Raleigh's Magic Shop

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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:10 pm

It was entertaining, I'll say. *sounding disappointed* I wish I had any of the others with me, though. My ghosts have most of them except for the Shadell card.

Callista: Hmm... *palms her chin, considering whether to buy the dagger or not* I knew about the boundary thing. I was just thinking about those portals she uses to insta-warp herself into a position to kick someone's face. I've been victimized by that more than a few times in the fighting games.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby Raleigh » Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:33 pm

At least it sounds like she hasn't sicked her shikigami on you yet, Callista.

Ghosts do like to take off with your stuff sometimes and cause other forms of mischief. I remember this one time *Trails off muttering to himself about some event involving a ghost, a princess, three rings, and a vat of glue.*
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:45 pm

Callista: Not yet, anyway. I'm hoping that they don't bother me when I go back to school this fall, though. You know what kind of damage they could potentially do to a non-magical world.
*decides "what the hey" and puts the dagger in her shopping bag, picking up another one---this one with the image of a basilisk carved into the handle*

*Ambush sniggers at the story.*

Something that big, huh? I'd hate to get stuck in one of those things. Way too sticky of a situation for my tastes. Actually, I'd commissioned my ghosts to make a deck themed around you, me, and Himitsu. It was supposed to include Shadell too, but... well, you can just ask Circe what happened to that card.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby Raleigh » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:01 pm

The basilisk one obviously stones the target and I don't mean the kind Bliss might approve of.

Sounds like my kind of deck. The 'there is no kill like overkill' deck.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:03 pm

Callista: *looks teary-eyed* Now, why'd you have to say her name, Raleigh-san~?


Yeah, that's pretty much it; grade-A beatdowns across the board. The only drawback with the deck is that there can only be one each of your card and Himitsu's, simply because they're very hard to stop.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby Raleigh » Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:10 pm

Sorry Callista. I forgot that was a bit touchy for you.

Now I'm curious as to what kind of trap cards and the like would be in that set, Ambush.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:40 am

Callista: I miss my big sis... *sniffs* ...well... okay, anyway, you said that this one turns stuff to stone?


Well, I can't recall them all off the top of my head, but one of them temporarily lowers your Attack and lets the player draw another card. *sweatdrops* The image is of Himitsu setting your hair on fire.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby Raleigh » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:33 pm

Yep. Any particular effects you are looking for? I might be able to direct you to them.

Sadly that doesn't surprise me much Ambush. Himitsu and my hair on fire had to be in there some where.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:31 pm

Callista: *places that weapon in her bag as well* Well, I know this sounds a bit far-fetched, but do you have anything that will inject sound waves directly into a target's body if cut?


Eh-heh... *wipes off the sweatdrop* ...Anyway, your Nosferatu weapon is there, too; it lets you destroy any monster weaker than you once a turn, but immediately kills anyone else equipped with it (except Himitsu due to his card's effect, and this turns him into even more of a game breaker than he already is).
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby Raleigh » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:39 pm

Hm... well that isn't its design but the vibroblades can do something to that effect. I do have some blades of sound that can inflict a kind of sound damage to those hit with it in the nature of greater tissue damage and possibly messing with their sense of balance. If those don't fit what you want I can probably make such a thing if you can give me more specifics.

Nice to hear my weapon is also present. A shame it doesn't fry Himi too but I can understand why it might not inside the game rules.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:43 pm

Callista: Actually, that second one sounds close enough to what I'm looking for.


Yeh. With him, he can only be removed by his own effect. See, he has six different effects tied in with a die roll. He can destroy any monster on the field, let you draw two extra cards, et cetera. Roll a 6, however, and he's gone.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby Raleigh » Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:51 pm

Ah, well in that case I think you will find a few of those located an aisle over. They should be next to the deadric chainsawds and melody arms. One rack above the devil arm: flute collection.

Good old Himi, just as likely to take himself out as any.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:01 pm

Callista: Alright. Thanks. *starts to turn away, then pauses* Quick question. What are the "deadric" chainsaws supposed to be? Are they meant to slay the undead or something like that?


*chuckling* Yeah, he had a certain talent for ridiculous demises. I still remember the time when Calli killed him with a chocolate pie. The funniest death I've ever seen.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby Raleigh » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:07 pm

That was a good one but I won't say its the funniest I've seen. That is reserved for a man I once observed who had such a lack of coordination he fell trying to step off the sidewalk onto the street. After he fell his bad luck insured he was ran over by a horse and carriage, a steam roller, a marching band, a train, a legion of Ceaser's Army, and two girl scouts and a wagon of cookies. How half of that stuff was there given that it was in the mid 18th century I have no idea.

Its a weapon from the planes of Oblivion is what it is meant to imply. Forged of a metal found there to be more precise.
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Re: Raleigh's Magic Shop

Postby AmbushCat » Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:06 pm

Callista: *a bit nervous* Eh-heh... I'll stick to what I asked for. *walks to the next aisle, seeking out the object of her attention* There we go. *takes the weapon and looks it over*


*blinks* Forgive me for stating the obvious, but you sure do get around, do you?
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