A strange new hospital...

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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:59 pm

Blaze wrote:
Whatevr89532 wrote:"W-well.." Allen takes a couple of seconds to gather his thoughts. "Uh, s-several months ago I was, b-bitten by this huge dog..th-there's still a scar on my shoulder, even though it should have healed normally..and, uh, n-now every night there's a f-full moon I turn into a giant monster and black out..and it really hurts..and then wh-when I wake up the n-next morning I.." he seems more than a little worried about the last bit. "I'm covered in blood."

The receptionist... looks surprisingly unperturbed.

"You have contracted lycanthropy it seems. But given how long ago it happens, treating it will be difficult."

"Um..y-yes. I didn't want to say it that way, uh, i-if you weren't going to believe me." He gulps. "But, um..it doesn't matter, if it hurts. I'll do whatever I need to to..st-stop hurting people."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:01 am

KonokoHasano wrote:"... okay, if this is going to happen every time I sneeze..." Amae began in a bit of a deadpan fashion.

Well, she could at least explore like this. Being noncorperal might be fun!

Zoey wrote:Noah blinks as she's dragged towards the... real... life... demon .__. But for some reason she feels like she's not as spooked as she should be. She turns to Amanda and nods. "Umm... right?" she replies kneeling over the wings and looking around for any first aid kit or something to work with! "Please stay calm..." she says to the demon...

Her hands start glowing that strange glow again, a curious inner force nudging her hands towards the more serious wounds on his wing.

Knight Errant wrote:Dact nods... and heads off!

Out the doors to a new life of maid-fu!

Whatevr89532 wrote:"Um..y-yes. I didn't want to say it that way, uh, i-if you weren't going to believe me." He gulps. "But, um..it doesn't matter, if it hurts. I'll do whatever I need to to..st-stop hurting people."

The receptionist nods and takes a few more notes.

"Please, take a seat sir. Someone will be with you shortly."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:37 am

Allen nods and takes a nearby seat, nervously looking around the waiting room as if expecting one of the other guests there to attack him.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:35 pm

Well, she could at least explore like this. Being noncorperal might be fun!

Amae hmms and proceeds to move through a random wall, curious about her sudden non corporal-ness o.o

"Ooooo, spoooooky~"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:55 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:Allen nods and takes a nearby seat, nervously looking around the waiting room as if expecting one of the other guests there to attack him.

After a while, a walking mountain of a doctor with a thick dirty blond beard walks up to the man.

"Hello sir, I am Dr. Whiteroot, resident expert on conditions such as yours* he says, offering a hand as big as a ham hock

KonokoHasano wrote:Amae hmms and proceeds to move through a random wall, curious about her sudden non corporal-ness o.o

"Ooooo, spoooooky~"

Going out into the hospital proper, Amae realizes that while things in the corperal world seem fuzzy and indistinct to her, she can now see the spirits that infest the hospital clearly, beings of all shapes and sizes, all with a distinct color aura around them!
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:15 pm

"Oh, uh, hello." The reluctant werewolf stands up slowly and then takes the man's hand somewhat hesitantly. However, he does seem to know how to shake properly once he's started. "I'm A-Allen Chontos.."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:45 pm

Going out into the hospital proper, Amae realizes that while things in the corperal world seem fuzzy and indistinct to her, she can now see the spirits that infest the hospital clearly, beings of all shapes and sizes, all with a distinct color aura around them!

"Amazing..." She muttered as she floated around and looked at the various spirits. Eventually, she moves over to one of the spirits. "Ah, hello."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:17 am

Whatevr89532 wrote:"Oh, uh, hello." The reluctant werewolf stands up slowly and then takes the man's hand somewhat hesitantly. However, he does seem to know how to shake properly once he's started. "I'm A-Allen Chontos.."

Dr. Whiteroot's hand envelops Chontos's as he gives a shining white smile, giving him a pat on the back that would floor a child.

"Come, right this way and we'll talk about what happened." he says, leading the afflicted man to his office, small but comfortable, walls lined with pictures depicting various kinds of 'thropes.'

"Take a seat, please."

KonokoHasano wrote:"Amazing..." She muttered as she floated around and looked at the various spirits. Eventually, she moves over to one of the spirits. "Ah, hello."

The spirit, which seems to manifest as a pair of scales seems to speak by making it's trays move.

Ah, a mortal spirit, how unusual...
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:51 am

The spirit, which seems to manifest as a pair of scales seems to speak by making it's trays move.

Ah, a mortal spirit, how unusual...

Amae scratches her cheek a little. "Yeah, it's kind of new to me, too, and very strange." Floats some. "But it's an experience! So.. um... how are you?"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:30 pm

Allen manages to not quite fall over at the pat. He follows as meekly as ever and takes a seat when directed. The pictures--or at least the more canine-looking ones--seem to make him nervous; he tries to avoid looking at them.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:08 am

KonokoHasano wrote:Amae scratches her cheek a little. "Yeah, it's kind of new to me, too, and very strange." Floats some. "But it's an experience! So.. um... how are you?"

"I am all that I am. Nothing more." the spirit says simply. Seems that when you're the spirit of an aspect, you don't have a lot to say.

Whatevr89532 wrote:Allen manages to not quite fall over at the pat. He follows as meekly as ever and takes a seat when directed. The pictures--or at least the more canine-looking ones--seem to make him nervous; he tries to avoid looking at them.

Whiteroot settles into a large, creaky chair and steeples his fingers.

"Lycanthropy eh? Lupine's my guess. Tell me what happened eh?"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:03 pm

"Well..some months ago I was attacked by, a huge dog..I guess it was a werewolf..and, I got hurt but it healed really quickly, so the h-hospital sent me back home. I was..things were pretty normal for a month, but th-the next full moon, I um..w-well, I don't really remember much except hurting a lot, and when I woke up th-the next morning I was somewhere I didn't recognize. I've t-tried finding my way back home a few times, but I don't even think this is the right country..."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:48 am

"I am all that I am. Nothing more." the spirit says simply. Seems that when you're the spirit of an aspect, you don't have a lot to say.

"... I see. Well, what is it that you usually do? Were you someone before being a spirit?" She asked, curiously.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:08 am

Whatevr89532 wrote:"Well..some months ago I was attacked by, a huge dog..I guess it was a werewolf..and, I got hurt but it healed really quickly, so the h-hospital sent me back home. I was..things were pretty normal for a month, but th-the next full moon, I um..w-well, I don't really remember much except hurting a lot, and when I woke up th-the next morning I was somewhere I didn't recognize. I've t-tried finding my way back home a few times, but I don't even think this is the right country..."

Dr. Whiteroot listens intently to the story, leaning back on his protesting chair and twiddling his thumbs.

"Sounds like you had the misfortune to run through a dimensional crossover while transformed. Sorry young man, but I doubt you'll ever find your way home." he says simply.

KonokoHasano wrote:"... I see. Well, what is it that you usually do? Were you someone before being a spirit?" She asked, curiously.

"Nay child. I am the embodiment of justice, sprung from the concept as devised by humans." the spirit calmly says.

"And why are you floating through our walls exactly?"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:51 pm

Allen sighs. "I..had guessed as much. I j-just want to stop hurting people. I've been trying to get control of myself since then, but..."
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