A strange new hospital...

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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:03 pm

"Nay child. I am the embodiment of justice, sprung from the concept as devised by humans." the spirit calmly says.

"And why are you floating through our walls exactly?"

"Ooooohh, I know somebody who'd like to meet an embodiment of justice." Blinks, scratching her cheek. "Well... I sneezed, and then I kind of exited my own body, and now I'm exploring."
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Dux Muffinium
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:20 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:Allen sighs. "I..had guessed as much. I j-just want to stop hurting people. I've been trying to get control of myself since then, but..."
Dr. Whiteroot gives Allen a broad grin.

"Well you've come to the right place, and it was brave of you to try. Many are just laughed at, or shunned if they are ever believed."

He leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers.

"But, it is not as simple a case as 'take two pills of wolfsbane and call me in the morning.' Lycantropy is a complex thing that can be affected by a myriad of factors. We need to run some tests."

KonokoHasano wrote:"Ooooohh, I know somebody who'd like to meet an embodiment of justice." Blinks, scratching her cheek. "Well... I sneezed, and then I kind of exited my own body, and now I'm exploring."

Dangerous. This place is heavily fortified against spirits. Return to your body with all haste child. The spirit says.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:45 am

Blaze wrote:Dangerous. This place is heavily fortified against spirits. Return to your body with all haste child. The spirit says.

"That... sounds bad." Frowns for a sec before turning around and rushing back to her body!
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