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Re: Calli...sta?

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:32 pm

*Callista smiles and chuckles a little, though she doesn't respond---likely because of a lack of things to say in reply.*

*Finally, there is a beep from the keypad. Another wall panel slides open, this one revealing a tunnel large enough to accommodate several people. The tunnel is dark, and if anything appears to be a twisting downward slide.*

Callista: Down we go! *jumps into the tunnel feet-first, disappearing into the unknown... or at least into another thread*
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Re: Calli...sta?

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:47 pm

Not-Callista looks around the room for a few seconds after Callista hops down the slide. To nobody in particular, she mutters "Whilst in Athens..." and then somehow manages to enter the tunnel sideways.
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