The day began like every other in Muffinville: dark cults raising and falling in the background (mostly due to their high priest suddenly becoming an anathema high priestess), NPC's milling the streets, going about their busy lives of mundane activity, and new stores appearing overnight as others phased out of existence.
The store in question looked like all the others, in that regard. It looked wholly unremarkable on it's winding road, shoved between a quaint cafe of baked goods and a tailor shop that specialized in hemming black robes for females (for the aforementioned new high priestesses). The only thing which might attract visitors to its doors was the name: Curious Curiosities.
The door had a bell above it, which meant that sneaking in would not be an option. Would any be brave enough to open the door, or will it stay shut, forever, before it too fades out of existence and is replaced by something else.