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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Blaze » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:37 pm

Blaze allows herself to be herded, giving her eyes a much needed rolling now that the old bag wasn't looking at her. Upon entering the classroom and looking at the teacher, she raised an eyebrow. Having been home schooled as a child, she thought they only did stuff like this on slice of life TV shows.

"I'm Blaze. It's nice to meet you all."
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Vomica » Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:03 pm

Merah is finally calming down enough from the shock of finding herself suddenly in a war zone. She now holds her head for a different reason! The bumping of the road keeps launching her sub-hundred pound body into the air! Grabbing the seat, she grips herself tightly to the cushion as tight as she can. There is a squeak and a meep out of her on each bump or pot hole!

Looking over at the woman after a second, she says "...it's... it's Merah. Merah Pelangi."
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby KonokoHasano » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:21 pm

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The woman--to liberally apply such a term--gives Chisame an appropriately hollow stare.

"The artist, of course!
Many months she has cursed us...
You look like her art."

The woman taps a bony finger.

"Cursed? And I'm art? NEATO!" She... took that rather well. "So what now, giganto odd lady?"
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Mendi-chan » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:15 pm

*Mendo frowns as his scans come up empty... and frowns even more as he looks over his damaged shoulder*
Shoot... Looks like whatever brought me out over here did a number on this body.
*He furrows his brow... if it did this to him, then how would the others fair? It was easier to repair a torn piece of machinery than it was to heal flesh.*
City of Lights? Never heard of it. How far is this from the 'shantytown' by the ocean, if that's what you want to call it? I have some pressing matters to attend to, and I really can't afford to waste any time.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Narrator » Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:41 pm

--Blaze, Chronicle of Magic--

The teacher gives Blaze an encouraging smile, and as the girl introduces herself, thankfully, the wrinkled woman leaves them, satisfied that she won't be sneaking off again.

The class choruses back.

"Hello Blaze..."

The mingle of voices cover a range of emotions--mostly relief over the humdrum of the class being interrupted, but a pink-haired girl smiles, waving to Blaze! She has an empty seat next to her.

--Merah, Chronicle of Smoke--

The woman ducks slightly as a whistling sound goes overhead, but only for moment, as it flies past.

"Well--Meara! Then, care to tell me why a civvie was wandering out in the middle of a war zone?!"

Making a sharp turn, she grabs the girl's shoulder, somewhat roughly, to make sure she doesn't fly out of the car.

"The Relentless don't care about children, you know!"

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The skullfaced woman studies Chisame for a moment longer, seemingly stumped by her vernacular.

"You are...different."

She hesitates, looking around.

"I'm supposed to report you...
You'd be killed if so."

--Mendo, Chronicle of Chance--

The man grins.

"Nothing comes free, my robotic pal! If you want to know that then you'll have to win it..."

He shrugs, and adds, casually.

"Oh--but since I'm a sporting guy, I should mention--there's something else you may want to place your bets on."

Motioning, he points to a prizelist on the wall--it's pretty large, but one thing that stands out, may be...a picture of him, unconscious. 'Mystery Robot! Slightly damaged!'

Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:10 am

*Narrows his gaze at the man in front of him*
You've made me a prize?... At your casino?...
I'm a person, not a plaything. What, you think I'm just going to stay here because you say that I'm stuck here?

Take that off the prize list and save us both some trouble.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby KonokoHasano » Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:45 am

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The skullfaced woman studies Chisame for a moment longer, seemingly stumped by her vernacular.

"You are...different."

She hesitates, looking around.

"I'm supposed to report you...
You'd be killed if so."

"Huh? Why would I be killed?" She asked in confusion.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Blaze » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:18 pm

Blaze looks over the class as they great her with a dull monotone, spotting the pink-haired girl waving at her. Notcing the free seat next to her, Blaze goes over and sits in it, smiling at the girl.

"Hi there."
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Vomica » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:57 pm

Merah tenses up once more at the whistling sound! She knows what makes that sound! ...upon finding herself not resembling a fine red mist after an explosion, she calms down again -- as much as one could in a battle zone at least.

Finally turning to face the woman again, the girl responds with a confused look "...c-civvie? I... I didn't mean to come here! And I don't even know who the relentless are!" >.<
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Narrator » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:20 pm

--Mendo, Chronicle of Chance--

The man gives an idle shrug.

"Well, you look awfully like a robot to me. Actually--just to be on the safe side, we even installed an emergency shutoff switch, is the thing...you can't leave, not just yet."

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The woman gives Chisame a hollow stare.

"That's the only way
to be absolutely safe
from the artist's grip."

--Blaze, Chronicle of Magic--

The girl smiles back.

"Hey! Uhm. So, you're a transfer student, huh? Way cool! Where're you from? My name's Gust bytheway!"

--Merah, Chronicle of Smoke--

The woman frowns, giving Merah a measured stare, the car making a tight turn down what seems to be the remain of a road. Sighing, she turns back, muttering to herself as, the explosions fading in the distance, they mercifully find themselves entering a tunnel.

"Poor thing...must be shock..."

Up ahead, there seems to be a narrow split in the road--looks like they're almost to their destination from the woman's driving too, wherever that might be.

Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Blaze » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:31 pm

Blaze gives the girl a curious look. That was... an unusual name. Blaze had the excuse that hers was a pseudonym. Perhaps this was a fancy school that only the most wealthy could attend, and the students took fake names?

Blaze shakes her head. Occam's Razor, there are people with weirder names.

"Hi Gust. I'm Blaze." ^^
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby KonokoHasano » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:32 pm

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The woman gives Chisame a hollow stare.

"That's the only way
to be absolutely safe
from the artist's grip."

She stares for a long moment. "... I don't get it."
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Vomica » Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:13 pm

Merah huddles into the car seat, and against the car door. That ride was rather jarring, if the trip through that hole in reality was rattling... this one was! She peeks over after a moment, "...s-shock?" Her eyes go wide, then she frowns.

Her attention goes to the road ahead! She asks, "...where are we going... ahh... ma'am?"
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Mendi-chan » Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:49 pm

*Glares at the man in front of him, doing an internal diagnostic to try to figure out what was working and what wasn't...*
Not 'yet'? And what, exactly, do you mean to say by that?
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Anonymouse » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:58 pm

--Blaze, Chronicle of Magic--

The pink-haired girl tilts her head and smiles. "Blaze, huh? Where're you from?"

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The woman sighs, shaking her head.

"Just run, little one.
I don't think that you are safe
The artist sees all!"

Waving a hand she tries to shoo Chisame away!

--Merah, Chronicle of Smoke--

The woman gives her a look. "Th'names's Emily...but you can call me Shrapnel," She grimaces slightly, and then continues. "And we're going to a little hole in the ground that smells like piss. That okay with you, Meara?"

--Mendo, Chronicle of Chance--

Mendo's internal diagnostic...tells him that his internal diagnostic system seems to be down!
What a handy feature.

--Mendo, Chronicle of Chance--

The man grins. "Well, I can't just have a price walk out without someone winning it--but I suppose you could try and win your freedom, if you're feeling lucky..."
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