Breaking and Re-entering

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Raleigh » Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:45 pm

I can't promise I won't visit your dreams. Depending on circumstances it might be the easiest way to contact you but I can promise that I'll warn you before hand. *His form shifts to that of humanoid wearing dark robes with the head covered by a robe. None of the face can be seen save for the occasional gleam of teeth and a lizard tail waves about behind him for a moment.* In I go. Just shout for me if you need me out here. *Dives into the dreams of the sleeping armor girl.*
*Appearing in the dreamscape.* Hm.. so where should I wander to get what I need out of this one?
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:34 pm

"I'm really in trouble if I have to ask for the instruction manual. No, I think I've got this." The blue glow coalesces into a large rectangular frame on the left side, the inside of that turning black, and a few smaller frames stacked down the right with some alien-looking characters displayed inside them in a way that seems like windows on a computer screen. He starts poking at the symbols in some kind of sequence, and the black 'screen' section fades in a scene of what seems to be a big college lecture hall, facing a crowd of students. "Hmm...wrong one." He pokes at more symbols and that scene fades back to black.

He is pretty old--he'd stopped counting when he first found me, and that was...I'm not really sure how long ago. But no, we took advantage of time travel to not actually wait around for that crystal to mature. Once you start dimension-hopping and encounter differing timescales from one dimension to another it's not a large leap to start time traveling. You just have to be very careful anytime you go back.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:37 pm

Goggles gives off a small sigh, "Thanks, warning in advance before invading my mind will be appreciated Raleigh..."

Watching beside Fox, this highly advance scryp-ware certainly was very intriguing to her.

"Hmmm, but this form of 'time-traveling' is only forward, right? Or have you or Wolf ever been able to travel back in time as well?", she questions the stone.


When arriving in a rather neutral zone of the dreamscape of the fox-girl's mind. The zone is filled with huge spheres, each representing some part of her mind, all showing blurred and distorted imagery of thought of importance on the outer-edge of the spheres; most greyed-out since those specific parts of the mind are currently inactive while she is unconscious. Some of these bubble-like mind spheres seem to be damaged, sort of, hard to tell as for how abstract it looks, but images seem even more distorted and the little parts that appear visual only show pieces of ruins, burned down cities or ship wreckage.

The only sphere currently full of light and color, show a huge building, very similar to an east-Asian-like style, likely a palace or temple of some sort; but unfortunately, it seems to be ablaze.
Touching the edge will let him enter the sphere where the active dream is taking place.

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:36 pm

Oh, of course. We went all over the timeline of his homeworld. In some cases we looked in on one time period of a world and then entered it in the past relative to what we saw for one reason or another, I'm not sure if that counts exactly since we'd never actually been to that future. It gets fuzzy with things like that.

Fox tries again. This time the 'screen' portion pops up an image of a tall tower, evoking the idea of a wizard's tower right away. This looks encouraging, as it zooms in, but eventually it shows a man with casual clothes on, a tall conical blue-with-yellow-stars hat on his head, and a rat on his shoulder, hard at work making a potion in a cauldron. Fox shakes his head, dismissing this one as well. "It's not normal for a single identity to be shared by two people, let alone three...wonder where that one even came from." He tries again to refine his search, and this time the view fades to a very staticy image, as if it were a TV getting very poor reception. A woman is barely visible near the center, the only distinguishable feature of her some brilliantly pink hair. "...That's more what I was expecting. All we should have to do now is wait a moment."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:51 pm

"Hmmm, ever done anything you regretted later on and wish you could do over again?" she asks both the stone and Fox, in a calm but concerned fashion.

Also watching the screen, "Is that her? Can she see us?"

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:08 pm

"I've made mistakes, sure, but messing with your own personal history is about the most dangerous thing you can try to do with time travel," says Fox, "At least from a self-preservation standpoint. Best-case you create a splintered-off version of yourself who may or may not agree with what you want to do, worst case you create a paradox bad enough to just plain destroy you. So I never used it for that."
His final wish intentionally did the paradox thing, but it was very carefully planned out to avoid as many other side-effects as possible.
"Anyway, that's her. The fuzz you're seeing is a privacy ward, and I don't doubt it's alerted her someone's watching. It also serves as a hint to anyone halfway competent at scrying that this is someone unwise to look in on. She's probably waiting to see if we take that hint before looking back at us." The figure, for the moment, seems to continue going about whatever business she's up to.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:29 am

"Understandable...", Goggles slowly nods.

Using her visual prowess, puzzling together the little pieces of visual material and layering them together, to render a more detailed image in her mind of what otherwise might be difficult form by all the static.
"What do you expect her to do to onlookers that don't get the hint? Do we need to prepare ourselves for a bombardment of light like when Raleigh started coloring earlier today?", she asks frowning and semi-preparing herself of a potential light burst.

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:09 pm

The woman in the image is tall, maybe taller than Fox is, with a generous figure. She has on a big, dark purple dress that contrasts sharply with the brilliant pink color of her hair. She seems to be standing in front of a desk shuffling papers in some kind of office, with a widescreen computer monitor off to the side. "I seriously doubt we have anything like that to worry about. The first thing she'd do is look back...probably already doing that by now--while pretending to still be doing what she was doing before, of course. On that note, I need to say some nonsense, so please excuse me." Fox starts carefully pronouncing a series of syllables which seem to have been selected from all manner of languages, like some very carefully practiced gibberish.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:27 pm

Goggles frowns, having no idea what Fox is doing right now, she begins to ask the wishing stone "Is he... talking in some kind of code language?"

The sleeping fox-girl in the room seems to be groaning a little, enough to grab Goggles's attention, as she sighs, "Well that looks rather upsetting... wonder what Raleigh is doing in there...."

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:30 pm

I'm not privy to this, actually. But knowing Wolf I assume this is a specially selected signal that only he and Lyra would know--or even know about--which would identify one of them to the other in case all other ways fail. You know, in case of an evil clone situation or one of them being very drastically changed or anything else like that. You can only use this sort of thing once and then you have to work out a whole new signal.

In a moment, the woman disappears from the image on screen, and at the same time a burst of pink sparkles appears next to Fox, looking ecstatic. "Wolf!" Without any further warning she tackle-hugs him to the ground, leaving the scrying mirror thing flipping around comically in the air. "You're alive! I didn't think I'd ever see you again!"
He gently returns the hug, just a little reluctantly. "Er..well, it's more complicated than that. I think technically I'm a new person with Wolf's memories."
"Pfft." She pulls him up to a sitting position, not releasing the hug. "That's just what you'd say. Close enough." She holds up her hand and makes the device, which has been flipping around in the air longer than should be physically possible, float gently to the ground like a feather. "I guess you can tell by now, but it worked. Everything worked. Well, I couldn't follow the instructions exactly to the letter, but..."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:18 am

"Hmm, I see... Have to hand it to him though, Wolf was pretty clever", she smiles a bit, thinking of clever master she once knew too.

Not feeling the urge to interrupt the happy reunion; giving her past, the thought of introducing herself didn't even appear in Goggles's mind.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:53 pm

He told me once that he tried to think carefully and rationally as he could to avoid giving in to what he considered his kind's instinct. I don't know that he ever had that instinct though, honestly.

Lyra continues her explanation: " know, everything went about pretty similarly to the journals. I decided to let people meet me instead of you rather than like pretend I was two people, when it came to situations where I needed to talk directly to someone. But I was pretty careful about that.."
"You're kind of rambling, you know." Fox smiles, despite the apparent criticism.
"Hm? Oh, yeah! Sorry about that. It's just that I didn't think I'd ever see you again!" Lyra pauses, looking around the room for the first time. First she notices the armor-girl: "Huh, I don't remember a sleep charm among the security here...don't I know that weapon?"
"..That was a very persistent armor, and...well, I thought if I used color energy to personify it it would be easier to reason with, but she actually wasn't..."
"Oh wow, you're already making new entities again? How long has this 'new you' been around, a month?"
"Less than a day still, I think."
"Heehee, you always did seem to leave a trail of new people in your wake. Like the polar opposite of a warrior-king." She finally notices Goggles at this point, and pops up onto her feet, darting over in her direction and offering a hand to shake. "Oh, hi! You're the Heir?" (Turning her head back to Fox) "Did you pick someone to be the Heir as soon as you came back?"
"...Inadvertently. I don't really have any objections, though."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:39 pm

Remembering she was a person now; Holding the sword in her right hand, Goggles offers her free left hand, before realizing it would be awkward shaking with the mirror-opposite-hand, she then switched the sword, holding the sword now in her left and then offers her right hand in return. "Uh... Hi, nice to meet you. What do you mean by 'the Heir'?" she asks giving both Lyra and Fox a puzzled look.

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:50 pm

Lyra shakes Goggles's hand lightly. "Well, you know, like literally any story where someone finds a sword stuck into something and pulls it out? Wolf set things up so whoever owns the sword and gets to the control system with it is the new owner of the house, and if you pulled it out then you own it. I took my stuff and anything else I wanted from here when I set up my own pocket dimension to come unstuck from time instead of getting retconned, so it's not like I have any stake in this place anymore."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:30 pm

Goggles giving an agitated look mostly towards Fox, "Uhh.. really..? I already have a hard time, with this whole 'ownership thing'.. It still feels weird to be 'the master' of my fellow objects and now you are saying I'm the Heir of your whole house?" She begins to sit down on the floor, and lays the sword next to her "Sorry this is a bit much to take in..."
Taking a moment to think this over, looking up to both Lyra and Fox "Can any of you maybe become the new-new Heir, I don't even know what I'd do with all this stuff"

Meanwhile the former-armor-fox-girl, begins to whimper soft no's, seems they are having a bad dream.

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