A Ninja and his Minion

A land of wonders and oddities, with change around every corner. Jump right in!

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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:14 pm

*The two of them find themselves on the top of the Kage's building. Before them is a magnificent view of the village, a sprawling city with walls surrounding it on all sides. Themselves on the tallest structure in the land, they can view all of the semi-modern style buildings below. NPC ninjas and people bustle about here and there keeping the Muffingakure economy moving.*
Here we go. Best view in the town.
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Blaze » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:16 pm

Blaze lets out a low whistle at the view.

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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:27 pm

*Mendo nods*
Yeah... Started out small and it's just grown exponentially ever since. If you ever need a place to hide out or rest, you're more than welcome to stay here. I'm sure the elders wouldn't mind, especially in light of your training.
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Blaze » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:28 pm

Blaze grins and nods.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Boss."
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:29 pm

*He smiles*
Alright then... Now... Follow me down here.*
*He leads Blaze into the Kage building, the two of them descending the stairwell down from the roof... and continuing further down. Much further down than ground level*
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Blaze » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:31 pm

Blaze follows Mendo down the stairs, noticing that they are going very deep.

"Is it underground then?"
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:38 pm

*Mendo nods*
It's safer to do this within the reinforced bunker. It's not likely anything will explode, but considering the type of attacks which can go into these scrolls better safe than sorry.
*They go further, and further down... Until they arrive at a rather impressive facility. Reinforced walls surround the particular training facility which Mendo leads Blaze too, scrolls laid out on a table... along with an entire armory's worth of weapons.*
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Blaze » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:42 pm

Blaze casts an evaluating eye over the reinforced chamber and nods, going over to the table.

"The weapons won't be needed~"
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:46 pm

*Mendo raises an eyebrow*
Oh? But I figured you'd want some weaponry for use with the scrolls?
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Blaze » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:37 am

Blaze griiiiiiiiins~

And dumps a minigun on the table. Cripse.

"THis is all the weapon I need~"
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:41 pm

*Mendo raises an eyebrow*
Impressive... I must admit.
Now... follow these instructions exactly.
Form the Tiger seal, then Rat seal and focus your chakra into the scroll, creating a sealing technique. The length of your charge will be the length the seal will remain open to insert items, including the bullets from your weapon, into the scroll. Understand what I'm saying?
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Blaze » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:45 pm

Blaze nods, forming the appropriate seals and placing her palms on a scroll. She holds it for 20 seconds before tearing it open and placing it on the ground!

"20... 19... 18..."

She grabs the minigun, aims it at the scrol and lets rip! THe tiny room fills with the sounds of gunshots, the gun running out of ammo as the 20 seconds pass.
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:50 pm

*The bullets do not riddle the scroll and tear it to pieces, but seemingly disappear in a white puff of smoke as they hit the paper. As the dust clears, a large black symbol appears on the scroll, signifying that it holds items within it*
See? Now that wasn't too hard, was it?
Just don't do too many of these at once. You're chakra reserves aren't as vast as some, and you'll wear yourself out fast if you make more then 60 seconds worth at a time.
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Blaze » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:51 pm

Blaze looks a bit woozy as she drops the minigun.

"Yeah, I figured..."

SHe picks up the scroll and rolls it up.
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Re: A Ninja and his Minion

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:00 pm

*Mendo smiles*
You're learning rather fast though... Hell, you probably'll make a better ninja then I do after awhile. Your chakra reserves will probably grow exponentially, knowing all the shenanigans that go on around here.
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