The Ocean


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The Ocean

Postby Empusa Sesshi » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:54 am

Aye the sea! The air is clean, and sun has a tendency to make folk a bit crispy. Water stretches on and on as far as the eye can see, perhaps a shocking sight to any who've never been to it.
Yeah so I'm a busty what, keep pushin and you're gonna have a pair of bra busters too!

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Postby Meru » Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:33 pm

"Ah, the sea. What a wonderful sight it is!" Leon exclaims, breathing in deeply the sea air!
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:10 pm

Stud frowns as she looks over the starboard side, irritated by her outfit. It was already evident that the suit would make her hot and sweaty... And where was some shade on this damn vessel?
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Postby Empusa Sesshi » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:20 am

The grizzled old sea dog paces about the ship tying things here and there...and all around just keeping it afloat. "It is at that lad! Keep yer eyes peeled fer any sign o' them lobsters now." Stud may or may not find herself a bit...urpy at the constant rocking of the boat.
Yeah so I'm a busty what, keep pushin and you're gonna have a pair of bra busters too!

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Postby Meru » Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:42 pm

Leon gazes out at the horizon, looking for any sign of the fabled flying lobsters!
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Postby Empusa Sesshi » Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:55 am

There's a bit of movement...could it be...the fabled crustaceons themselves?! Upon closer squintage...nay, tis only some flying hermit crabs. Not lobsters.
Yeah so I'm a busty what, keep pushin and you're gonna have a pair of bra busters too!

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:58 pm

Stud feels a bit queasy as she leans on the rail on the starboard side of the boat, the hot, smelly costume not making her feel any better. When she saw the flying hermit crabs, she asked, "Hey... Is that one of those... Uh... Things we're looking for?"
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Postby Meru » Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:04 pm

"Nay, me matey! Those just be ordinary flying hermit crabs, as normal as the rainbow and land sharks. Keep a look out for a creature with a dark exoskeleton, and two large claws1 It'll have wings as well, beautiful ones I've heard!" Leon replies to the fairy/fae.
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Postby Empusa Sesshi » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:47 am

"Aye the lad has the right o' it if we just..." Salty Mike is cut off by a sudden *CLUNK* sound at the bottom of the boat, which rocks wildly. Stud being at the rail can see a huge shadow beneath the vessel.
Yeah so I'm a busty what, keep pushin and you're gonna have a pair of bra busters too!

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:27 pm

"Say..." Stud spoke up, queasily. "Is it normal for the water to, uh... Um... Have darker spots?"

She probably could have thought of saying something more intelligent, but she was more concerned about keeping in her stomach where they should be. Everything was meant to flow down and out, after all.
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Postby Meru » Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:44 am

"What was that?" The fish necromancer cries out, when he hears the clunk sound and feels the boat rocking.

He then looked over at Stud curiously.

"What kind of black spots would these be, Stud?" Leon asks.
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Postby Empusa Sesshi » Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:48 am

The black spots that have hundreds of teeth and are rising rapidly up at the boat. After some pretty heavy turbulence, everyone gets a good view of the mouth rising up over either side of the little vessel. "Yar...didn't see this one comin..." Then the jaws slam shut, swallowing the boat, and passengers, whole!
Yeah so I'm a busty what, keep pushin and you're gonna have a pair of bra busters too!

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:46 am


So shouted the scared Stud as she was swallowed up and fell into the bowels of the sea creature. :O
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Postby Meru » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:20 pm

"Pinocchio!" Leon shouts out, as it was a common saying among sailors for when you have been swallowed whole by a large creature.

He then looks around to see what the insides of the creature he was inside of looked like, so that he could try to figure out what the creature was.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:00 pm

Stud was lying on her knees and face, butt in the air and out of the water, bubbles appearing on the surface of the water, where her head was.
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