Moderators: Mendi-chan, Kether
AmbushCat wrote:*As if summoned, an elk slams into them at full tilt! ... ... Or to be more accurate, it's a catboy named Elk who's hopped up on caffeine, but details...*
Elk: Elk Hasselhoff reporting for duty, madams! *snaps a salute* Braving the pool's corner pockets, no 9-balls or ice fairies included! Hi-yooooooo!
AmbushCat wrote:Elk: *grins and waggles a finger* Nuh-uh, nuh-uh, nuh-uh. My turn, my turn, my turn. Oh, Crystal? Daddy's got a Destructo Ray! *snatches the water gun away and blasts himself with it*
((OOC: I have a general idea of what I'm looking for. This shouldn't take long.))
Jyrra watches the poor waitress sift through the cart for a good couple of minutes. "Um..are you sure you have those? Want some help looking?"
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