Reincarnate Yourself Today!

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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:54 pm

"Well, it isn't that I'm nervous, really, just..." He takes his phone out and brings up a photo that Yama probably wouldn't be able to make out from where he was. After staring at the image for a moment, he sighed. "There are just... some things I want to say goodbye to first. The things I like about this life and who I am, you know? But I don't need to be nervous. My mind's made up, and that's why I'm here." With that, he shut his phone and placed it back in his left pocket. He turned back to Yama.

"Okay." He shut his eyes for a brief moment, breathing and exhaling once more.
"I think I'm ready. What do you need to know before we start?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:04 pm

Yama listens attentively as he makes the last few notes on his supplies, folding up the paper and tucking it into his pocket. He walks back over and gives an understanding nod.

"I see... what I need from you is an idea of what you want your new life to be like. If you really do not mind and want to leave it to me, that is fine."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:17 pm

"Well, I..." He choked up for a moment, but cleared his throat and quickly and continued.

"I want to be a member of my best friend's family. I-I want to be her, uh..." He was obviously nervous, and seemed to be struggling with getting the next few words out of his mouth. "I-I want to be her sister. Younger than her, but not by a lot. Maybe by a year or so. And..." He collected himself so that he would speak evenly. "I want us to be as close as we are now." He scratched the back of his neck. "I-if that isn't asking too much..."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:38 pm

Yama smiles gently and gives a small nod.

"That is well within my scope... but I must admit, it is an unusual request. If you do not mind me asking, why do you want this?
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:02 pm

He sighs again. He knew that he might get asked that, but he didn't really know what to say...

"Well, it's..." He tries to start a few more sentences, but doesn't get more than a word out any time he tries. "It's really complicated. I could tell you, but it would take a while." He pauses a moment."But if it helps to know, I'm not just doing this for myself. There's plenty I want out of it, but I'm doing this because I think it'll make my friend happier, too."
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:47 pm

Yama smiles and gestures to a small table with two chairs, two cups and a pot of tea. The boy may note that it didn't seem to be there when he first came in...

"Well, we have time, and refreshments. I would like to hear it, if you are willing to share."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:14 pm

(OOC: Like I said... going to be working with a new character now. Thank you, Blazie. ^_^)

A young man with green eyes walks on a sidewalk in the twilight of a brisk Fall day. Strands of his short white hair are gently blown back by the cool winds that seem to warn of the coming of winter. He tosses a crumpled up piece of paper that he'd been holding in his hands into a trash can and sighs, hanging his head as he trudges along the side of the road.

It wasn't too long before the young man spotted the Reincarnationery... sitting there at the end of the path he was walking on. He lifted his eyes from the sidewalk and stopped, staring at the building that seemed to stand out so much to him. "Reincarnation..." He thought. "How funny." He soon continued to walk onward again, staring at the cement... but now he was periodically glancing back at the Reincarnationery, and eventually... he caved. After all that he'd been through, he owed himself this. He could at least take a quick peek inside.

So he did. He knocked twice on the front door and quietly entered...
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:32 pm

As the man enters the Reincarnatory, he sees an odd sight indeed. Yama sits in the floor with two dogs by his side, patting each of them. But they were no ordinary dogs. They were pitch black, and had eyes like hot coals... all four of them glowed an eerie red. As the door opens, a bell lets out a jingle, drawing the boy's attention, as well as the dog's.

"Ah, we have a customer. Hello sir, and welcome to the Reincarnatory. My name is Yama." the boy says, getting to his feet and walking over, offering his hands to shake.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:52 pm

He blinks quite a few times, his initial reaction to seeing the dogs being to step back and stare, a horrified expression on his face.

"W-what in the name of God?" He breathed a bit heavily for a moment, but was able to regain composure enough to speak again. "... are those hell hounds? Devil dogs? What are they..." He stopped himself. "Well, okay. I guess it isn't too outlandish to see dogs from the beyond in a store that sells reincarnations..." He sighs and turns his attention to Yama again.

"Anyway, hello, Yama." He gave the boy a small smile... but glanced back at the dogs once more. "... they won't bite me, will they?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:17 am

"Why, yes they are. Their names are Sodom and Pompeii. They will not attack you, do not worry." Yama says kindly. He gestures towards a table with two seats and walks over, sitting in one.

"If they frighten you, I can dismiss them."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:57 am

"I... see." He pauses, giving each of the dogs a lingering glance. "Interesting names. And I think I know a story about a dog that lived in a city called Pompeii." After another moment, he begins to walk toward Yama. "You don't have to tell them to leave. I think I'll be okay." He takes a seat in the chair across from Yama.

"Ah, right. My name is Yuki Ono." His eyes wander to the side for a moment. "Uh... my parents thought it would be funny to give me a name that sounds like 'Yuki-Onna'."
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:56 pm

Yama takes a teapot and pours some tea into a cup before Yuki, then into one in front of himself. Pompeii and Sodom lie at as feet as he puts the teapot back down.

"Yuki-Onna? Like the Japanese snow spirit? Why so?" Yama asks, looking genuinely curious.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:50 pm

Yuki lets out a small chuckle. "Yeah, that's right. And as for 'why'... you've got me." He takes a sip of the tea, wincing a bit at how hot it is. "My parents were always the strange people who lived in the old haunted house across the street for most. They were into stuff like the Occult, spirits..." He blows on his tea. "I have no idea how that relates to me, though. I'm one of the most mundane... and unlucky people on the planet." He sets his tea down, presumably to let it cool...
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:43 am

"Ahh, I see..."

Yama sips his own tea before setting it down without a sound. A perfect gentleman.

"Unlucky? How so?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:54 am

He gives a light chuckle and shuts his eyes, taking another sip of the tea. "I was waiting for you to ask that, actually. And that'll bring us to why I'm here, too..." He clears his throat with an 'ahem' and begins:

"Well, about a week ago, I lost my job. I used to be the manager of a store that sells menswear. You know... coats, pants... business attire." He sets the tea down and stares at Yama. "Then the very next day, my girlfriend said that she was breaking up with me. Apparently, she had been with another guy for a while, and was just plain sick of me." He laughed a bit to himself, but it was painfully obvious that he didn't really find it funny at all. After a while, he stopped laughing and let his head hang. He shut his eyes once more.

"... so I drank heavily, and went gambling." He picks up his tea and takes another sip. "So, long story short, I'm about to have my home foreclosed upon, and everyone I ever loved is gone or hates me." He opens his eyes to look at Yama again. "Need any more reasons to help tell you why I'm here right now?"
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