Lilith Evelyn Croft - your sleeping in, might as well since your rich and on vacation.... your phones are all turned off due to the fact that you have something like 85 messages all from various lawyers.

Ryu (last name still pending) - well your in jail... the food sucks, but with your lack of personal remeberance the police are having trouble looking up your history record. Most of your cellmates have either been taken to stricter measures, or released already. It's still early but one of the office detectives already assured you that everything will be cleared up most likely by the afternoon.

Tommy (last name still pending) - eh your close to school so you have no real commute time.... though that doesn't mean you should sleep in so much.
Last edited by ZeroForever on Mon May 01, 2006 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby ZeroForever » Mon May 01, 2006 1:58 am

Original Character Descriptions shortened

Name: Tommy
Super Hero Name: The Phoenix
Species: Human
Gender: male/female
Hair color: red/pink
Eyes: Blue normally/red in magic girl form
Height: 6ft 2in/5ft 7in
Weight: 145 lbs/not available
Age: 16
Appearance: ... /Tommy.jpg ... lcolor.jpg
Bio: He is a normal high school student. He lives with his mom, dad, younger sister, and older brother in their apartment. He recently developed his powers so doesn’t know how to use them yet. He hasn’t reached his magic girl form yet. The only power he does have is to make small flames and fire balls to begin with.

Civilian name: Ceri Llewellyn
Hero name: Cutie Angel

Ceri is the latest in her family to inherit the name, powers and responsibilities of Cutie Angel, which irks her no end. Ceri's preferred mode of dressing and expressing her self is Goth. But when she transforms into Cutie Angel, not only does she become so cute looking and cutely dressed as to make her normal self barf, but a sort of programmed personality overlay kicks in that makes her act in accordance with her new appearance. Ceri is still aware of everything that Cutie does and experiences, and cringes inside her as Cutie fights evil. She moved to New Tokyo not only because there are more villains there (see notes at the end), but to get away from people that know her. Even though Cutie and Ceri look and act nothing alike, just the thought of her old friends seeing Cutie in action almost makes Ceri feel like doing herself in.

Ceri is a normal, typical Goth girl, with a little martial arts training. She is smart but doesn’t apply herself because she is also somewhat mentally lazy. She is 18 years old and works as a bicycle courier. She lives in a run down apartment complex just outside the edge of the lower middle income part of the city. She has not made any friends in New Tokyo yet. She is still new at being a superhero.

Cutie Angel’s appearance: Take the cutest Magical Girl you have ever seen a picture of. Now square that. Now square the result. You are starting to get warm ...

Civilian name: Kotone Mora
Hero name:

Age: 17
Occupation: Student, part-time bookstore employee

Kotone is a swordswoman tryig to establish her own sword fighting style, often copying other's techniques and incorporating them to her own. When not actually spending her time training and studying, she ends up spedngin most of her time cosplaying, an oddity in this time where things out of the ordinary are just...normal. In fact, that's what she usually does all the time, often even walking out in costume. Despite being a swordsman in training, she actually works at a bookstore and is still a highschool student. She lives with her father, who was both a bibliomaniac and a writer. This combination would mean that her house is generally overcrowed with books. Her mother isn't usually as she is often travelling around the world learning the fighting styles of various cultures.

Civilian name: Leon Voltaire.
Hero name: ???????

Background: Leon was born into a high class family, and was raised with the hybrid world's strange powers in mind. He graduated college, and fell in with some very strange people. As it turns out, the girl he had become completely smitten with was a vampire, as was most of the other people in the group. Leon was bitten, and became one of them. But without being trained in the 'ways' of the vampire, they all disappeared.

It's been 2 days since then. Leon has travelled to Neo-Tokyo, and is extremely sensitive to sunlight, but won't die from it. Besides that, he has no idea what kind of vampire he is, or even if he is a vampire.

Name: Lars Mulgrave
Age: 18
Appearance: Lars has naturally mint green hair (Odd.) which he often parts to both sides, and a small goatee. (Which tends to disappear during TFs.) He is of regular build and height for a guy his age, and he has deep blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. Normally he often goes about in camo-print pants with matching army boots, with pale colored shirts and a green jacket.
Personality: A down to earth individual who always thinks things through before committing to an action. While he's a fairly open-minded individual, he is very easily irritable, and that often gets him into physical violence, and trouble. Sometimes comes off as a scatterbrain, in spite of having normal intelligence.
History: In all honesty, Lars doesn't know. It could be that his mind was wiped of all memories thanks to a government program...or he just forgot. He just doesn't know.

Name: Andrea Lee
Species: Blessed human
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'3''
Weight: She's not telling ^_^
Ethnicity: Half Chinese, half American
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long
Eye Color: Green
Personality: The most laid back assassin you'll ever meet, Andrea almost never gets angry or bothered. She's had employers betray her and just shrugged while their mooks were shooting at her. She is quite apathetic really, only taking jobs when she has to support herself and really not doing much otherwise, though she will be roused if offered something that interests her (namely some esoteric object or something that she finds interesting). She enjoys video games though and plays a mean game of (insert competitive game here). This apathy, however, does not mean that she's a slouch with her skills. She's easily one of the top gunfighters in the city if not the enitre world. It's been said that she's taken out numerous gangs without sustaining a single scratch and is easily a match for any of the very skilled anime gunfighters.

Name : Michael Mihpares
status: orphan
Hero name: Seraphim

Background: Once tempted by Satan in person, because he found the sword of hell's sheath, Michael refused his offer to hand it over and was thus entrusted with a sword similar to the sword weilded by his name sake. The sword of Hell's dopplegangar enfuses him with the stigmata and the ability to become a seraphim angel in times of peril, in order to combat the fallen and other threats of evil.

Michael is a short scruffy 17 year old boy, that usually wears jeans, a black t-shirt, and a flanel/camo button-down shirt over the t-shirt. [unbuttoned of course]. He has greasy brown hair and brown eyes, and is sometimes considered annoying to some people.

Real name:???
Hair:Black,medium length
Build:Average, slightly muscular
Personality:Serious, quiet, heroic, always analyses the situation before rushing into battle.
History: Not known due to loss of memory.

Name: Lilith Evelyn Croft
Super Hero Name: "Lily" (Nickname.)
Species: Human.
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'7
Build: 100-110. She exercises a lot, but has a sweet tooth.
Age: 18
Bio (to long just check the original thread)
Last edited by ZeroForever on Mon May 01, 2006 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kara-chan » Mon May 01, 2006 7:58 am

"Sneeeeerk Wheeeez Sneeeeeeeerk Wheeeeez," what's the sound of one assassin sleeping...that. Andrea Lee was currently asleep. A skilled gunfighter, her personal habits left much to be desired, with her sleeping on an unmade matress on the floor, clothes scattered everywhere. Though this sleep was soon to come to an end with the beeping of a cell phone. "Huh...wuzzat?" she said drowsily. Andrea seriously considered not answering it, given that it was 7 AM but she did seriously need rent money. Crawling her way over to the phone she opened it up and said drowsily, "Andrea Lee...whatdya want?"
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Re: City of Otaku: start :

Postby Amy-chan » Mon May 01, 2006 12:24 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Ceri Llewellyn - your currently living in in the Akihabara district of tokyo in the housing you described already. You work the the local delivery routes making just enough to get by. Cutie Honey idol ware has been around for ages and the media somehow has already figured out that you are the newest one, and a new influx of media over you has started much to your dismay.

((Does that mean they know her secret identity, or just that the new Cutie Angel is in town?))

ZeroForever wrote:Ceri Llewellyn - well you got work really early in the morning today, your boss seems to be one of the stingy types that would fire you in heartbeat if you screw up, and since your still new to the job... what type of attendence record do you have.. your gonna get there on time?

Ceri casually strolled into her bosses office 10 minutes before she was due to be there. She gave her boss an unreadable look and asked in a emotionless tone, "What do you have for me this morning?"
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Postby Madam Explodeykins » Mon May 01, 2006 2:20 pm

"Gllllrrgh...." Lars mumbled, waking up from a long slumber. He was back in his apartment, so that was always a good sign, except he couldn't remember a thing.

He did know this: He was flat broke and needed money.

"Maybe after a few more hours of sleep." He grumbled, his head falling facefirst back into his pillow.

His phone rang, but he ignored it angrily.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Mon May 01, 2006 3:51 pm

Lily leans back on the couch, and watches the UFC. She was curious about the way people fought in that, since she needed to work on a few things. While she watched it idly, she also went through a few messages, checking to see which lawyers were after her, and why. As she watched, she pondered if she should get some air. Maybe after this fight...
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Postby Baku Genkaku » Mon May 01, 2006 4:57 pm

wakes up and rolls over lazily, and thus rolls over onto the floor and gets tangled in his sheets.
"Ow..." after about a min. of fighting the sheets he gets up and gets ready for school. ... spojo3.jpg
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Postby Madam Explodeykins » Mon May 01, 2006 5:22 pm

Lars wandered outside his apartment with one thing in mind: A job.

He didn't know much about himself, but he knew that he wouldn't last very long if he didn't get a job and earn some money.

"Lessee....where do people go for work around here." He wondered aloud, his stomach grumbling loudly. All he'd eaten since he'd woken up was a package of Tic Tacs that he found underneath his, or what he thought was his sofa.

He appeared somewhat disheveled in appearance and except for his breath, he smelled like sweat. He wasn't able to shower because the water had been turned off in the building where he was living.

"Finding a job would be tough." He pointed out to himself as he started down the street, towards a business district.
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Postby Kara-chan » Mon May 01, 2006 5:44 pm

OOC: Sorry, sorry...
Last edited by Kara-chan on Mon May 01, 2006 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ZeroForever » Mon May 01, 2006 6:32 pm

(..... wtf are you people doing.... i control alll the npcs.... i'll let slight interactions get away but stuff like assassination jobs and such i will story them out so don't get ahead of yourself...)

Amanda - i edited the original post to put in what i meant just check it out was referencing that they knew that there was a new generation cutie angel not that they knew her identity.
Last edited by ZeroForever on Mon May 01, 2006 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Madam Explodeykins » Mon May 01, 2006 6:46 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Lars - you confuse me first he went back to sleep then went outside 10 secs later to get a job instead?

(( It didn't happen 10 Seconds ago. EVERYONE isn't gonna run on the same timeclock in this. It happens later. ))
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Postby Kuda » Mon May 01, 2006 7:55 pm

Kotone threw her alarm clock across the room, which struck a pile of books before falling to the floor. She slowly gets up, rubbing her eyes.

"That was such a nice dream too..."

She sat up and went to her closet, sorting out through all the school uniforms to pull out her actual one. She was lucky the school's uniforms were all long sleevs or else a lot of roblems would result with that tatoo of hers.

She rushed down the stairs after getting dressed, picking up her school bag at the bottom of the stairs. She then grabbed a piece of bread on the table before rushing out of the house and races to take the commute to school.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Mon May 01, 2006 9:56 pm

Lily finished the fight, and looked through another few Lawyer things. "Please. Some of these people are just ambulance-chasers. I should know, I've seen them do it. Hell, I PUT people in ambulances. Maybe I should get that Phoenix guy on permenant...nah, he only does innocent clients. Hm...honestly, the world would be a better place if I just killed some of them. But...doing that thing is what brought HER out in the first place. Still, I AM....No Lily, stop those thoughts. Besides, it's not like I can just call a professional assassin on the phone!"

Her butler was instantly by her side, with a phone, along with the names of professional assassins. She glared at him, and politely motioned for him to leave. The thought was tempting, but not something she should ever think of. She hadn't changed since then...

She grabbed a coat, her license to carry firearms, her firearms, and went outside. She DEFINITELY needed some air.
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Postby ZeroForever » Mon May 01, 2006 11:56 pm

(Blah don't really feel like going through another conversation about this but people try not to get to far ahead of other people time line wise, i know you just want to progress your own character since most of them are independent from each other at them moment, but it's just that AT THE MOMENT, meaning that if you speed your character forward it screws with events for the other people, slightly ahead by a hour or 2 is ok with me, but eventually it starts to add up and end up like half a day ahead when i do start pulling things together it won't work very well at all)

(as i stated earlier, try not to implicate the actions of to many other NPC's i control all of them but minor things i don't mind but jobs, and other events will be less cumbersome for me if you don't move the pawns in ways i did not plan. this also applies to events, PM me if you really have issues about it before posting)

anyways back to the rp

Ceri - the section manager looks at her, mentally noting her early arrival then not really caring, till checking his messages. Thinking to himself for a bit then in a condesencing tone that sounds much like a notable someone from office space he turns to Ceri "usagi is sick agian, so if you could just cover her route since your here already." though the undertone of the way he said it is one that is not meant merit discussion that and the manager obviously didn't remeber her name.

Andrea Lee - it was unfortunetly one of the last people lee wanted to hear from... Margert Butterfield though the pay for the jobs was good reallly good... there was always side things that she forgot the mention that made a easy day into ones that... well lets just say she doesn't wanna think about them. anyways margert was babbling something about a new job on happosai, which however wasn't anything new considering the old leecher had enough bounty's that his total combined value was amoung the highest in the universe, nothing new though... until she got to the part about him being in the area.... that and she noticed she felt even more drafty then normal... turning what would normally be a eechi picture of her, into more of a playboy pose... due to the lack of some garments....

Lars - after leaving the house to go look for a job you realize that the business district of the area was a decent walk away (try like 2 hours), meaning that he could either use the very little money he had to get over there and hope somethign worked out or get your daily exercise... and hope that you weren't to grimy by the time you get over there. of course you could try the local stores too but those are almost always have more then enough employs.

Kotone - rushing through the usual commute, as you get off the train you notice ... well nothing special.. whoo... another boring day as your greeted by the usually group and underclass men, as you enter school grounds.

Lily - times like this a nice ride would be nice... if it wasn't for the fact that the hotel your at is in the middle of tokyo so not really anyway you can drive like you enjoy. Exiting the front doors of the hotel you end up walking into the one of the busiest streets in neo tokyo... which also means shops galor... though you notice out of the side of your eye that the National metropolitan museum of art has a interesting new display up one that shows off some discovery of new ruins discovered on the moon.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
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