by Whatevr89532 » Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:23 pm
The cloaked being seems to have no particular difficulty answering: "We are current-ly in pursuit of a mal-functioning Sales Mo-del. We use pub-licly available data to at-tempt to pro-duce an accurate represen-tation of im-portant customers in order to ant-cipate and better serve their needs. How-ever, this one dis-played unusual abil-ities and behaviors and fled our Modeling Fac-ility and even our world to arrive in this one. We must recover and dis-mantle it in order to pro-tect many potential customers from its harmful abil-ities, pro-tect trade secrets regarding its pro-duction, and dis-cover what went wrong and pre-vent future such errors."
They arrive in the other side of the building, a grocery store, and finally catch up with the 'sales model', who is at the checkout just finishing up dumping a large quantity of apples into one of those huge "environment-friendly" reusable bags and taking a receipt from the cashier. The cloaked entity approaches, saying "Please re-main still," which she reacts to by yelling and throwing an apple at its face. The apple splatters like it would if thrown hard enough at a concrete wall.