Ambush's catcall comment didn't seem to bother the woman warrior at all, well reading off her zombie like expression that is... the blue armor itself, however, feels offended.. not like anyone would notice~
The cure all cast from Raleigh, cleansed all curable effects within its spectrum, including his own toxic energy.
Whatevr89532 wrote:Lyra holds a hand over the girl's head, producing a soft bluish glow in the palm of the hand. She cats a spell which makes the target feel like they're being splashed by a bucket of cold water, but without actually making the target wet, in an effort to wake her.
By this action (in the other thread), the dreamscape starts to disappear as the dreamer starts to wake up. Dream-travellers will likely get booted out into the larger dream world, or to whichever state they were in to access the dream. The dream-material only partially gets converted into bits of memory, and the dreamscape starts to peel-off..? Like a thin layer of interactive dream-magic, with tons of energy-conversion-seals chattered across, that was layered out on what looks a storage of stacked memories. This 'memoryscape' looks a lot more ordered and less fluid than the dreamscape, as this place pretty much only sustains forms made out of memory; while the 'sky' visually looks like a widescreen of anything the 'dreamer'(well now the awake) can perceive.
"How dare they wake her up?! I was just starting to have fun...", Oyoki said frustrated while appearing as a body made out of concentrated self-sustained-memory-data.
"Doing this is dream space is so much more fun... And without those visitors wasting their energy around, this is going to take ages..." she pouts, looking up as the former-armor's eyes start to open, curious who was responsible for her awakening.
She sighs, raising the metaphorical hand of her memory-body, and points it to the remains of the almost destroyed palace memory, which wasn't on fire anymore; shooting a small bolt of spiritual fox-fire towards it, resulting in a hefty blazing explosion, shattering the memory apart. The energy released from this gets picked up by the surrounding energy-seals.
(( Now technically, since the dream is over, this thread is too.. or well put on hold at least, until she dreams again....
Unless there are characters that have such an advanced telepathic ability they could communicate not only on a conscious scale but on a deeper memory scale as well, to use a 'memory-body' in this space~ This of course by inserting their own memory into an other [unwilling]person... wouldn't recommend that though ))